Texas Here I Come

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

Hi everybody. Tomorrow’s the big day. I’m getting on that airplane and flying to Texas. I’ve already asked my church family for prayers for the airplane and the pilot. I’m n-n-not really a n-n-n-ervous flyer. Honest. I mean I’ve already been on two airplane trips. That makes me practically an experienced traveler, doesn’t it? But prayers always help. No matter …

What Can You Buy With $5?

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

Another Wednesday. No tornado warnings this week although the weathermen are predicting snow this weekend. Spring will come. Eventually. I know it will. Those of you in the south are probably already enjoying the flowers and sunshine. I guess the longer we wait, the more we’ll appreciate spring here in Kentucky. I’ve been trying to figure out how to put …

The First Valentine

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

Hi, everybody. Hope you’re not too stuffed with chocolate candy after Valentine’s Day yesterday. Our preacher was telling us the origin of Valentine’s Day in church today. Br. Fred says that back many moons ago, around 268 A.D. in the Roman Empire, it was decided that men should not marry before they entered the Roman army. But a priest named …