Story Quotes from The Song of Sourwood Mountain

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 20 Comments

Sometimes things can get a little crazy when I’m working on a new book and doing things to get the word out about an upcoming release. Both things can be fun and exciting. Well, especially looking forward to having a new book out for readers. The work in progress can be a little more stressful when the words are being stubborn to get the story moving along.

But when the book is already written, wrapped in a beautiful cover, and waiting in the on deck circle to get its chance to move out there to find readers, that’s a great time for a writer. Some advanced copies of The Song of Sourwood Mountain have already gone out to reviewers. In a few weeks books will go out to some first readers.

So I’m giving you all a peek at some quotes pulled out of the book to grab a reader’s interest. My publishers put the quotes in some beautiful graphics and now I get to share them.  The top one is the first line in the book. This next one is a conversation between Mira and Miss Ophelia who was always ready to give plenty of advice to anyone she thought needed some words of wisdom whether they wanted them or not.

The one following is a quote from a little boy of six.

This next one is Mira. I hope the quotes show this story has some romance happening.

The last one is from Gordon. He is such a good guy. I like making the men in my books good guys. I did have a couple who were not quite so nice in my book, River to Redemption.  In fact, Logan was one of those bad boys you can’t help but like type, but usually my main male characters are men you’d like to know. Not quite sure how the guys in my work in progress are going to come along. But one thing I do know is that they both can dance. I had my people dancing at a ball in one other book, Words Spoken True. Maybe when I go back to the mountains for a new story, I’ll write in a country dance or two. Well, I think Granny Em talked about doing a jig in These Healing Hills.

So what do you think? Which quote did the best job of catching your interest?

You can check out the first chapter of The Song of Sourwood Mountain at Baker Book Publishing.

One last thing. Jan of Illinois won my newsletter book giveaway and chose These Healing Hills for her prize.

Another last thing. (I know that doesn’t make sense. You can only have one last thing, but…) I am working on my list of first readers for The Song of Sourwood Mountain. I need a few more readers willing to read the book when it is released in hopes that they will post reviews and tell others about the book if they like the story. I wanted to give those of you who check out my blog posts first chance to grab one of the books if  this is something you might like to do this. I know some of you have already let me know you can or cannot help with this book. Thank you so much for that.  I need about five more readers. Do you want to be one of those? First to offer will get the open spots. If you have been one of my early readers before and missed seeing the letter I sent out to you, check your email box or let me know if you still want to be on the list.