Cardinals – Messengers from Heaven

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 34 Comments

The northern cardinal symbolizes hope, life, and restoration.  That could be why when I sent out a recent newsletter asking readers to share their favorite bird, the cardinal was the runaway favorite. It also might have helped that it is the state bird for 5 states: Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia and West Virginia. Then there is that bright red plumage to catch your eye. Add to that how they stick around in the winter to cheer you up when everything is gray or perhaps white with snow and ice.

But perhaps one of the most cited reason cardinals are such favorites is the old folklore belief that you might have a visitor from heaven when you see a cardinal bird in your yard. “Cardinals appear when Angels are near” is a quote about this belief. Because of this longstanding belief many people feel that a cardinal sighting is a sign from a departed loved one or a visit from that departed one.  Whether you actually believe this is true or not, seeing a cardinal in your yard with this thought lingering in the back of your mind can give you peace, comfort, and the warmth of the memory of the love you shared. It can give you a spiritual boost, especially if you are going through hard times.

That leads me to a story shared with me by Kim. She gave me permission to share it forward to you in hopes that it might help someone else as it helped her. Her story did touch me and I’m sure it will you too.

Here’s what Kim wrote.

My favorite bird is the cardinal. I have a story about them that I’d love to share with you. 

I was in an abusive marriage for 11 years, and although there were times when I didn’t think I could bear it any longer, I was afraid to leave, because then I couldn’t protect my kids. (As a little aside, I’ll skip ahead to the happy ending: I finally got divorced, he got convicted of felony child abuse, we haven’t seen him in almost 7 years, and I have a wonderful boyfriend of almost 5 years who treats my girls and I like queens!) But back to the story. I had periods of severe depression caused by my circumstances, and I would pray, but then wonder if God even heard me. 

One day, my husband was going to check out a boat ramp and told me to come with him so I could help him launch. I’m afraid of boats due to an incident in my childhood, and also some trauma involving him and a kayak, so I was going to stay in the truck while he went down the river and did some scouting for an upcoming hunting trip he was planning. Everything went according to plan, except he was only supposed to be gone 15 minutes and he was gone two hours.

During that time, I sat and watched the river and felt my spirits sinking lower and lower. It was the middle of winter, and I was in the middle of nowhere. All I could see was miles and miles of dead brush and brown grass. I literally felt like I was at the end of all hope, and if it hadn’t been for my kids, I’m afraid that I might have thrown myself into the water and hoped to drown.

When he finally returned, he loaded up the boat and we started toward home. We drove around a corner, and I could see a HUGE spot of bright red just to the side of the road. I couldn’t imagine what it was, but it was the only color I had seen all day. When we got closer, I realized that it was a massive flock of cardinals. I had never seen so many birds in one spot, and immediately my soul was flooded with peace. My Granny always told me that cardinals were messengers from God, and when you saw one, it was a symbol of His love and the love of all of your loved ones who were waiting for you in Heaven. To see so many at once, and realize just how much God really loved me and how many people were waiting to see me again, made my eyes fill with tears.

I’ve never forgotten that day or how I felt, and every time I see a cardinal, it reminds me all over again.

Thank you, Kim, for sharing your story of how the Lord sent you that message of hope and love.

I know all of you are as happy as I am that Kim has a happy ongoing ending to her story, but what a gift for her at the exact time she needed it the most. The Lord blesses His children and never forgets them. Those cardinals were definitely messengers from heaven.

Have you ever heard that old belief that cardinals are angels from heaven?

P.S. If you leave a new comment here, you will get your name in the drawing on Wednesday for a copy of my book, Love Comes Home. Check my last post for more info.

Comments 34

  1. Cardinals are my very favorite bird and I always loved feeding them in the Winter snow when we lived in Illinois. One day I had 18 of them eating from the snow covered ground of safflower and sunflower seeds. It was a sight to remember.

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  2. Thanks so much for this story. I have a candle with a cardinal on it that has this message. It is such a comfort & a wonderful reminder that God’s angels & our loved ones are near.

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  3. Thank you for sharing my story, and I pray that it shows how much God loves us and wants us to feel that love. He has certainly blessed my family and I in so many ways, and He’s been there in the hard times, working behind the scenes to bring good out of the bad. I know I wouldn’t be where I am today without Him. It’s hard sometimes to tell my story of abuse, and it does still cause some pain, but if I can make just one person stop and take a look at the warning signs in their relationship, and make them realize that they don’t have to live like that, it will all be worth it. I keep a close eye on the young people in my life, and talk to them about what a healthy relationship should look like, and what to watch out for. I pray that everyone else does the same, and maybe we can end domestic violence for good.

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      It’s so courageous for you to tell your story in hopes that it will help others, Kim. Thank you for that. Some of us who have never been in that sort of situation need to be aware of the signs for those in our family, especially our young people.

      I’m so glad you continually felt the Lord’s love and help as you managed to completely change your situation.

      Thank you again for sharing your story and the reasons that you did.

  4. Yes, I’ve heard it. I have cardinals everyday at my feeder. They are beautiful especially on snow laden branches. Blessings

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      Cardinal do love those of who feed the birds like you, Lucy, and me and all those others who enjoy seeing the birds in their yards. I just hope the bears stay away since in state where bears are more numerous, they have to take down the feeders because the bears think the seeds are for them!

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  5. Yes, I have heard this many of times My daughter tells me all the time when we see the cardinals out front of our house She says, Mom that is Dad visiting us today from heaven!

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      How very sweet, Sarah. The best thing about the old saying is that whether you actually believe it or not, it does make you remember that loved one. Sounds as if it is definitely a comfort to your daughter and you.

  6. I have heard that about Cardinals and even know some people who believe certain lost loved ones are visiting them. They are a beautiful bird especially in the winter against the snow. I took a picture during one of our snows this winter that looks very close to the one you have at the top of your post of a Cardinal sitting in our apple tree with the snow surrounding it. I am not sure I could pick a favorite bird though, because they are all amazing and beautiful in their own ways. The story Kim shared is powerful and shows how the Lord can send us messages in so many ways that help us feel His peace and love and I am so glad that she is out of that abusive situation and is feeling the love of God surrounding her as she and her daughters live a much happier life now.

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      There is something especially beautiful about a cardinal sitting in a snowy tree, Hope. I think this picture is icy instead of snow. We did have a terrible ice storm that year.

      Kim’s story was powerful and I was glad she was okay with me sharing it with my readers here. She just left a comment with her reasons for doing so. I admire her courage and fortitude in breaking out of the bad situation and finding a better life.

  7. I never thought much in the “cardinals are a sign from God” until Christmas of 2020. In 8 months we lost my mom to illness and my Irish twin brother unexpectedly due to an accident. It was a tough Christmas morning for me, until I looked out our window and for the first time ever saw two cardinals, one male, one female, and I had a sense of peace I had not had since my brother died. Now I completely believe they are a sign and look for them every year.

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      Oh, Barb, that is so good that the birds showed up to bring you comfort. That had to be an extremely difficult time for you. At Christmas we feel the loss of our loved ones in a deep way because of how we feel Christmas is a time for family.

      I just shared with Lee how a little titmouse hovering around my office window after my mom died was a comfort to me. I just felt it was a message of love from her. She did love birds and passed on that love to me.

  8. That saying is a new one on me. Never heard it before but I can see why it came about. Thank you to Kim for sharing her story. I’m glad Kim has a happy life now.

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      I think I had come across the saying before, but I never paid that much attention to it. Then it was mentioned so much by those who responded to my newsletter with their favorite bird. So, I checked it out online.

      I did find comfort in a little titmouse coming to visit my office window over and over after my mother died. Somehow I felt it was a message of love from her.

  9. Yes, I’ve heard that about Cardinals. 😀

    What a beautiful story and testament of God’s love. We oftentimes receive messages at exactly the perfect time.

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      You are so right that we do often get those messages of love at the right times, Nic. And sometimes we are the voices, the feet and the hands to deliver the help and love another person needs.

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  10. I heard that before too. I have a friend that posted a picture she had taken. It was a bunch of bushes full of cardinals! I think I counted 26 or more. So beautiful! And she had many go to heaven too. So if true, the whole bunch of them came to visit!

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      I’ve had ten or twelve males and females at my birdfeeders when there is a deep snow, Shari, but I’ve never seen the whole flocks like your friend did and Kim did in her experience. The Lord can use so many things to comfort us.

  11. I have not heard that saying before reading your email! They are beautiful birds, but bluebirds are still my favorite! I’m thankful Kim’s story has a good ending!
    Betsy Fuzy

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      Bluebirds were picked as favorite by some of those who responded to my newsletter, Betsy. I’m hoping the bluebird theme in my upcoming release will be something you like since they are favorites of yours.

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      I may have heard the folklore about cardinals sometime in the past, Dana, but I really didn’t think about it until so many of those who responded for my newsletter mentioned it as a reason they chose cardinals as their favorite birds.

  12. I’ve heard that legend many times and, although I don’t believe they are visitors from Heaven, I do believe that the Lord speaks to us in many ways. Sending the beautiful birds to remind us He cares for us “more than the sparrows” is another sign of how much He loves us!

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  13. I love watching the birds. There have been a lot of cardinals at our feeder lately. Interesting that my Mama went to Heaven on Feb. 5, 2013 and around that date this year, the cardinals came to the feeders. Have a blessed week! 🙂

    1. Post

      Whether you actually believe the cardinal in your yard are messengers from heaven, Melissa, it can lift your spirits and help you remember those loved ones you miss anyway. That’s to the good.

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