Writing Past and Present

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 38 Comments

January is speeding along. I’m struggling along, not nearly as quickly, trying to get going on my work in progress. The words are being extra stubborn until I’m wondering if I have a story or at least if I’ve come up with the right ideas. Sigh. I know the solution. After all, I’ve written dozens of books. Dozens of them. A lot of them have even been published. Some of you have read them and encouraged me with your kind words. Thank you so much for that.

Back in 2008 when I started my online One Writer’s Journal, the third post I wrote was “The Different Types of Books I’ve Written.” That was while I was working on edits for my first Shaker novel, The Outsider. Since then I have written even more different types of novels.

So let’s go back in time and take a look at the past in my writing life.

January 2008

January is speeding along. I’m busy working on edits for my novel, The Outsider, that is scheduled for publication in August. It’s a bit of a departure from my Hollyhill books and is more the traditional historical romance. My Hollyhill books are family dramas with lots of different characters while in The Outsider the story centers around the heroine and hero in the book.

I’ve written lots of different books. The first book I wrote way back when was a Gothic. It never saw the light of day because gothics were going out of style before I got it off to an agent. I hadn’t noticed that in my little corner of the world, and really I was too young to know I needed to pay attention to market demands. I may still be too young. Well, I can’t say actually young although I still feel young most of the time. Except after I’ve run after the grandkids all day. Just saying I have grandkids proves I’m not so young. Right? But grandkids are worth having a few gray hairs and aching joints.

But back to the different kinds of books I’ve written. After the gothic, I tried historical romance and published a couple of those. I enjoyed the historical romance genre and might have stuck to writing those if the editors had cooperated. So then I tried young adult novels. Published eleven of those for young adults and middle readers. Really enjoyed writing those too. It’s fun getting fan letters from readers just discovering the magic of books.

But alas, the editors stopped cooperating again. I wrote a couple of mysteries. Tried some other things, but then decided to do as the writing experts say and write what I knew. And that was small town country life. So I came up with Jocie and her family and friends and now I’m enjoying writing these family stories where people live and love, laugh and cry, and do their best to be the kind of person the Lord wants them to be.

That’s sort of me. I’m just trying to write the best stories I can and hoping people will be glad they picked up my books to read. And of course, I’m a work in progress as a Christian as all of us are.

Back to 2024

That’s what I wrote then. Since 2008, I’ve published many more novels. Seven more Shaker novels followed up The Outsider. One of them was a Christmas novel, Christmas at Harmony Hill. The Rosey Corner stories were more family stories as I followed the Merritt sisters through some ups and downs in their little community during the Great Depression and on through World War II. I wrote those three Hidden Springs mysteries that many of you have enjoyed. I keep thinking I will someday let Michael solve at least one more murder mystery in the little town of Hidden Springs. I’ve written a number of stand alone novels with a mixture of history, romance, and maybe a little mystery or suspense from time to time. Certainly that was true in my recent book, In the Shadow of the River.

I’ve loved my characters, even the bad guys. Uh, maybe not actually loved those bad guys, but appreciated them coming to life to add conflict to my stories. I’ve gone to the Appalachian Mountains for some stories and hope to return for more. Love those mountain characters and hoping you all will like the new people I introduce in my upcoming May release, The Song of Sourwood Mountain.

Meanwhile I need to find words for this new story I’m trying to dig out of my head. The truth is that no matter how many books I’ve written, I always wonder if the magic will happen again and the story will spill out or be tugged out onto the paper one more time.

Thanks so much to all of you who have encouraged me so much through the years. I love having you as reading friends.

Since we are at the beginning of a new year, I have some questions for you about my online journal.

What kind of posts that I write do you most enjoy?

Do you like reading two posts a week or is that too many? 

Do you like for me to respond to your comments?

Are the book giveaway contests/games fun?

Answer any of them or none of them, but I always enjoy hearing what you think. And since I am poking you with questions, I’ll do a giveaway and will pick a winner to have the choice of one of my books from those who respond. Rules are the same as usual. You have to be at least 18 years old and you enter by leaving a comment here. This is a fast one. Deadline for entries is midnight EST January 16, 2024. I’ll announce the winner next Wednesday.


Comments 38

  1. Ann I thought I truly loved mysteries but your books have taken me places I never thought I wanted to go. I did not think I would like your Shaker books but I loved them; I have not read a book of yours that you have not brought to life in my mind and couldn’t wait to finish to see how they turned out.
    I love your posts, I don’t think you can write too many but I do realize your time is limited with everything else you do. I’ll keep reading one, two or whatever you want to write and enjoy them.
    I really enjoy that you answer when we respond. Your taking the time to respond really touches me and I appreciate it every time.
    Good luck with the new book; I can’t wait to read it! I will continue to read your posts and I do love the give aways. I won once and was tickled pink!!

    1. Post

      Always fun to see your comments, Pamela. And I really appreciate that you gave my historical books a try even though you are a mystery lover. I like mysteries too but I also like historicals and… Well, I like any book that’s well written and keeps me turning pages. I love it when readers think my books are like that.

      The Shaker books were a little different, but I enjoyed getting to know my characters and figuring out how to sneak a little romance into a Shaker story.

      Thank you for reading my words.

    1. Post
  2. Ann, I have loved all your books. Sorry about the writers block! Do you have to meet a deadline every book? Once a week is good with me for your blog. The contest are always good but I have most all your books anyway. I like to share them and keep one in good shape. Also I have gotten used to e-books. Never thought I would say that! Saying a prayer for continued success in writing

    1. Post

      So glad you’ve enjoyed my stories, Janice. I’m not sure I have writer’s block or maybe if I do, I just don’t want to admit it. That could be. I do hope to have a much better writing time the next few weeks to get me deeper into my story.

      I’m glad you enjoy the giveaways, and even if you already have my books, you can always have fun giving one you might win to a reading friend or a library.

      I was like you about e-books, and I read them all the time now. I still like the paper books too. And now I’m increasing my reading by listening to audio books. When my hands are busy or I’m walking, I can do some active reading.

      Thank you so much for your prayer for my writing.

  3. I’ve been seeing your posts on FB for just a couple of months now. I like them all but especially love reading about farm life and your writing experiences. The photos are very interesting, too. That you find the time to post so frequently and answer so many comments is truly amazing but so appreciated. Just don’t wear yourself to a frazzle!

    I’ve rarely entered contests of any kind but am entering this one as I would love to be lucky enough to receive one of your books. I’m trying to replace books that I lost due to extensive water damage to my condo from a fire in my building. I’ve gotten quite a few good used copies at reasonable prices through Baker Book House but not all titles are available. Fortunately they do get additional inventory from time to time.

    1. Post

      So sorry you had that water damage to your things, Karen. That had to be a difficult experience.

      I love talking to readers and so enjoy responding to comments. I hope you’ll keep enjoying my posts, and I hope I don’t wear myself to a frazzle. I think that’s what my dog, Frankie, has in mind sometime. He’s one of those dogs that always wants to be on the other side of the door. Keeps me moving, I guess.

  4. The Outsider was the first book of yours that I read and so glad I found it. I don’t remember what year that was but then I had to catch up and read all of the shaker books and I have read all of the historical fiction ones as soon as they came out. I have not read the Rosey Corner, Hollyhill or the mystery series books. But maybe one day. Enjoy your posts and always look to see if you respond. That makes it nice to see that you care what your readers have to say. The games make it fun.

    1. Post

      Oh, you should give my family stories a try, Janice. And the Rosey Corner books are historical as well. A lot about WW I in Angel Sister. And the Heart of Hollyhill books might make you smile and be invested in my Brooke family. Jocie was a great viewpoint character. I enjoy writing from a young person’s viewpoint.

      But I’m really glad you enjoyed the Shaker stories and discovered my books after reading The Outsider. And glad you enjoy stopping by here at One Writer’s Journal . Very appreciated.

  5. I enjoy all your posts, the variety is fun to read. How many you post should be your choice, maybe depending on the time that you have. The contests are fun, I enjoy them and I like hearing what you say when you respond to a post.

    1. Post

      I’m glad you like variety, Connie, because I’d never be able to come up withi so many posts on a same subject. This post is my 1,825th one. That’s a lot of post ideas and words.

      I’m considering whether I want to just do one post a week, but haven’t made up my mind about that yet.

  6. I love pictures of your dogs, and old pictures of you and your family. I like when you respond to my emails. I love any kind of contest, especially guess the picture! Thanks for all you do! 💙

    1. Post

      Thanks for the response, Karen. I’m glad you like seeing my dog pictures. Frankie and Marley make good subjects although Marley is better about posing than Frankie who has a hard time sitting still while I try to focus in on him. He’s a bundle of energy.

      I’ll put on my thinking hat and come up withi another contest soon.

  7. I love when you share about your writing. And I so appreciate your honesty, because I feel like I scrape and claw my way to each story idea. I’ve had so much loss this past year that I’ve struggled to finish the story I’ve been working on. I did finish it, but I’m still editing it now. And I adore responses to my comments. It makes me feel seen. And giveaways are always fun. ❤️

    1. Post

      Hey, Shelli. So fun to see your comment here. I have that time of grubbing the words out of my head for a story nearly every time I write a book at least sometime before I get the story written. The only book I’ve written like my fingers were on fire on the keyboard was the nonfiction book I wrote about a friend’s life testimony, Angels at the Crossroads. That was a book I wasn’t sure I’d even be able to write since I hadn’t tried anything like that before. But I guess the Lord helped me come up with those words for that powerful story of second chances.

      I’m sorry you’ve had a hard year, but glad to hear that you persevered and finished your story. Way to go!

  8. First, I feel you don’t need to comment on each comment. That just isn’t feasible. You are doing well as you are.

    A couple times a week, sometimes more, sounds good for posts. I can’t think of a thing that you should change.

    1. Post
  9. I enjoy reading your posts about your daily life, your family and your pets, and your walks around your property here in Kentucky. I feel as if I am getting an opportunity to know you as a very special Christian friend. (I’ve actually had the privilege of meeting you face-to-face at two different book events in Columbia, KY.) On the occasions when you have written a personal comment back to me, I have felt especially blessed. However, I think that trying to get out two posts a week puts too much extra strain on you, in addition to all of the other writing and correspondence you do.

    I do love games, contests, and book giveaways — and I’ve even won a book from you once!

    1. Post

      I have considered changing to one post a week, Roberta, but every time I think about it, I keep coming up with two posts a week. I am a creature of habit. Of course, for a while I was doing one a week as Jocie for her Heart of Hollyhill blog. I do one for her occasionally now, but don’t let her report from Hollyhill every week.

      Of course, I remember meeting you and your husband in Columbia. That was a fun day of books and talk.

  10. I enjoy your blogs and getting to know more about how you come about your novels. It’s nice to also learn more about you and your world too.
    I’ve always thought the Rosy Corner books would make a great tv series.
    I’d love to have more Jocie, stories.

    1. Post

      Wouldn’t it be fun to see a Rosey Corner tv series, Julie? That makes me smile, but I doubt it ever happens. I liked those Rosey Corner people and the ones in Hollyhill too. The Hidden Springs people were great to get to know too. Betty Jean in the sheriff’s office was always fun to get talking in my Hidden Springs mysteries.

  11. Two is great with me as long as you want to post but don’t let it away from your writing or from your personal life (or your own time reading even it’s only 10 minutes before you go to bed, etc.). And I like the occasional author giveaway. It’s always a nice surprise.

    1. Post

      Great that you’re okay with two posts a week, but that you are very understanding if that’s too much to keep going. I have done two a week since I started blogging in 2008. So that’s a lot of posts. Lately I’ve been goingi back to some of the long ago posts and retooling them a bit before resharing them. When I was getting started blogging I doubt that I had many readers. Not sure how many I have now, but I appreciate every one. Thank you for your comment.

  12. I read the blog posts when I can. I do not read them twice a week, it mostly depends on my health. I love that you write different kinds of stories. I absolutely loved your last book. It was incredibly unique! Book giveaways are always fun, and I generally enjoy personal posts that are life struggles so many of us have.

    1. Post

      Thanks, Rachael, for sharing your thoughts. I’m so glad you enjoyed my showboat story, In the Shadow of the River. I had fun doing the research for the history of those showboats. Found out many things I didn’t know before.

  13. I love all of your posts! Yes, yes and yes to your questions. And I love to read what others respond too. It makes us all feel like family, I think.

    1. Post

      I love those yes answers, Lavon. (I wrote yeses, but that word looks too weird. So I edited. LOL.)

      And I do like it when you all who regularly leave comments here begin to talk to one another. We can be a community of readers.

  14. I love all of the things that you do and how responsive you are to all of your readers. You truly feel like a friend. I think that is why you write such great stories that pull us in, because you care about people and are able to connect with them. Thank you for all you do and for caring about your readers.

    1. Post

      Great, Hope. Always, always fun to see your comments here and on social media. I do think of you all as my friends and appreciate your encouragement and prayers. I’m needing those prayers for this story although the last couple of writing days have felt a little more hopeful that I will find a story. I need to fall a little more in love with my main characters.

    1. Post

      Dana, I appreciate every comment. Glad you think the posts aren’t too many. I do enjoy giving away books. I read once that an author giving away one of his or her books was their best advertisement. Not sure if that’s true, but I gave away a bunch of books last year. Hope that helped me pick up some new readers.

  15. I like reading all your posts. Two posts a week are good, whatever works for you. I like reading your comments. Yes, the book giveaway contests/games are a lot of fun.

    1. Post

      Thanks, Diana. Knowing you like to read my this and that posts makes them more fun to write. And I love it when you comment. Maybe we can do a photo caption game soon. Or once I did a poetry game. Can’t remember how that one went over. 🙂

  16. Ann,
    I love reading your posts. Two posts a week are fine. I think it is nice that you respond to comments. It shows that you care. I really enjoy your book giveaways , contests and games.

    1. Post
  17. I love your posts and enjoy reading them regardless of the topic. I make time to read them at a point when I’m not really busy even if it’s not on the very day you sent them. If you’re needing more time to write your book(s), one post a week is fine with me, or twice a month–whatever works best for you.

    I love hearing back from you after I’ve commented, and I love the contests. I pray that the Lord will inspire you in your writing, continuing to make writing books a joy and a ministry for you.

    1. Post

      I appreciate your considerations, Suzanne, about the best use of my time. I enjoy journal writing. As I’ve shared in other posts here, I’ve been writing in a journal since I was a young teen. This blog journal is different from my private journaling, but I still enjoy it. I’m just more careful to be upbeat and not whine as I sometimes did in those private journals when my writing wasn’t going well. Now I want to write more entertaining words and stay away from the whining.
      I appreciate you taking time to read my posts whenever you have time to do so.

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