3 Question Interview

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 6 Comments

I did this three question interview a few years ago. Not to post here on One Writer’s Journal, but as a guest on a different blog to see if I could tempt  some new readers into giving my new book at the time, River to Redemption a try. The interview was a little different from most. Just three short questions and none of them asked anything about the book, which was mentioned in the bloggers introduction to my post. I apologize to the blogger, but I didn’t make a note of the link to that interview at the time. I do remember that a writer friend asked me to do the interview. It’s a blessing to have writer friends. It’s even more of a blessing to have reading friends.

Anyway, the mention was enough and who knows? It might have encouraged one of their blog followers to check out the book – if I sounded like an interesting enough person. But writers don’t need to be all that interesting. They simply need to make up interesting stories.

I’m writing a new story now that I hope will be interesting enough to get some readers to go down the story road with me. However, right now in these early stages, I’m struggling with the characters and the setting and the plot. Well, not the setting so much, but perhaps where to launch the story. How to add more action. More conflict. I’m not sure I’ve found the right direction, but because I’ve been here before with other of my stories, I keep typing words that turn into sentences, sentences that turn into paragraphs, and paragraph that become chapters. Enough chapters and I wll have a new book that I can then see if I can rewrite or edit to improve the story.

Meanwhile, I came across this three question interview and decided to share it with you.

Three Questions Wednesday Interview

Can you describe yourself in three words?

Country. Storyteller. Blessed.

Someone offers you a fully-paid writing research trip to any place you desire to go. Where would it be and why?

Oh wow, I think I should write a story about Hawaii, but hmm, I don’t know much about volcanoes and might not want to find out more firsthand. I could go to Scotland. Those Scottish heroes are always so handsome and manly. Or I could tour Texas. In a state that big I should be able to find enough story ideas to last me forever.

But I really like writing stories with Kentucky history and settings. It would be a waste to take a fully paid research trip to Kentucky, but it might be fun. However, I feel like I need to go somewhere more exotic. So, I’m going to Australia. Maybe a ranch in Australia. Do they call them ranches? See, I need to do research. I do know Australia has some great history and if I go there I’ll find out about the climate and take scads of pictures and surely find a story somewhere. So, mates, let’s pack up and head for the Outback.

If someone made a movie of your life, what would be the theme song?

“I Was Country When Country Wasn’t Cool”

But I really doubt anybody would ever want to make a movie of my life unless they wanted to market it as a sleep aide. I’m blessed that there wouldn’t be enough drama in my life to keep folks from yawning. Then again with a little fictional finesse, most any life can be turned into an interesting saga, right? I did marry young and was a teenage mom. I grew up on a farm and was a farmwife. I’ve had lots of dog friends and some strange encounters with cows. Maybe I should focus on the dog theme and come up with another blockbuster, tearjerker dog story movie. With, of course, that fictional finesse to make everything just a bit more intriguing to the movie-goer.

So, there are the three questions and my answers. Even though I did this interview several years ago, the answers would be much the same if I were doing it fresh tonight. I like doing interviews online, but generally the interviewers are more interested in my book people than in me. And that’s good. I’m sure I could come up with more interesting answers for my characters.

Consider one of my main characters in my upcoming release in May. If you asked her to describe herself in three words, here is what she might say at the beginning of the story. “Teacher. Spinster. Lonely.

When I do a book talk, I always like the Q & A part at the end of my talk the best. When readers ask questions, whether about my books or about me, it brings up things I would have never thought to share. So…

What question would you like to ask me or any other author?


Comments 6

  1. What a great imagination you have to be able to come up with different ideas for one story after another. I admire that very much and I’m glad to reap the benefits to get to read your stories.

    No questions, just an observation.

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  2. I’m excited about this new character coming up.
    My question is… which one of your books would you like to see made into a movie or tv show? I think your Rosey Corner books would be great as a new tv show, sort of like Little House or The Waltons. We need better shows, like the good ole days. But then again, I’m always disappointed with the way hollywood butchers good books.

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      Well, wouldn’t it be exciting to see my Merritt sisters on television, Lavon? Or in a movie. Someone in the know told me once that my books were too complicated to become a tv movie. That those had to have one main thread of story and mine sometimes had several offshoots, but that sounds fine for a tv series, doesn’t it?

      I never read the Little House stories, but wonder if readers thought the television shows butchered those.

      If I had to chose one book or series for a favorite for a tv show, I’m not sure which I would pick. The latest, In the Shadow of the River might be fun with the plays and the showboat. These Healing Hills might be good because wouldn’t it be neat to see an actress portray Granny Em. Then somebody playing Perdita Sweet in Along a Storied Trail would be fun too. But the Rosey Corner books or the Heart of Hollyhill books of even the Hidden Springs Mysteries would be easy to imagine as television shows. If I could ever imagine anybody thinking my stories could be on television.

  3. I just want to read your new release in May based on the 3 words that describe one of the main characters!!!! I’m intrigued.

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