Top Ten List of Christmas Joys and a Giveaway Chance

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 44 Comments

Do you like to make lists? At Christmas, I go a little overboard making lists. I make lists of those I want to give gifts. Then, I make lists of the gifts I’ve bought for them. I even make lists of the presents I’ve wrapped. When you have nine grandkids, a few grandkids in love, three kids and their beautiful partners in love and… well, there are always things to list. These two sweeties were my first two babies and make my list of blessings for sure.

I also make book lists since I always give all my kids and grandkids books. I asked one of the boyfriends who will be here when we celebrate Christmas if he ever read books. Sadly, he shook his head. I don’t think he was sad, but I was. I told him I needed to buy him a book, but he was definitely not excited about getting that present. My twin grandsons are probably the same way, but they’ve never actually told me that. They still get books. They probably have a stack of grandma’s book presents that have never had the first page read. But, at least, I helped some authors out by buying their books.

Back to the idea of lists. People are always doing lists. Most of the lists I do are about things I need to do or remember. Chores-to-do lists. Grocery lists. Christmas card lists. Gift ideas lists. Birthday lists.  So, why not a ten joyful things about Christmas.

I first did this list on One Writer’s Journal in 2009, but here’s an updated version.

10. Doing book giveaways. One of the fun things about writing books is sometimes giving them away. You all are so good to read my words here that I want to give you a chance to be on my gift list. So, I’m doing a Christmas giveaway just for all of you. I’ll pick a winner each weekend until 2024. (Wow, doesn’t that sound like into the future?) This is and extra busy time of the year, but don’t worry. I’ll give the winners I pick each week extra time to pick a prize book. To enter, a comment here is all it takes. The first winner won’t be eligible for the other two weeks, but I’ll still love seeing your comments. Everybody else’s name will stay in the drawing. And as always, a comment on a new post means an extra entry. Deadline for all entries is midnight EST Friday, December 29, 2023.  Now on to the rest of the list.

9. Christmas lights decorating everybody’s houses and yards. Everybody’s but mine. People going by might be able to see the lights of my Christmas tree through the window, but I’ve never strung lights up on the eaves. I know I’d be one of those people who didn’t get them taken down until June or something. Actually, I did string lights on a pine tree once, but I bought lights with a white cord. It looked awful. I am not a gifted decorator. Thank goodness those Christmas decorating elves showed up last night to get my inside tree up and decorated. Yay!

8. Shopping. I can’t believe I said that. I hate to shop–except for books. Maybe that’s why I want to give all my kids and grandkids books, so I can look at new and old books and see all those wonderful stories out there. So far, I haven’t bought a book for myself, but I did discover I bought a copy of a book that I already had downloaded on my Kindle. I can give that one away and enjoy the ebook myself and I am enjoying it.

7. Cookies and punch and all that sweet stuff. I miss my mom when I think about this listed item. She always made crackerjacks and six or seven types of candy at Christmas. I used to make the candy and crackerjacks too, but then I ended up eating most of it. Not good for the waistline. Now I make cookies and a little candy. My daughter is making crackerjacks this year and one of my daughters-in-law makes all kinds of delicious candy. I will make the orange sherbert punch. We’re had that punch at Christmas ever since I can remember. My aunt used to let me help her make it, and I inherited her punchbowl. That punch just tastes like Christmas to me.

6. Gifts. I like giving gifts, and it can be fun getting gifts too. The gifts don’t have to be expensive to be fun. The best gifts are those that show the person really thought about what you might like. That leaves out those books I get for some of the grandkids. I guess that’s part of my Christmas fun, not necessarily theirs. Thank goodness, most of my grandkids do enjoy getting books.

5. The Christmas Spirit. That’s the feeling that has us pitching in our change or a few dollars every time we hear the Salvation Army kettle bell. That’s the feeling that keeps us smiling while we’re standing in long lines at the stores and exchanging holiday pleasantries with the strangers behind us. That’s the feeling that keeps us remembering the true meaning of Christmas.

4. Candlelight Services. We have a great candlelight service at our church way out in the country. We used to turn out all the lights so it would be really dark. Then our pastor would light the one candle that represents Jesus bringing light into the world. We each then lit our candles from the Lord’s candle to take His light out into the world. We have the event in our fellowship hall now and while we turn off the lights, some light from the security light outside filters in the windows. But it’s still a meaningful and beautiful service.

3. Gathering with family and friends. Christmas is a great time for family visits. In our family, we feast on great food, laugh at old stories and tighten up those family ties that bind us together.

2. The excited sparkle in children’s eyes. The anticipation of waiting for Christmas morn as kids put out cookies for Santa and reindeer food for Rudolph, Donder and Blitzen and the rest. It is so much fun watching the little ones experience the joy to Christmas.

1. Hearing the Christmas story read out of the Bible. Those Bible verses that have been read countless times over the years and that I have heard almost every year of my life still sound fresh and joyful every time I hear them read. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”

Oh, and that reminds me of how I love singing the old Christmas carols too.  “Joy to the World” is a favorite of mine and one I did a post on in 2021. Here’s the link if you want to read it.

I’m sure I overlooked some other things too, but these are ten (well, eleven) things I love about Christmas.

How about you? Share one or several of the favorite things you love about Christmas and that will get you an entry in my December book giveaway.

Oh, and if you are still thinking about a book for Christmas, you might try my In the Shadow of the River. The red cover fits right in with Christmas colors. 🙂

Comments 44

  1. Christmas has always been the anticipated holiday that takes forever to get here- then it’s gone in a flash. It leaves the memories of wishing for snow, wondering who will show up with a plate of homemade goodies, and above all- rejoicing for Jesus is born!

    1. Post

      Love your Christmas thoughts, Debra. Christmas did take a while to get here when I was a kid, but it seems to zoom here now when I have to get everything ready for the family visit. But new memories are made every year.

  2. Our parents and grandparents always celebrated on Christmas Eve, great food and fellowship. Now that we’re all grown with families of our own we have continued that tradition and I look forward to it all year!

  3. I love many things about Christmas, but among my favorites is sharing memories with family. Sitting around talking, laughing and yes, even shedding a few tears, while remembering. It’s the best of times.

  4. One of my favorite things about Christmas is the music. I love hearing and singing Christmas carols. And hearing selections from Handel’s Messiah.

  5. I enjoy the candle light service🕯at church. The candles glowing🕯showing our Saviors light came into the world. Back home from the service, I love reflecting on what happened on this special night🌃, and everything that took place.
    And Christmas day my son and his family🧑‍🎄🧑‍🎄 are here for breakfast. I got my grandchildren later in life, one is 2½, one is 5mo. What a blessing and joy they are. Then we open 🎁 and head to my sisters in town to celebrate with my extended family there. My husband’s family don’t get together, but they drop by before we leave for my sister’s.
    And I have list. Getting older I have to in order to make sure everything is covered. I give books to my sisters, sister in law and a couple of nieces I know who loves to read. I also make sure my two granddaughters gets books.
    I didn’t get my decorations up until this weekend so I’ll keep them up for a while.🎄⛄️ I like sitting on the couch in the Dark with the lights glowing,🎄 just enjoying the time, the beauty of the lights, and think about Jesus,⭐️and how thankful I am to be raised by Christian parents and grandparents.
    Sorry I’m so long-winded. It’s hard for me to tell about my Christmas in a few lines.
    Merry Christmas to all of you. My Jesus shine in your hearts as you tell others about Him, and the real meaning of Christmas 🎄
    Oh and we are hoping for snow, but in Va we rarely have it. 🌨❄️☃️

    1. Post

      Lovely, Joy. Thanks for sharing your Christmas favorites. Sounds like a wonderful way to enjoy Christmas and to focus on the true meaning of the holiday.

      And lucky you, having those sweet babies to enjoy. Grandkids are the best.

  6. My husband teases me that I probably have a list of my lists. I don’t, but hey, not a terrible idea. And I’m a book giver for sure (my grandchildren ALWAYS get books along with a little something else as well) and they’ve come to expect it. I think they’re as excited to see what I’ve chosen for them as I am about shopping for that perfect book. As far as getting a book gift, what’s not to love! But my favorite part of Christmas is Christmas Eve church services. The dimmed lights, candles, the smell of winter greenery, the nativity scene, carols (specifically The Candlelight Carol) and the heartfelt love of family and friends as we gather. ❤️

    1. Post

      Lists of lists? Maybe I should try that, Margarent. I’m glad your grandchilren love getting books from you. I have a couple of boys who don’t have much interest in the books I give them. Hard to find a perfect one for them. They much prefer their electronic devices.

      Christmas Eve services do help us focus on the Reason for the season.

  7. I love how Christmas is a season and not just a day- I love the preparation and focus that comes with Advent and Christ coming for us!

    I love the music, lights, decorations and movies. Love all the Christmas festivities. I especially enjoy making Christmas cookies with my mom, and getting together with family and friends!

  8. I am a list maker also and I have a notebook for my list. I love the Christmas plays at our church or other churches in our small mountain community. I put a huge star made out of tobacco sticks my husband’s grandfather made.

  9. We make Christmas cookies. There is also a street near us where the houses go all out on decorating outside. We went there last year with my brother and his family who were visiting us then.

  10. I love making lists too.
    Grocery lists, my to do list,
    gift list and Christmas card list.
    I enjoy having my family at my house for Christmas.
    This year we are doing brunch.

  11. I loved getting books from my Grandma, and I still have them, All of The Bobbsey Twins, and Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates. I still love getting books and would love to give them but my kids aren’t avid readers
    ,so we just tell our own stories and they sort of snicker at my olden days ones.

  12. I enjoy reminiscing about Christmas when we get the decorations out each year. I like sharing my stories of Christmas and hearing my husbands stories. It is fun to listen to what my now adult children remember about Christmas.

  13. Memories of my parents preparing to take fruit baskets to all the shut-ins. Mom would buy all kinds of fruit and nuts and make a pleasing arrangement wrapped in cellophane and off we’d all go, caroling at each home we left one at. It’s a tradition that I try to continue even on a small scale.

  14. I love everything about Christmas. I love and appreciate the true meaning of Christmas. Christ came, lived and died for us. So that we may have a home in Heaven.
    I also love the fun of decorating for Christmas, the joy of picking out just the right gifts for each person on my list and the excitement of Christmas mornings.I love the taking turns opening presents when our kids and grandkids are all over here on Christmas night.
    I love the happiness that seems to be in the air as Christmas nears. I could go on and on but it’s safe to say…
    I just love Christmas! 🌲❄️🌲🦌🌲

    1. Post

      This has to be a favorite time of the year for you, Lisa. I like many of the same things as you about Christmas except I’m not much of a decorator. I always love it when everyone takes turns opening their presents. To shorten it at my house, since some family members got impatient with how long it took, we let two go at a time, starting with the youngest ones and ending with the old granny and grandpa. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

  15. I remember getting books for Christmas from both sets of grandparents and my parents. I’ve tried carrying on the tradition with my kids. Just being with your loved ones on Christmas and remembering what Christmas is truly about.

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