So Many Reasons to Be Thankful

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 12 Comments


Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.   (Native American Proverb)

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day. What a great time to think about all the reasons we have to be thankful! I have so many to count off. My family. The Lord’s love and grace. My church family. Good health. A beautiful place to live with fields and woods I can go walking with my dogs. I’ve had so many furry buddies through the years to go walking with me.

I’m very thankful the Lord gave me the desire to write and the ability to do it well enough that my stories have made it out to readers. I am thankful for readers who want to read my books. I’m like wow, you really read my book every time someone tells me they did. I’m thankful for you friends who take the time to read my wool-gathering here on my blog in the midst of your busy days. So many blessings to count.

Sometimes it’s fun to think about the “little” blessings that don’t come to mind immediately when we start counting blessings. Let me see if I can think of ten.

1. Hummingbirds and butterflies in the summertime.

2. The glistening beauty of new snow in the winter.

3. The swelling yellow buds of forsythia in the spring time.

4.  The rustle of leaves underfoot in the fall.

5. Internet that lets me stay connected with family and friends.

6. Words that make stories I can write and read.

7. Hot tea.

8. Stars filling the sky at night.

9. Eye glasses that make the print big enough I can read.

10.  Lights that come on at the flick of a switch.

I have to remember that last when I’m writing my historical stories. Light has not always been so easy to come by. The glow of flames in a fireplace gave light for reading or mending or whatever after the sun went down. Candles had to be dipped and oil had to be found for lamps. There was no reading until midnight.

I’ll add one more. Cars that let me go visit my kids who live in other states or that let them come to visit me. In the book I’m writing, I have my characters traveling across Kentucky by carriage. I looked up how long a trip would take. A day to go thirty miles, the internet told me. It would take me days to go see my son and weeks to go see my daughter. In my story, I’m going to have to move my characters closer to their destination. Even then, they may have to go by stagecoach. But in this modern day, I am thankful I can go by car.

What is something you are thankful for? 


Comments 12

  1. Flowers, garden tomatoes and cucumbers, rain drumming on the roof, a cozy warm house, a soft bed, transportation, a grocery store not too far away, retirement, my dog, my family, all the seasons of the year, beautiful places like the mountains and the beach, a cup of hot tea or hot chocolate in the winter, so many things!

    1. Post

      I love your list, Connie. I am thankful for many of the same things. I can’t hear the rain drumming on my roof now the way I could when I was a kid and slept in an upstairs room under a tin roof. Of course, that tin roof did have some leaks in one of the back rooms too. Harder to be thankful for that.

      Thank you for sharing your reasons for thanksgiving. I’m thankful for you commenting and sharing here on my blog.

  2. I read a friends blog once that asked, “What if you woke up this morning with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?” Powerful thought!
    So I’m most thankful for hot showers on cold mornings, and all those other little things we take for granted.

    This week I’m very thankful that my little granddaughter has not arrived early yet…her momma has been going for appointments 3 times a week and monitors are detecting contractions that have required a visit to the hospital. Yesterday’s appointment was uneventful and all is fine. She’s getting closer and closer to her expected arrival on Dec 12th….which will be very cool for me since she’s my 12th grandbaby!
    I hope everyone has had a great Thanksgiving! And I’m grateful for your blessings Donna for those loved ones being cancer free! God is good!

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      Prayers for the sweet grandbaby almost ready to come into the world, Lavon. I know she will have the best grandmom ever and plenty of love. Twelve grandbabies. You are blessed.

      I’m thankful for those everyday blessings too. A hot cup of tea in the morning. A walk with my dog buddies. Friends like you here on my blog.

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  3. I’m thankful for ones who recognize that every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father. I’m grateful today that our whole family is together for 4 days this week- such a rare thing!! And I’m especially grateful for our Jesus.

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      I hope you had a great time with your family this week, Marilyn. It is a blessing to get all the family together after they’ve all moved off to different places. The Lord does bless us with good and perfect gifts. And Jesus is the greatest gift.

  4. I am thankful for my precious husband and our new retirement apartment. I have two doting doggie friends that I love. I’m thankful for many wonderful authors who write clean Christian fiction. Thank you!

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      What a great thanks list, Suzanne. So glad you have those sweet blessings to count. And it is good to have stories to read that are great reads but with nothing to lodge the wrong kinds of thoughts in our minds.

  5. I scheduled knee replacement surgery this Thanksgiving. I chose to listen to the audiobook of Angel Sister while recovering. This is not my first journey to Rosy Corner, but what a great way to take my mind off my current situation.

    1. Post

      How great is that, Debra. I love audio books and I did listen to the audio of Angel Sister years ago before I wrote the follow up Rosey Corner books. I thought the narrator did a bang up job reading the story. I haven’t listened to Small Town Girl, but someone told me that narrator was even better. Then I did the narration on Love Comes Home myself. Not sure I could match the pro narrators, but some listeners have said it was okay.

      I hope your recovery from surgery goes smooth and your knee will feel like new.

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