The Marvelous Adventure of Reading

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 14 Comments


“Keep reading. It’s one of the most marvelous adventures that anyone can have.” ~Lloyd Alexander

Thank all of you for playing my Caption Game. It seemed to get over really quickly, but maybe that was just because the captions you suggested were so fun. I think you had the most fun with my friend showing up at the Shaker Village in a sheriff’s car. That really got your imaginations going.

Wednesday’s photo didn’t get as many responses, but those of you who did throw your name in the drawing hat again had some good ones. This first thing I thought of was the same as many of you about how she probably wanted time to read one more chapter or to find out what happened next. I’m that way with books I read. I want to keep reading, but I usually have to put the book down and try to tell myself that doing so gives me something to look forward to when I have time to read again. Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of audio books and really enjoying that. The same as wanting to “read” another chapter, I find myself wanting to “listen” to another chapter.

You’ll never guess the book I just finished listening to. Anne of Green Gables. I thought I’d read that book years ago, but I don’t think I ever did. Recently I sent out a newsletter and asked readers to name their favorite books. I didn’t think about how I was going to be disappointed when my books didn’t show up often in the responses. LOL. But a book that did show up and show up often was Anne of Green Gables. 

So, I said I needed to give it another read. Then I discovered I hadn’t ever given it the first read. The narrator was great and I really enjoyed visiting Green Gables and getting to know Anne with an “e.” If you’ve read the story, you’ll know Anne always wanted people to know her name had an “e.” Maybe that’s why I didn’t read the story years ago. Anyway, now I’m eager to listen to some more Anne books, but I do have some others in line first.

Before I take off on another rabbit trail, I want to share Hope’s caption for the picture of my granddaughter reading. Hope captured the magic of reading in her comment.

“The magic began as she read the first word, leaving the world behind as she was transported to another time and place, the spell not to be broken until the last word was read and a great adventure was had all while sitting on a cozy couch on a chilly day.”

I so often felt like that when I was a kid and picked up a new book. I still feel that way when I can settle down with a book to go on a new adventure. Books put a kind of spell on you as the story comes to life in your head.

“Reading is the sole means by which we slip, involuntarily, often helplessly, into another’s skin, another’s voice, another’s soul.” ~Joyce Carol Oates

How tall is your “to read” stack? Or maybe your “already read” stack is the tallest? In the stack at the top of my post I’ve got a mix. Some I’ve read. Some I hope to read soon and some I’ve had a while that keep settling to the bottom of the stack as I add new books. How do you decide what to read next? Do you make your stack with the most favored book next in line on top or do you like to shuffle through your stacks to see which book grabs your interest on any particular day? I’m definitely a shuffler.

Right now, I’m not getting a lot of time to read other writers since I’m doing edits on The Song of Sourwood Mountain, my book that will be released in May. With the help on the publisher’s copy editor, I’m walking the story road with my characters one more time to try to make sure I’ve used the best words and scenes to pull readers into the story. I think the story has some characters everybody will surely love. At least that’s the hope in my writer’s heart.

And the Winners of my Picture Caption Game are:

Again, thank you all for making my Caption Game such fun. My three winners are Ola, Jolynn, and Hope. I’ve sent all three of you an email. So, check your mailboxes.

Ola already did and picked her book. Her message made me smile. Here’s what she wrote.

WOW! Thank you so much. I think I want , Freak of the Week. I think it’s the only one I haven’t read. Just autograph it and I’ll donate to my little rural library when I’ve finished it. I think our kids will love it.

I do hope the book makes Ola feel young at heart. It is a middle reader book, but a fun one that I enjoyed writing. And then, I hope the right kids pick it up out of her little rural library and that they do, as Ola suggests, love the story. It’s about baseball and verbal bullying at school. Then there’s Old Dan who teaches my young character some lessons in life.  Maybe I should write a post about that book.

What about those questions above about your “to read” stack? Do you have a TBR stack and do you arrange it by the next book up to be read or do you shuffle through your stack to decide what next when you’re ready to read a new book?


Comments 14

  1. My TBR pile is arranged by date I need to post a review. I also have a some bookshelves I pick from when I have free reading time. Blessings

    1. Post

      You are one of those wonderful readers who help authors out by reading books and posting reviews, Lucy. Thank you for the times when you’ve done that for me. Reviews are so important in this internet world.

      It’s neat that you have an “extra” shelf of books you just want to read although I’m sure you want to read many of those you read with reviews in mind.

    1. Post

      I’m a confirmed shuffler, Connie, and sometimes I pick a book, read a bit of it and put it back in the pile and shuffle out a different one. I don’t get a lot of time to read so I want to be reading the books that are the most compelling, interesting or fun when I do get to read.

  2. Congratulations to all the winners!!
    I have lots of books I hope to get to. I guess I’m a shuffler; however next May I will not be as I can’t wait for your latest “The Song of Sourwood Mountain”!

    1. Post

      So glad to know you won’t want to shuffle my book to the bottom of your TBR stack, Pamela. That has me smiling.

      I’m definitely a shuffler when I’m ready to pick out a new book. Sometimes I go have an ebook and sometimes for a paper book. If I have some uninterrupted reading time, I go for a print book. Just seems for of a reading experience.

  3. I am glad you liked my caption for your photo, I feel like that when I have a new book to read but can no longer read an entire book at one time either, even though I would like to. I used to love getting books from the school library in Middle and High school and then reading them on the way home from school on the bus and in the evenings before bed and could usually read one in a day that way. I still remember being in elementary school and going to the school library and picking out books to be read. I loved the Babar books in those days and remember getting so excited when they would get a new one in. Now I get excited to read your stories and wish I could read as fast and as often as I did when I was younger because there is so much “magic” to be found in a good story. 🙂

    1. Post

      I know people who say they read a book a day, but I take longer than that, Hope, if it’s a full length novel. I remember reading Babar to my kids. I have to say those books were never my favorites, but the kids loved them.

      I do love the magic of books and I’m glad I had plenty of reading time between chores when I was a kid. So much fun to sink into a story and not have to put it down until you finished it.

  4. My TBR stacks are everywhere!!! I definitely feel sorry for my family when I’m gone, finding and going through them. I have a shelf in my bedroom closet, a big tote in same closet, a pile on my dresser, and 2 stacks on my bed side table, that I keep adding to. Sorry children lol

    1. Post

      When that sad day comes, they will be glad their mother was such a dedicated reader, Linda, and they will simply pack your books up and give them to other readers while they wipe away tears and miss you.

  5. Congratulations to the winners!
    I have several TBR stacks. Some are piled up in front of already read books on my book shelves. Others are on my night stand, end tables and a stack of recently purchased books are still on my coffee table. Then there’s my virtual “want to read” list on Goodreads website and my Amazon book list (both are good for keeping track of books I don’t have) I’m currently way behind on my reading due to lots and lots of sewing projects in the works. But I still try to read a little every night. Choosing which book to read next usually depends on my mood. I almost always have 2 or 3 books going at the same time….a page turning book, an ebook, and usually a historical non/fiction book of either kind.
    Collecting books is running a close second to my fabric stash lately. Bookstores and fabric stores love to see me show up! 🙂

    1. Post

      Bookstores and maybe fabric stores too need more customers like you, Lavon. Sounds as if you have a good supply of books waiting to be read. And those lists on Goodreads and Amazon are a great idea. I keep a shopping list of books on Amazon so that at Christmas I have some ideas of books to get as presents for my kids.

      I saw your pretty sparkle dress for little girls online. So cute.

  6. My TBR pile is actually 6 stacks next to one another with 7-8 books in each stack. So, conservatively, about 42 books or a few more are beside my bed waiting to be read. However, I have several shelves in the bookcase next to my bed full of recently TBR books that my husband made me put in the bookcase so they wouldn’t topple over on me. I’m wanting to read all of them.

    When it’s time to select my next book to read, I look through the stacks. If I’ve read a great review of a book and have gotten excited about reading that book, I’ll probably move it to the top of a stack and start it right after I finish the book I’m currently reading.

    1. Post

      I’m glad you’re safe from toppling book stacks, Suzanne. I am like you with so many books I want to read and not nearly enough reading time. But it’s such a pleasure to have the promise of all those books waiting.

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