What’s Your Caption for this Girl?

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 27 Comments

Caption Picture 2

Thanks to all of you who played my caption game on Sunday’s post. You came up with some good ones. And some that if I had a recording of the conversation at the table those years ago, might even have been what was said.

“Who is that in the picture?” That has to be often said when people are looking through photos and combing through their memories at church homecomings.

“See my grandchild.” Always plenty of proud grandmas and grandpas when pictures are pulled out to share.

“See, you promised to bring dessert for 50.”  That one made me smile. Thank goodness at our church, we have several who make sure to bring plenty of desserts for everyone and our dessert table gets crowded with all sorts of cakes, pies, brownies and cookies that will keep way more than 50 sweet starved church-goers happy.

“Look at those dresses.” Different styles for the church ladies back in the day for sure, but it’s always the hairstyles that have me smiling, especially those when I was a teenager and everybody was teasing their hair into beehive bouffants. Not me. I just tried to get curls by sleeping in brushy curlers. Uncomfortable, but I had a few curls before I had to head off to school.

“Misread salt for pie. Is that a 4 or a 1?” That was a salty pie for sure.

Now I’m moving from our church homecoming to celebrating autumn. Do you love autumn? Many people claim it as their favorite season. I like autumn, but I also like spring and summer and I don’t mind a week or two of winter. I know. Winter lasts longer than a week or two.  I’m like someone said on the local weather the other night. I just don’t want it to go straight from summer to winter.

“And all at once, summer collapsed into fall.” – Oscar Wilde

Collapsing into fall is all right. Just wait a while to collapse into winter. Let’s have some of those glorious days of fall with the leaves turning all the pretty colors before they give up and turn loose.

“Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.”– Emily Bronte

It’s so dry here in Kentucky this year that we might not get the beautiful colors. A lot of leaves are already falling.

“Autumn is the hardest season. The leaves are all falling, and they’re falling like they’re falling in love with the ground.”– Andrea Gibson.

October weather here can be summer hot and then November cool in one week. Right now we’re having the warm days but the pleasantly cool mornings. This weekend we have the chance of frost and highs in the day that match the cool night temps now. Temperatures in the 50s at sunrise and and at noon aren’t the same kind of pleasant. Sweater weather is headed our way.

I’ve added this last quote because of the answers to the question I asked in my newsletter giveaway chance. I asked readers if they had a favorite book.  Anne of Green Gables has been mentioned more than any other title. So here’s an October quote from this favorite of so many.

“It was October again … a glorious October, all red and gold, with mellow mornings when the valleys were filled with delicate mists as if the spirit of autumn had poured them in for the sun to drain — amethyst, pearl, silver, rose, and smoke-blue. The dews were so heavy that the fields glistened like cloth of silver and there were such heaps of rustling leaves in the hollows of many-stemmed woods to run crisply through.” – L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

Last we have the advice to take time to enjoy the season.

“Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn.” – Elizabeth Lawrence

Finally, here’s a picture of the dogs enjoying a fall walk with me

What caption do you suggest for the picture up top or for this bottom picture? Whichever strikes your imagination the most.

Leave a comment with that caption here and you’ll have an entry in my book giveaway. Each time you come up with a caption for a photo on a new post, you get an additional entry. The deadline to enter is midnight EST October 14, 2023. You have to be at least 18 to enter. I’ll pick the winners by random drawing and contact them by email before I announce the winners here on October 15th. I only post first names and the state where the winners live if I know that.

I can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Comments 27

  1. Post

    Lee, you and Suzanne are on the same thought wave with the flower and thinking my grandgirl is going to take a taste. I like your idea for the dogs. Frankie would probably be worrying me more about lollygagging than he would Marley. Neither one of us can keep us with him.

    Deborah, she might want to keep those leaves straight, but she has trouble these days keeping her room straight.

    Hope, love your caption having my girl wondering about God using crayons to color the leaves. Very imaginative. And funn about your other idea of the dogs wanting to get the picture taking over with so they could keep walking. My grandkids have been knowns to groan a little about too many picgtres, but ther are usually good sports as I’m sure your family is too. It’s just that we can take so many pictures so easily these days. Of course, Frankie is hard to get to stand still long enough to take a picture. 🙂

    Diana, we don’t often leave those leavs alone. The kids used to love playing in them, but my grandkids are all getting older now where raking in more a chore than fun.

    Susan, I’m not sure I could explain chlorophyll to a kid that age or maybe she was telling me. 🙂 Frankie generally does know where he’s going and it’s sometimes the opposite direction I want him to go! Marley is much better at following along whatever direction I take.

    Donna Jean, you are right about Marley. Poor fellow is showing his age and does struggle to keep up. We have to stop and wait for him sometimes, but he gets majorly upset if I try to leave him at the house.

  2. Post

    Love all the captions you all are coming up with. And neat that some of you are thinking up captions for both pictures. I thought up one for the top picture but hadn’t thought about the bottom one. I’ll have to give it some thought.

    Lana, for sure Frankie would be ready to go running after a squirrel and Marley would do his best to keep up although sometimes since he can no longer hear, I think he wonders what Frankie is doing. 🙂

    Suzanne, she is at the age where a kid finds out about things by tasting. Not sure this leaf would taste very good.

    Lisa, a leaf can look as pretty as a flower in the fall.

    Ann, your caption sort of echoes my thoughts about why is the leaf red. The dogs do sometimes get in a hurry for dinner. They doen’t appreciate someone being late to get out the fopod.

    Dana, I guess with leaves, you can pick all you want.

    Susan, I’m not sure Frankie would ever let anyone else go first unless it’s thundering or somebody somewhere is shooting. Then everybody else can go first and he will go hide out in the basement. But if he’s seeing something instead of hearing something, he’s read to start the chase.

  3. Top photo: Ok, one more time, let me explain chlorophyll.
    Photo two: Trust us! We know where we are going, c’mon!
    Have a wonderful fall, Ann.

  4. Top: “Did God use crayons to color these leaves?”
    Bottom: “Just smile, we will keep walking after Mom takes another picture”
    I think that is what my kids thought about me when we took them on hikes or trips when they were little-I was known for taking a “few” photos of everything we did. 🙂

  5. Caption for bottom pic.. “C’mon, Mom! Stop lolly-gagging and try to keep up. There’s so much to explore before breakfast.”
    Caption for top pic… “Hmm, let’s find out what this leaf tastes like.”

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