When Storm Winds Blow – 1st Sunday Devotional

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 14 Comments

Photo by Mila Young on Unsplash

But the boat was now in the middle of the sea, tossed by the waves, for the wind was contrary. …Matthew 14:24 NKJ

1st Sunday Devotional – The Winds

If you live in Kentucky or have been watching the news, you will know that our state had a windstorm on Friday. Kentucky is in the middle of the country. We sometimes get heavy rains that come our way after hurricanes hit the coastal areas. We have tornadoes and thunderstorms, but Friday we had winds that gusted up to 80 mph which is category 1 hurricane force. The weather forecasters were saying they had never seen anything like these winds in Kentucky. We had a few thunderstorms and some downpours, but then those storms blew on past. The winds kept blowing. Clouds zoomed by overhead. The sun shone for a while and the wind kept blowing. All afternoon and into the evening.

The wind was definitely contrary. Roofs were lifted. Barns were flattened. Tractor trailer trucks were blown over. Trees came down. Roads were blocked. Power lines were broken.

When Mother Nature flexes her muscles, we can do little except shelter in place and pray the storm will pass.

For behold, He who forms mountains, and creates the wind,
Who declares to man what his thought is,
And makes the morning darkness,
Who treads the high places of the earth —
The Lord God of hosts is His name. …Amos 4:13 (NKJ)

The next morning after the wind calmed and the sun was coming up on a beautiful March day, I walked out on our farm with the dogs to see what might have happened in the storm. I expected limbs to be down and perhaps some trees broken in the wind. I didn’t expect to see more than a dozen trees uprooted and blown down. Their roots weren’t deep enough to let them stand against the wind.

Sometimes, storms in life can slam against us with wind gusts of trouble and hardship in all sorts of ways. At such times, may we be deeply rooted in the Lord to withstand those winds.

As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. …Colossians 2:6-7 (NKJ)

We were fortunate to not have any damage to our house or the trees in our yard. We didn’t even lose power. Others in our area were not as fortunate. Three deaths are attributed to the windstorm. Many had damage to their houses. 500,000 households lost their electricity and many are still waiting for the lines to be repaired. Prayers for them all and for the linemen working long hours to get power back on for everyone.

Comments 14

  1. I am so glad that your home was spared from the damage that wind and fallen trees can cause. I have experienced hurricane winds results firsthand and wish them on no one. We never know what those winds will bring our way.

  2. Post

    So glad that time the winds had the trees falling in a way that didn’t hurt your family, Hope. There are some stories like that on the news here about Friday’s winds where people say they had just left the room before the tree crashed down on their house. It has been hard on those who had damage. With so many people needing repairs and to make insurance claims, I’m sure things aren’t getting fixed as quickly as most would like.

    The weather has been wonky for sure. Hoping we don’t have major cold to freeze all the blooms and leaves that our too early spring has emerging on our trees and flowers. But it’s cold today compared to what we’ve been having.

    1. Post

      Those clam days might be interesting, Connie. LOL. I would have known what you meant. Our fingers get to moving too fast on the keyboard sometimes and then sometimes the gerbils in our phones or computers decide we want to say something different.

      Most people have the electricity back, but not everybody. The linemen have been working hard. We were lucky not to lose power. It is no fun to go several days without electricity. I’ve done it during ice storms, but it must be weirder in the spring.

  3. Thank you, Ann. It’s so good to be reminded of Colossians 2:6-7. It makes me think of the tree in Psalms 1. It had to be well rooted to bear fruit. Thankful all is well at your home and will pray for those affected by the storms.

    1. Post

      Those are beautiful verses to remember, Geri. Those trees planted by the water. They cannot be moved. My husband used to be in a quartet that used a song that was taken from Psalm 1 to do their introduction. It was always fun to hear.

  4. I was very lucky to have only lost power for about 3 hours while others within a few miles are still without power this morning. God was with me for which I am so thankful and feel so blessed this morning. I continue to pray for those who are without power and have damage. I am so glad your home or yard did not receive damage.
    Blessings to all this beautiful Monday morning!

    1. Post

      So many do have wind damage, Pamela, and being without electricity for days is definitely reason for prayer and patience. My son and his family didn’t get their power back on until late Monday afternoon. They did have a generator to keep some things going in their house, but they were ready to have power from the pole again as my daughter-in-law said.

  5. My prayers for those in your area adversely affected by the winds. I’m so glad that you and your family are fine. We get tornadoes, hurricanes, and flooding in our area; so I’ve experienced some of those forces, which are incredible and not to be taken lightly. I’m so grateful for God’s protection.

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      With tornadoes and hurricanes coming your way, Suzanne, you know all about wind damage. This was a strange weather event for us in Kentucky with the winds doing all that damage after the storms had moved on. Straight line winds near hurricane force with the sun shining at times was strange.

      God’s protection and blessings are reason for thanksgiving.

  6. I’m thankful you didn’t have damage from those winds. They were fierce winds, indeed. I saw some photos from down your way, and it looks like others had considerable damage.
    The winds blew here and I was praying that the mostly dead maple tree in my front yard would stand tall. The good Lord heard my prayers and it held strong once again. I’m having a terrible time finding anyone to cut it down…it’s close to my house and also very close to an electric line. The electric company only trims the trees that are threatening the main line and this one is “just a service line”. Frustrating! But…God knew what He was doing when He made those maple tree roots dig deep. 😊
    It’s a beautiful day today. The sun is bright, the grass is bright green again, and there’s dots of yellow flowers and tiny buds on the redbud trees, popping out all over the place.
    Have a fantastic week, Ann! 😎

    1. Post

      I think spring is backing off a little this week, Lavon. It’s chilly out there today. I’m hoping the cold won’t kill everything and turn the leaves black. But it is still early in the season. We can have plenty more cold snaps. We have all those winters to get through like redbud.

      I’m glad your maple tree held onto the ground. We have a big poplar tree in the back yard that could take down our electrical service line. It’s still healthy, but the way that wind was blowing the other day, I was concerned about the limbs falling. But so far we’re okay.

      And there is beauty in everyday. Hope your sewing is going well. Very good that you didn’t lose power.

  7. Glad that you and your family are safe and praying for the families who lost loved ones and for those who have damage to deal with and are without power. Living in PA we get some of the winds from hurricanes too and it can sometimes feel like everything is going to blow away. Years ago we bought a generator after being without power for days after we got the winds and storms from I think it was Hurricane Sandy, but not certain on that anymore. We went to evacuate our home because of the possibility of tornadoes to go next door to my in-laws. The power was out and in the flashes of lightening I saw that their two very tall pine trees were gone. I said to my husband-where are the trees and he said get in the car. We were terrified they had hit the house and weren’t sure what we would find, but it was like the Lord had taken his hand and laid them down because they didn’t do any damage to the house and even missed a picnic pavilion that is in the corner of the yard. We were amazed and so very thankful for His protection of our loved ones because they were in their kitchen when the trees fell and if they had hit the house, it would have probably been a much different outcome.
    This weather has been so strange though. We snow and sleet on Friday and then thunder and lightning most of the night and it didn’t stay out, but our power was flashing on and off most of the night.

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