What Are We Busy About?

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 10 Comments

“It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?” – Henry David Thoreau

It’s been a busy work week. Busy. Busy. Sometimes I think I might get too busy.  I mean this is the second week in a row, I’ve forgotten about it being Wednesday and time to post something here on One Writer’s Journal. I enjoy sharing miscellaneous thoughts here just because I enjoy journaling, but I’m also hoping some readers like you will stop by and enjoy those scattering of thoughts. (Hope you like the pictures too like this one of an ant. However, if you ever see one of these red velvet ants, leave it alone. They are fierce little creatures. I did a post about them a couple of years ago if you want to read it. Cow Killer Ants.)

Busy or not, I need to get my work in progress written before my May deadline. So, I’ve given myself a goal of writing so much every weekday. I sometimes think I’ll get some writing done on Saturday, but I do have to do those other weekly chores sometime. I’ve been writing and maybe almost reaching my goal of words or pages written.

Since I’m old school, I still think about pages because I started out writing on a typewriter. When you pulled that page full of words out of the typewriter and rolled in a new page, you got a feeling of accomplishment. Not quite the same just hitting the enter key on the computer to get to the next page, but the pages are still there to count.

But even though I’m writing words, I sometimes wonder if I’m going to have to cut most of those words in the final draft. I have to push that thought aside and simply get the words out there where I can cut them or improve them and tell the story I’m trying to tell. In the best way I can.

A few years ago, I got a kind e-mail from a writer friend saying she got so into my stories that she didn’t do any critiquing as she read. That’s something a lot of us writers do as we’re reading. Maybe because we’re wanting to think we could have written it better, or maybe just because we can’t turn off the editor in our head. Anyway, she said she was able to turn off her editor mode and just enjoy my stories. A writer likes to hear that almost as much as those great words “I couldn’t put it down.” That has to be a favorite comment writers like to hear. Or maybe, “I can’t wait for your next book.” Those are encouraging words too.

What a writer wants to do and I try to do is make the words on the page disappear. That is, I want my characters and their stories to become so real readers forget they are reading and just live the story along with the book people. I’ve read stories by other writers where I felt like that, and I can only hope I am sometimes successful with my own stories.

So how does a writer make the words disappear? Good writing. Careful editing. And more rewriting. I have to take everything out that might jar the reader from my story and make him or her notice the words, sentence by sentence, instead of just flowing along the river of words living your story. I hope readers will be ready to ride my river of words along the Ohio River when they read my showboat story, In the Shadow of the River. 

Now back to work as I try to take William Wordsworth’s advice.  Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.”

What are you busy about?

One of the things I was busy about last week was sending out a newsletter. If you are on my newsletter, list check your email boxes. As always I have a giveaway going. If you didn’t get it, just let me know and I’ll forward you a copy.

Comments 10

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  1. I’ve been busy this week taking care of mu husband who is in a lot of pain and unable to help himself much. I’ve also been busy praying for the doctor to find the cause and come up with a solution. Those red velvet ants are so pretty. But like my mother used to say.. pretty is as pretty does.

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      So sorry to hear that your husband is struggling with health problems and pain. Prayers that the doctors will find a way to help him, Lee.

      Even as a kid, I knew better than to mess with those beautiful ants.

  2. Today I’m working on trying to make my pantry look neater. And arrange things where they’re easy to find. I’ve also decided I’m going to make some Jam from frozen blueberries.

    1. Post

      That jam making sounds good, Marlene. I have some blackberries in the freezer that I need to turn into jam sometime too. I’ve never had blueberries to make blueberry jam. I’m sure yours will be delicious.

  3. I’m looking forward to that new book! And the timing is perfect because it will be after Easter when I’ll have more time to enjoy it. I tend to fall into your stories and read them in a just a couple of sittings. Right now I’m busy busy busy making Easter dresses. At the moment I’ve got 9 on my to-do list, and time is slipping by fast! Some need to be finished by the end of next week…yikes! Good thing I do my best work under pressure. Hahaa But I’m in my best place when I’m sewing, so I’m not stressed, but blessed.
    Have a good upcoming weekend everyone!

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      It’s good you enjoy the sewing with so much on your to do list, Lavon. I’m sure there are going to be some lovely girls and ladies wearing your frocks on Eastern Sunday.

      So glad you are looking forward to my new story and that timing in good for you.

  4. I am starting to try to declutter. I had become so overwhelmed that I wasn’t doing anything. Last Friday I took the day off work and started on my spare bedroom; instead of trying to do the entire room, I have taken it in sections. I have two sections done at this point. Hopefully this weekend, I will get a little more done.
    I have become enthralled in your stories and for me your characters do come to life while I read. I love your books and I can’t wait for May!

    1. Post

      I like your plan of doing sections at a time, Pamela. That might work for me if I didn’t just move the clutter from one side to the other. LOL. I have a hard time getting rid of things that are still wearable or usable or that have memories associated with it. Sigh.

      I’m so glad you join in the story with my characters and hope you’ll do the same with Jacci in the new story, In the Shadow of the River.

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