A Journal Writer Forever

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 12 Comments


January is speeding along and I’m working on a new novel with a working title of Where the Bluebird Sings. That’s subject to change. At this point early in the writing process, everything is subject to change. Anyway, since I’ve set a goal of a certain number of pages to write each day to move me closer to my goal of meeting my spring deadline and I still need to write a couple more pages today, I went back in time here on One Writer’s Journal to find a post I wrote years ago to repost. But then I maybe used three sentences from that post and changed everything else about it. I had to make it fresh.

I started this blog journal in January 2008. Since then, I have written 1,720 blog posts. This one is 1,721. That’s a lot of words and a lot of different ideas. Before I started back then I read about doing blogs and how to make them draw in readers. At the time, blogs were the thing. That was before we had so many other ways of socializing online. Now blogs take a backseat to many of the other social media possibilities, but I’m the type of person who keeps on keeping on when I start something. Especially if it’s something I enjoy and I do enjoy coming up with posts because I love journaling.

I’ve been a journal writer forever, but that’s writing to myself. Blogging is something the same. For a long time after I started blogging, I wasn’t sure if anyone ever read my posts, but I kept throwing my words out there even when I felt as though I might be writing to myself. Blogging is sort of like leaving my journal open out on the kitchen table where anybody can read it.

I could never keep one of those daily diaries because not enough exciting happened EVERY day. When I was a kid, didn’t much exciting happen any day. I grew up in the country and we pretty much stayed close to home. I had plenty of chores to do, but I did get to read a lot. I had a book going all the time. Thank the Lord for libraries. I loved growing up on a farm and having the chance to explore the woods and walk with my dogs.

Ollie, a shepherd spitz mix (I think), was my first walking companion dog. Ollie was a good dog, but not overly friendly. When I started dating, I had to run out and chain him up or he tried to bite my dates. I think my dad must have been training him while I was at school. LOL. Through the years, I’ve had many dog walking companions. Now I have Frankie and Marley. Marley is a good dog that always keeps me in sight and makes sure he’s walking with me. Frankie is more independent as he chases off after this or that. So far, he always eventually finds me again.

But back to my journaling and blogging beginnings. I was around thirteen when I started my first journal. Now I have a drawer full of journals and a computer full of blog posts. When I started the blog and did that research on how to get somebody or several somebodies to read them, the advice was to focus on something. Maybe book reviews as many do these days. Or devotional thoughts. Or childcare hints. Or, well whatever you might have special knowledge about that might help or interest others.

Did I take that advice? Umm, no. My online One Writer’s Journal is a mishmash of hundreds of random thoughts. Many times I sit down to do a blog post with absolutely no idea what I might find interesting enough to write. Or at least interesting enough that I can believe some of you might want to read my words. Just like tonight.

Blogging has taken the place of my notebook journaling. It’s been over a year since I’ve pulled out my last journal notebook from my desk drawer to write in it. For several years, those journals were my encouragement to keep writing when nothing I wrote was being published. They were where I could write about my discouraging rejections, where I could worry that I wasn’t coming up with the right words for my work in progress, where I could tell myself to believe and go ahead and write this story and the next and the next. I could also celebrate the successes I had and keep a record of sorts about when I started a new story and when I reached the end.

I don’t do much of that on my online journal that I share with you except I do share about my new stories ready for you to read. One, In the Shadow of the River, is coming up in May. It’s out there for pre-ordering now. But I’m still thinking with my fingers and sharing my journaling thoughts about writing, about my life on the farm, about nature, and so much more. Well over a thousand of more things. And you do supply me with encouragement. Thank you so very much for reading my words.

What kind of blog posts do you enjoy writing or reading?  

Comments 12

  1. I like reading blogs that contain a variety of things. Blogs that don’t necessarily have a theme but are a mish-mash of life happenings. Somehow those are the ones that show us we are sometimes all in the same boat! 😏
    I hope you keep your working title of ” Where the Bluebird Sings”. It already has images forming in my head…

    1. Post

      Then my blog fits your criteria for sure, Robin. Mish-mash all the way.

      I like the title too, but things can sometimes change. And I’m needing a lot of images forming in my head before I get it written. 🙂

  2. I like reading your blogs. I totally understand your thoughts on a daily diary because nothing exciting happens every day–YES. I did get a 2023 planner and find that it is very useful. I also enjoy reading the comments as another way to kind of keep in touch with everyday readers. Often I will read a comment and say to myself, I get that, or I might laugh – some are funny! It’s a joy. Thanks.

    1. Post

      So glad you enjoy reading my posts, Loretta, and the comments. I like thinking about those who read my blog and comment here as a community of readers and friends. And laughter is always good. Maybe Sunday I’ll find something fun to post to maybe bring some smiles.

  3. Honestly your blog is my first and only blog I’ve read. I enjoy your books so much and getting to meet you in person was wonderful. Your blog helps me feel closer and get to know you better.
    Please keep writing your wonderful books and I’ll keep reading them!

    1. Post

      I feel honored, Pamela, that you take time to read my words. And I’m very happy you’ve enjoyed my books. I love meeting readers and other writers too.

      I always enjoy your comments and I love it when readers share stories with me that helps me get to know them better.

      I am working on a new book and hoping I’ll come up with some new ideas for more books. I think I’d like to some up with a new family something like my Rosey Corner people or Jocie in Hollyhill. But right now, I’m still thinking about what next.

  4. I like reading your blogs, it makes me feel as though I know you in a more personal realm. I also have kept journals for many years but I plan on destroying them one of these days as they are personal and of no interest to others. I just ordered Along a Storied Trail I know it will be another good one, keep writing and I will keep reading.

    1. Post

      That’s why I’m so happy when you and others comment on my posts, Donna Jean. I can get to know you all through those comments too.

      My notebook journals in my desk drawer have a lot of personal thinking in them too. I still have those I wrote as a teen. I haven’t looked at them for years, but I know that I would probably cringe now at some of the things I wrote. A teenager can be so dramatic. But that’s what personal journals are for. To let us just spill out whatever we’re thinking, good and bad. My online journal here is different as I always try to be upbeat and hope many of my posts are fun or encouraging to read.

      Thank you so much for reading my books. I do hope you enjoy riding up into the hills with my book woman and I’m almost sure you’re going to enjoy meeting Perdita Sweet. I hope you’ll let me know what you think about her.

  5. I read your blog and a few other author blogs that I follow on Goodreads website. And I read a couple of others that are words of encouragement and inspiration that arrive in my inbox or social media. I have to say your blog is my favorite…probably because I never know what it will be about. So keep up the great job!
    I’ve never written a blog, but I used to keep a daily journal. Nowadays I don’t write as much, except when I’m participating in a Bible study. But the older I get, the more I realize how important it is to write things down. My grandmother put a bunch of her stories in scrapbooks which are the greatest treasure she left for me. And personal journals are great from a historical standpoint. So maybe I’ll start that daily writing again. 🙂
    Have a great day, Ann.

    1. Post

      What a wonderful gift that is from your grandmother, Lavon! Her stories that are sure to share a lot about her life. I love reading journals and letters when I’m doing research. You can get such a great feel for the time period and how people felt and what they did in their regular days.

      I think you should write down some of your stories. You’ve got some good ones. I know because you’ve shared a few of them with me here on my blog and in response to my newsletters. I’m guessing your grandchildren would feel they were the same kind of treasure as your grandmother’s stories. I probably should do some of that kind of journaling too. I might have a grandchild who would like it. But I just stay so busy making up stories. 🙂

  6. I love reading your blogs because I’ve loved your books and enjoy reading what you write. I have a couple of blogs I read regularly with book reviews, which guide me to books of high quality that suit my tastes. Keep up the writing: I love it!

    1. Post

      I’m glad you’ve found some book review blogs that help you find the “next” book to read, Suzanne. And I’m glad you show up here to read my words and my books. You can’t know how much I appreciate that. I love my reading friends!

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