Have You Ever Been to a Candlelight Service?

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 47 Comments

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” …John 8:12 (NIV)

I just got home for our little church’s yearly Candlelight Service. While most churches that have a Candlelight Service do so on Christmas Eve, we decided any time would be a good time to remember the Light of the World, Jesus. Our former pastor, Br. Knickerbocker, who no longer has need of candles since he is in heaven now with the light of Jesus, started the tradition of having Candlelight Communion many years ago. I would guess as many as 25 years, but I can’t say for sure. At any rate, our church is continuing the tradition with our new pastor, Br. Rice.

I have always thought Christmas Candlelight Services are especially joyful and meaningful. Back before my mother got ill, I would sometimes go enjoy Candlelight Service at her church in town. That service was especially beautiful since it started at 11 p.m. on Christmas Eve. You picked up a candle on the way into church and then because there was always good attendance, someone would come down the aisle to the end of each pew and light the first person’s candle. Then that person would pass the light (or flame) on to the next person and on until everyone in the church had a lit candle. The church lights would go off and the service would continue with songs, Scripture, and sharing of the Lord’s Supper. On the dot of midnight, the people silently left the church, extinguishing their candles in the foyer before they went outside. All the while, the church bells would be striking the midnight hour. The sound of the tolling of the hour and the holy silence that surrounded the people encouraged a profound feeling of worship.

Our Candlelight Service wasn’t like that. Our pastor read the Christmas story from the Bible and shared other words of joy, and we sang those old familiar Christmas carols. We did light our individual candles from the one candle that represented Christ. Then we turned out the lights and shared the beauty of our lit candles and considered how each of us could let our light, given to us by Jesus, shine out into the world.

You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light so shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. …Matthew 5:14-16 (NIV)

We had a small group tonight, but we listened and sang and worshipped. Then we enjoyed some applie cider, hot chocolate, and of course, a few Christmas cookies.

I tried to find some history of Candlelight Services online, but found that we have a variety of thougths about these services and what they mean. Perhaps candles are so universal and have always been a part of worship from the times when people found their way to worship places with torches and lanterns. Once there, those altars were lit by candles. A candle can penetrate the darkness and give light to our world. Indeed, we can push back the darkness of the world by sharing our light given to us by the Lord.

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. …2 Corinthians 4:6 (NIV)

Have you ever attended a Candlelight Service? Or have you ever known someone whose light brightened your world?

My end of the year book giveaway is still going on. Just leave a comment to get your name in a drawing to have the chance to be one of three winners with a choice of one of my books. Deadline to enter is midnight EST December 30th.

I’ve taken my characters to church in some of my stories, but never to a Candlelight Service. Perhaps an idea for the future.



Comments 47

    1. Post

      I do definitely agree, Caryl. Our former pastor, who passed away a couple of years ago, always had a beautiful service. His words and the Scripture he shared made the service special for me.

    1. Post

      I’m guessing you liked being part of the programs, Sarah. I should have asked my children when they were here for Christmas what they remembered about being in the Christmas plays at church. Might have been different feelings and things that I remember.

  1. I love the beauty and the message of a candlelight service. My body, however, is not keen on the smoke involved. I had to quit attending because the smoke would send my allergies into full flair.

    1. Post

      That’s too bad, Cindy. Allergies can make some things difficult. Not much smoke at our services since we don’t have many attendees but for allergies just a little can be too much. But I’m glad you have memories of the beauty and message of the services.

    1. Post

      We didn’t have them at our church until our recent pastor came to our church, Lucy. Of course, he was our pastor for 37 years. So, we did have many Candlelight Services with him. Great memories now. Some candlewaxed fingers. Worries about the young kids holding the candles and once a teenager caught her hair on fire. But more positive memories of beautiful times of worship.

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