Pictures Need Captions

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 35 Comments

Here we are halfway through our game with photo #3 that needs a caption. Not grandkids this time although I had some of them I was considering and may use next time. But this one is of me a few years ago, back in the film and camera days and before you could whip out a phone to take a few trillion pictures.

Back then taking pictures was something of an adventure. You pointed and pushed the button to take the picture. Then you had to take the film out of the camera and head to the nearest photo developing placc. That usually meant you had to wait a few days or a week while the film was sent off to be developed. I remember always being excited when I picked up some developed pictures and couldn’t wait to see if I had taken any good ones.

You had no idea if you were going to like the pictures or groan when you saw them. They might be fuzzy if your hand was unsteady. You might have aimed poorly and cut off somebody’s head in a picture or missed the scene you wanted to capture. And you couldn’t take a zillion like you can these days. At least not without buying a ton of film. The film I bought usually had room for me to take 24 pictures. Sometimes I’d get the big roll of 36 when I thought I’d have plenty of picture worthy sights.

Thank goodness for digital cameras where, if I want to, I can take a dozen shots of the same butterfly or flower and pick the one I like best. I could have never done that when buying film. I would have thought I was wasting film. Now I have no worries at all of chasing after butterflies for a perfect picture or snapping shots of other unique sights that I would have never thought about wasting film on back when. Now I can take pictures of dogs and cows and grandkids and spiderwebs. Well, you name it, and I might have taken a picture of it when I was out walking with Frankie and Marley. Of course I always took pictures of dogs even back when I got my first camera and had to save up money to buy film. 🙂

I can carry a few thousand photos around in my pocket instead of adding to my stack of photo albums. I do need to fill up a few more of those with pictures I took before things went digital. Now I wonder if I should print some of the pictures out.

Of course, I can never find the picture I want because I have so many. That didn’t happen when I was buying and loading film into my point and shoot camera. I had the pictures right in front of my nose and it didn’t take long to look through a couple of dozen of pictures.

I obviously didn’t take the one up top. No easy selfies with those cameras, and even if there were, I had enough of my mom’s and dad’s frugal feelings to not “waste” much money on pictures of my up close smiles. My husband must have somehow gotten the camera out of my hands. I generally like to be behind the shutter. Not in front of it. But on trips I had to give my husband equal camera time. Well, I doubt equal but some occasional time.

You all did a great job with the captions everyone suggested for Sunday’s picture. I knew “Hide anfd Seek” would be a popular guess. I liked the ones about little brother not knowing the Hide and Seek rules and little brother leaning how to play the game.

I did think of one nobody else mentioned. Here it is. “I can’t believe Grandma put us in time-out.” Maybe nobody thought of that one because they couldn’t imagine such a thing happening. Lol. Grandmas don’t do that. Well, at least not often.

So what caption do you suggest for the picture this time? 

Each time you suggest a caption on a new post, you get another entry in the book giveaway. Three winners will get their choice of one of my books and a grab bag book by a different author. Deadline to enter is midnight EST on August 2, 2022. But whether you end up being one of the winners or not, I hope you’re having fun playing the game.


Comments 35

  1. WOW, I made it to the top!! Hope going down is easier.

    (Every time I see that someone else has already used what I was going to say – or something almost exactly the same!! Maybe I should not read the other comments!!)

    1. Post

      No problems, Ann. As the old saying goes, great minds think alike. 🙂 But you might feel more original with your caption suggestion if you enter your thoughts and then look at the comments.

      I did make it to the top and don’t remember if going down was harder. Nowadays, just getting up from that rock to start down might be hard. LOL.

  2. “My new office to write in, the view is amazing”

    I know what you mean about how much easier it is to take photos these days that we wouldn’t have “wasted” film on in the past. I love taking photos and now we can take a ton and not worry about it and just delete the ones we don’t like. I was on a whale watch once and ran out of film just as they showed up, I guess that wouldn’t be an issue now-a-days, but sure was disappointing then! 🙂

    1. Post

      The view might distract me a bit, Hope, but it does certainly look like a place where nature could inspire some new creative thoughts.

      That had to be irritating when you didn’t have film for your whale watching trip when those whales decided to show up. I remember those kinds of frustrations. I had to make sure the kids were doing something really cute or looking really cute and posing well when I got the camera out. If I’d had digital when they were babies, I’d have a lot more pictures now. It does make taking pictures more fun when you can just keep snapping away without thinking about having to buy more film, more flashbulbs (kids won’t even know what I mean there) or worry about processing costs.

  3. “I’m on the top of the world, looking down on creation….” (singing that great Carpenter’s song)
    Where is this, exactly? It looks like the Blue Ridge Mts for sure!

  4. “I’m on top of the world!”

    I am curious on where this was taken.It reminds me of a pat at Kingdom Come State Park.

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