Spending Time in Hidden Springs

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 16 Comments

I’ve written a lot of books and seen many of them published and sent out into the world of readers. Each new story has a way of sort of pushing the last story a little to the side and the story ten books ago toward the second shelf of memory.

I did a Zoom meeting with a fun book club last week. They had read River to Redemption. That’s only three books ago. Still, I should have flipped through the pages and reviewed a little. I remembered the story, but a few of the names were a little foggy. They didn’t mind. They just told me the names and I went, oh yeah, of course. They did ask me a question I couldn’t answer. One of them wanted to know where I got the name Adria for that story. I did remember Adria’s name. Adria Starr. Believe it or not, I just got up and checked the book to be sure I was right. LOL. But I didn’t remember where I found her name. I did remember why I chose it. I liked that it was a little different.

You’re probably wondering why I’m talking about Adria Starr while I have all these Murder Comes by Mail graphics. I’m sort of wondering that myself. So, back to Hidden Springs.

My Hidden Springs mysteries were a bit of a departure from the other books I’ve published with Revell, but I had fun bringing my town of Hidden Springs to life. Some of you have read my mysteries and some of you wish I’d write another one. I’m not saying never. I have an idea for Hidden Springs 4 that I may get written someday.

But I’m thinking Hidden Springs right now because I’ve been giving away downloads for the audio version of Murder at the Courthouse that I narrated last year. And now I’m working on doing the narration for Murder Comes by Mail. Now you see why I have all these fun graphics.

I love the review from Best Reads that talks about the creep factor in this story. I had forgotten how much of a creep factor is in that story.

In fact, I had forgotten quite a bit about that story that is at least ten books back. I knew what happened. I knew Michael was a goood guy. I knew Betty Jean gave him a hard time. I knew Hank, the newspaper man, could be a pest but was basically a good guy too. I knew there were more bodies found in it than either of my other Hidden Springs mysteries. But the scenes had faded in my memory.

Before I try to read a chapter aloud to record the audio, I always read it through silently to try to set the words in my mind. This is a little crazy and even embarrassing, but I got so caught up in the story I kept reading to find out what happened next even though I knew what happened next. I had just forgotten exactly how the story all worked out and as I read I fell in love with good guy Michael all over again. It’s not a bad thing to love your main characters while you watch them come to life while you write. I guess it’s not a bad thing when you’re reading too. So it was fun to chase down memory lane with this story and remember how I was able to work Grimalkin, the cat into the final scenes.

I’m only about halfway through with the recording and editing, but once I get it finished, I’ll be sure to tell you about it. I’ll have to come up with a new cover the way I did for Murder at the Courthouse. Maybe I need to hunt up a nice mailbox.

You may not get a chance to play your real life scenes over, but I’m getting the chance to go back to Hidden Springs and get reacquainted with all my characters there.

I still have some free downloads for the audio version of Murder at the Courthouse. If you like listening to audio books, just let me know and I’ll send a a free code. Then maybe in a few months, Murder Comes by Mail will be available in audio too.

What do you think would look good on the cover for Murder Comes by Mail?

Comments 16

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  1. Hi, Ann, writing you from the pits of he’ll this week lol (the temps are going to be 103 -107 this coming week), but how about having an old fashioned mailbox that is open with the kitty inside peeking out mischieviously? And of course, when the new audio book is ready, I would love a code! I hope you are having a grand summer, Ann!! Hugs from central Oklahoma

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      That’s hot, Debbie. Hope the air conditioning holds our for you. We rarely hit 100 here but we’re in the 90’s pretty often in August. We started those high temps early this year. Here the humidity can make it feel hotter. We had a little break but it’s hot out there again today. I took the dogs a little walk and they didn’t complain about cutting it short. 🙂

      That’s a great idea for the cover, but I don’t think I have any cats that would cooperate. LOL. My sister has a cat that would look great as Grimalkin, but he has attitude. Of course, so did Grimalkin. I’m hoping I can figure a way to use him with a show of that attitude. 🙂 But I can’t stuff him in a mailbox. That’s for sure.

  2. I think a photograph of a mailbox and a cat, similar to the illustrated cover of the original book “Murder Comes by Mail” would be appropriate, especially since you mentioned that a cat has a role in the story.

    Have you considered soliciting photographs from your readers for a possible cover illustration for the audio version of “Murder Comes by Mail”? I’m sure that several of your readers may have seen unique / photogenic mailboxes in their communities, and many of your readers probably have at least one cat in their family. It might be fun to have your own photo contest 🙂

    You definitely have gotten me interested in reading your Hidden Springs Mystery series now!

    1. Post

      What a fun idea, Roberta. I’ll have to think about it. I can’t use the original art without paying a large fee. So, that’s why I need to come up with my own idea. The cat needs to be gray. My sister has a gray cat, but he’s a rascal. Somewhat like Grimalkin. I think I modeled her on him. LOL. I’d never get him to perch on a mailbox. I may come up with something a little different. Maybe envelops. Hmm.

      I do hope you’ll give my mysteries a try.

  3. Hi Ann, I would love to listen to you reading Murder at the Courthouse, if you have any left. I have not read any of your mysteries & your email today has caused me to want me to check them out & put them on my books to read! I usually try to see if the local library has them since I’m trying really hard not to buy books. I am not usually very successful in keeping that goal. I always love to hear authors read their books!
    Thanks, Ann! Betsy Fuzy

    1. Post

      Sure, Betsy, that’s great. I also have a few free codes left for Love Comes Home, one of my Rosey Corner books, that I did the narration for if you’re interested in listening to that one too. The first two Rosey Corner books have professional narrators through the publishers.

      I’ll get a free code out to you for Murder at the Courthouse via your email sometime later today. Hope you’ll enjoy listening to my story. Maybe if you want to read the other two, your library can get them for you through an interlibrary loan if they don’t have the books on their shelves.

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  4. Sorry this isn’t a cover suggestion, but I loved your mystery series as dearly as your other books! I look forward to a future mystery story!

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      I love readers like you, Bonnie, who are willing to try a different kind of story. I am blessed to have a number of readers who have followed after me when I take off on a new story trail that veers away from the genre of the last story trail.

  5. Ann, I would love the chance to hear you read “Murder at the Courthouse”! (I love your accent and think it lends authenticity to the story.). Hope you still have some downloads to share!
    Thank you, either way!


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  6. I think a small mailbox, that’s attached to the house, or even slot mailbox, with letters that come right Inside Your House! That might be a little more scary and mysterious! As for Murder at the Court House, I listened to that audio, not even that long ago either. I can’t remember the character Betty Jean that you mentioned. I did like the book, it really was a great Mystery!

    1. Post

      Jolynn, Betty Jean was the deputy who worked in the sheriff’s office answering phones, doing computer work, etc. and dreaming of being married someday. She and Michael have a great working relationship, but she’s a little sassy and the kind of woman nobody is going to get the better of.

      I’m so glad you listened to the audio and enjoyed the mystery even if you didn’t remember Betty Jean. She’d no doubt have something smart to say about that. LOL. Thanks for your cover suggestions. I’m thinking on something that might work.

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