1st Sunday Devotional – Lovely June

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 17 Comments

 “Far up in the deep blue sky, Great white clouds are floating by; All the world is dressed in green; Many happy birds are seen, Roses bright and sunshine clear Show that lovely June is here.” — F. G. Sanders

People often say which time of year they love best. Winter doesn’t get picked all that much and summer, once July and August come along with their heat and humidity, falls a little out of favor for many too. Autumn is a favorite of many with its beauty and crisp mornings and good days after the harvest is in.

But spring. Yes, that is one to claim as a favorite. The sun warming after the cold days of winter. The flowers bursting into blooms. The birds singing. The trees pushing out new green leaves. Butterflies beginning to float through the air.

I’m a person who likes the seasons, even winter as long as it doesn’t overstay its welcome. But that doesn’t mean I don’t welcome spring when it slides in on some late snow flurries.

But now with Memorial Day past and summer noted on the calendar in a couple of weeks, I like June.

Spring being a tough act to follow, God created June. – Al Bernstein

In Kentucky, spring can be fickle with winter here one day and summer the next. The same is true with June. It can be as changeable as a chameleon on a polka dotted wall. But often in the month of June, a person is blessed with one of those perfect weather days where the sky is that blue that speaks to your soul with a few white clouds to make the blue look bluer.  Today was one of those days when I walked out with the dogs, Frankie and Marley. We walked through the freshly mowed pasture fields. The dogs enjoyed their sniffing. I enjoyed the sweet breeze in my face. I caught the scent of the honeysuckle blooms and heard the birds singing. A day to rejoice in the blessings of one of those perfect June days.

Tomorrow is forecast to be hotter and then thunderstorms may come calling. But I have no need to look ahead to steal the blessing of today. One day at a time is all we’re given. Next week if it rains, that too will be good. June needs rain to keep the days green and blooming.

This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
…Psalm 118:24 (KJV)

What do you love about the month of June?

Comments 17

  1. June is my favorite month, the trees are leafed out now and everything is green again.Also it is my and my son’s birthday month, so that means cards and gifts This is the big 85, but I thank God every day for giving me another one.

    1. Post

      Happy birthday month, Donna. Hope you and your son have wonderful birthdays. I have a son who had a birthday later this month on the 27th and my husband’s is the 14th. Always fun to celebrate another year coming your way.

  2. June is the month I start getting a few things from my garden. Squash and cucumbers will come first, followed by some ripe tomatoes toward the end of June. I’m looking forward to that first tomato sandwich!

    1. Post

      Nothing beats those vegetables out of your garden, especially the tomatoes, Connie. We’re always sort of late with our garden, but it usually supplies us with plenty of good eating.

  3. June is a very busy month for my family. Both of my parents birthdays are in June. Along with other family birthdays. We always get together to celebrate but haven’t the last two years. This year we’ll be able to celebrate together again, I’m looking forward to it.

    1. Post

      It is so good to be able to have family celebrations together again. We didn’t know how blessed we were to do all the things we did before the pandemic put the brake on our ordinary pleasures. Hope you all have a great time, Jule.

  4. June started very hot for us, but the last few days have been beautiful. The heat actually kicked on this morning after the temp dropped into the low 50’s. I shut it back off because the day is expected to warm up a bit. I love spring too, with all of the beautiful flowers and trees in bloom. Bunnies hopping around (and tasting our garden-my husband isn’t amused 😉 ) baby birds sticking their beaks up in the nest and chirping, waiting for their momma to bring them some food. I am like you though in that all of the seasons bring some kind of beauty to enjoy and appreciate and give thanks to the Lord for. Hope you have a wonderful week! 🙂

    1. Post

      My husband is right there with yours regarding those cute little bunnies, Hope, and I’m not far behind. They have plenty of clover in the hayfield. They don’t have to eat my beans.

      Hope you have plenty of perfect June days to enjoy watching the birds and bunnies.

      1. Beans must be their favorite, because that is what they are after in our garden too! My husband said the same thing about them having clover to eat and need to stay out of our garden. I hope they don’t eat all of our beans because I am hoping to have plenty to freeze come harvest time. He tried scaring one away while he was on the riding mower, but I guess the bunny wasn’t impressed because he just sat there watching and continued eating! lol

        1. Post

          They are cheeky little rascals. One of our problems is that the neighbors have pet rabbits that run free and a couple of them think next to our garden is home. What I’ve done in the past that sort of works is to shred Ivory soap or Irish Spring soap and put around the garden. My husband also got something called Repels All at Walmart that let us harvest a little corn last year for the first time in several years. Usually the raccoons come pick it the night before we were ready to get it. 🙂

          1. Thanks for the tips! I think we need the real-life version of your Sienna character to come and tell these animals how they should behave! 🙂

          2. Thanks for the tips! I think we need the real-life version of your Sienna character to come and tell these animals how they should behave! 🙂

        2. Post
  5. June is probably my favorite month too. I’m not a cold weather person at all, so June is when I know warm weather is here to stay. It’s also a month of birthdays to celebrate, with 4 grandkids and one of my girls I babysat several years being born in June. (She told me last night that I’m her honorary grandma.) It’s also a time for BBQs and family gatherings. I was blessed to have all my kids and grandkids gathered together this weekend, along with my sister and her family from Oklahoma, and a few of those honorary grandkids too! It’s a rare and wonderful thing to not have someone missing, so I treasure those moments. Every day is a blessing, but sometimes we’re extra blessed.
    Have a happy week and a blessed June, Ann. I truly enjoy your 1st Sunday devotions.

    1. Post

      Thanks for your encouraging words about my 1st Sunday devotionals, Lavon. I appreciate that.

      What a great time you must have had with all your family. There just a special hum of conversation and laughter when we have those family gatherings.

      Hope you enjoy all those birthdays. And what a blessing to pick up an extra grandchild and be an honorary grandma.

  6. So true, June. I got a blessing the other day when I spotted a fawn walking gingerly on its spindly legs following Mama. Oh that brief moment of awe. And we have nestlings now, Phoebe’s just fledged and a nest of bluebirds and carolina wrens feeding their young behind closed doors. I even marvel at the regulars that come to the feeders–bunnies, squirrels, chipmunks, turkeys, birds of all sorts, mostly though, our prized red headed woodpeckers. And to top that off, there’s strawberries, fresh from area farms. So many blessings all around us. It’s good you bring us around to those things to be thankful for. Thanks Ann!

    1. Post

      Those sound like some great blessings of June, Amy. I don’t have turkeys at my birdfeeders but the doves do a good ground cleanup duty. I have a ladderback woodpecker but have never seen the Woody Woodpecker birds at my feeder. I’ve seen them in the yard a few times.

      Strawberries are fading around here now, but I’m looking forward to my raspberries if the birds don’t get them all.

      We always have blessings to count.

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