“What in the World Is It?”

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 43 Comments

Life is not what you expect: it is made up of the most unexpected twists and turns. ~Ilaiyaraaja

I must admit that I was glad you weren’t all right or nearly so with your guesses on the last mystery photo like on the first picture. That gives me a little more courage to continue on with this game and to believe that I might find a picture that will at least make some of you think. And come up with the wrong answer. 🙂 Wrong answers make the game more fun. Maybe not for you, but definitely for me.

Last week I didn’t come up with much of a mystery. Wednesday’s post I did better and you all did some imagination exercising to come up with your answers to “What in the world is it?”

The guesses came in from all angles. Some of you were seeing fabric, a towel, a rug, a sweater, or a red jacket. I liked Eileen’s soap bubbles on her red sweater. It’s fun blowing bubbles. Then Lisa and Suzanne were getting dressed for the dance with sequins and sparkles on a dress. Ola saw sparkles on a red sofa. That could happen if those girls in the sequin dresses came to visit. Amy stuck sequin in there too along with four more guesses. Her first guess was red blood cells under a microscope. Sounds like a great mystery photo to me, but no, I didn’t get quite that desperate to trick you all. Loved her lava lamp guess too. Lucy remembered about the lunar eclipse a few nights ago and thought maybe I had a good enough camera to catch a picture of it. It was supposed to be a red moon.

Paula thought I might have put some salt or sugar on a napkin. That’s a great idea. I’ll remember it for the future. Connie said a dish scrubber. I’ve seen some that might match the picture. Especially after cleaning up a tomato sauce mess. Robin thought about a chicken wattle or comb. Lee agreed about the rooster comb but then was thinking like Lisa, that maybe I’d taken a picture of Frankie’s tongue or got a cow to stick our its tongue at me. Another great idea for a mystery photo if I can get some help from the dogs or the cows. Lee decided I couldn’t get that done and changed her guess to an azalea bloom.

She wasn’t the only one thinking flowers. Hope thought maybe a tulip and Marji didn’t name her flower but thought it a flower petal. And two got it exactly right, Jacinda and Karen. Well, Karen reported that her husband made the guess. Yes, it was a dew covered rose petal. I’ve been dwelling on dew, haven’t I? Way to go, guys.

But wait, I can’t forget Ann’s guess that had me laughing out loud when I read it. She said she had no idea but would make the best guess she could. A cross-eyed alien from outer space. Now, that would be a mystery photo for sure. I hope if I see one of those I can grab my phone out of my pocket and take a fast picture. But then it might be hard to take a picture after you pass out from fright.

Thank you all for playing my mystery photo game. If you left a comment on the post, you got an entry in my giveaway for a choice of one of my books. Each time you leave a guess on a new mystery photo,  you get another entry. Deadline to enter is May 31, 2022 at midnight EST. Three winners will get their choice of one of my autographed books. You have to be at least 18 to enter.

Mystery Photo #3 is up top. Not sure what kind of mystery it might be.

So time to guess again. Just leave a comment with what you think the picture might be.

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Comments 43

  1. I know I’m slow putting my guess in, but if I understand the rules right, any comment before May 31st gets to enter. I already saw the answer, so I won’t guess.

    1. Post

      It’s fun for me too, Karen. Surprisingly enough, this mystery was harder than I thought it would. I’m about to write Wednesday’s post to reveal the mystery. First I had to find the next mystery photo.

  2. Post

    More great guesses keep coming in. Thank all of you for joining in the fun of my mystery photos. It’s not much fun if nobody does any imagining about what in the world it might be.

    Faye, Angela and Eileen, you are joining in with some others thinking about scrubbing dishes. Angela, I hope you have some of those things your grandmother crocheted. Somebody has given me some dishclothes like that. Who knows? Maybe I did take a picture of one of them.

    Loretta, my grandmother made some rag rugs, but she didn’t have any Amish dresses to make the rags. Just old shirts and such. I still have one of the rugs. So, once again, perhaps I did take a picture of it. You have to admire these women from the past who made use of everything and made quilts and rugs, lacy doilies and embroderied pictures for the wall. They kept their hands busy.

    Lucretia, a belt of sash sounds like a great guess. We’ll have to wait until Wednesday to see if it’s a right guess.

    Paula, you went from blue jeans to lace collars. Love the guesses.

    Linda, an outdoor cushion is a great guess too the same as Lucretia’s. But both of you can’t be right. Could be neither of you are right. We shall see.

    Joan, I like your guess. You’re staying current for sure with the facemask guess. I haven’t been wearing mine much lately but maybe I should with new germs circulating.

  3. I feel it could be a knitted doilies or dishcloth. Whatever, I think it is homemade and very pretty. I love homemade items. I may be a dreamer.

  4. I’m going to guess that the mystery picture is an edge of a crocheted dish scrubber…. my grandma made them and potholders among the many things she crocheted and knitted

  5. Post

    Wow, you all have really been doing some guessing while I wasn’t looking . Was spending the day with my sisters. You got to make time for sisters. They’re the ones that will stick with you even though they know all the dumb things you’ve done.

    But on to the guesses. I love all the crochet guesses. They might even be right. Amy made me laugh saying maybe I get fancy when lining my shelves. I won’t say her guess isn’t right about what the mystery picture is, but Amy, I’m not a fancy shelf liner type person. I did once buy some cute paper with an apple paper for the old china cabinet I inherited.

    Several of you are thinking it might have something to do with blue jeans. It is blue. So, who knows? Maybe you will all be right. Or maybe not.

    I like Kim’s guess of a bookmark. That sounds right up my alley. Susan likes the idea of a chain link fence. I do need a fence to keep Frankie from going to visit the neighbors.

    Some of you guessed rugs like Jeanne who didn’t feel all that confident of her guess since she said it might be way off. Maybe so, but if so, you’re not way off by yourself.

    Emily is seeing the edge of a curtain. I can imagine it blowing a little as the wind comes through the open window. You have to know they had their windows up at the house in Meadowland in my story. I remember those days of living in an old farmhouse and shoving the window up and propping it with an appropriately sized stick. So maybe that is what I took a picture of.

    Judy just comes right out and says she has no idea but she’s still loving the game. Several others of you have said the same. I’m so glad you’re finding the game fun.

    Come Wednesday you’ll get to see the rest of the picture. But wasn’t that rose a pretty one?

    1. Post

      Forgot to say I love your guess, Lucy. And I do have a swifter or swiffer or whatever they are. I need to get it out and swiff some floors. Maybe I did get it out last week and snap a photo.

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