Fun with Faces – Caption Game Picture 4

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 17 Comments

“Few realize how loud their expressions really are. Be kind with what you wordlessly say.” ― Richelle E. Goodrich, Making Wishes: Quotes, Thoughts, & a Little Poetry for Every Day of the Year

You all have been outdoing yourself with all the great captions you are suggesting for my Caption Game Photos. It’s so fun to read what you are suggesting. I had a house full of company this weekend with my daughter home and my sisters being here one day and Darrell’s brothers and their wives here the other. My son and family showed up too. So while it wasn’t all planned, having diferent family members show up turned out to be fun. That made me a little slow checking out some of your caption suggestions for Wednesday’s picture.

Amy had me laughing with her caption of the dog asking Mom where the nearest fire hydrant might be. When you gotta go, you gotta go. LOL. I also liked Ann’s about the grey Poupon. Do you all remember that commercial from several years back? It sort of got to be a joke after a while with everybody asking about that mustard. But I guess that’s the purpose of commercials – to make you remember. I liked Hope’s photo bombing dog too. Actually, I liked them all. Thank you for all the smiles.

I suppose you see that I’ve gone from Mom’s big smile to the girls not looking so happy. Isn’t it interesting how our faces can give away our emotions? That is, if you don’t have a poker face, and I don’t. Anybody would know if I was holding four aces or whatever cards were winners.

Well to me the most interesting things can be an actor’s facial expression, a gesture, the movement of a body – all those things that we are saying to each other in-between the words. ~Julia Loktev

Most kids have faces that are pretty easy to read. You can generally ask your kids if they did this or that infraction and you won’t have to get a verbal answer. Guilt or innocence is generally easy to see.

When I’m trying to get my characters to spring to life in my stories, I need to think about their expressions. Sometimes it’s hard to come up with new ways to say a person is smiling or frowning. Sometimes I have to let the reader decide on the facial expression from the words they say. But we are better at reading the other person’s feelings when we are face to face and not just reading words. Do you remember when everybody was wearing masks? Did you miss seeing people smiling as much as I did? Eyes may be the window to the soul, but the rest of our faces shows plenty about our personality too.

In silent films, quite complex plots are built around action, setting, and the actors gestures and facial expressions, with a very few storyboards to nail down specific plot points. ~Laurie R. King

So, what caption do you think fits the picture up top of my two unhappy girls?

I know what people used to say to me when I looked like that as a kid. I’ll laugh if any of you suggest that. If you leae a comment, you’ll get an entry in my book giveaway. Three winners will get their choice of one of my autographed books. Each caption suggestion on a new photo gets you a new entry. You must be at least 18 to enter the giveaway, but feel free to ask your kids what they think.



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Comments 17

    1. Post

      You hit the nail on the head with this caption, Connie. These girls are always being told they have to clean their room before this or that can happen. They’ve missed out on some things because they struggle with that cleaning room thing. LOL. They do good on many other household chores, but the rooms are behind doors and something they can put off.

    1. Post

      Lucy, you know little girls. That sounds just like something they might beg for. I remember some of those sleepovers for my daughter years ago. Not sure she ever had six, but however many she had, they did have fun.

  1. Post

    Ahh, Judi, your caption is echoing in my childhood ears. I heard that a million times. I must have been a good pouter. But I never wondered how I’d step on my lip. It would be difficult.

    Amy, I love it. Actually, for these girls they’ve never had to pout too much to get a puppy. They have four dogs. And these two have a cut little basset hound mix they have spoiled to death.

    Ola, that’s the one I heard all the time when I was a kid.

    Marji, I know that’s one a lot of kids have heard. That put a smile on your face. But you know what? It’s hard to put a smile on your face when you’re pouting and somebody tells you too. I’m sure the Lord doesn’t like pouty faces the way you say.

    Diana, I’ve heard that part about how you don’t want your face to freeze that way. One of my sons used to make this crazy face. He wasn’t pouting, just trying to surprise people with a weird face. I used to tell him he wouldn’t want his face to freeze that way. LOL

  2. Post

    As always, you all are making me smile with your captions. I will let you know that the girls are acting for me here. You can tell that on the girl in front, but the one in the back has the acting down pat for pulling a sad face.

    Hope, nowadays with a lot of kids having phones, I can see them maybe trying to send a photo like that to their grandmom.

    Lavon, face-timing grandma is easy these days with all the phones floating around and kids knowing how to use them better than those grandmas. I laughed at your story about your grandson wanting you to do something about his dad. Guess that was one time grandma couldn’t come through.

    Paula, I’ve heard that face freezing that way in my day for sure. And it certainly would have never gotten me my way.

    Marjorie, this does look like the kind of face they might use for begging to do something. While, as I said, these girls are pretending in this picture, I have seen some pouty faces at other times. 🙂

    Lee, that’s a new one on me. But thinking about birds pooping on my lip might have gotten me to stop pouting when I was a kid for sure. And that’s funny about your giggles getting you in trouble and making your brother look innocent. LOL

  3. Oh, I know that look well! “Be careful, you’re going to step on that lip”. How many times I heard that as a child! Lol. I always wondered how I could get my lip out so far as to make it possible to step on it.

  4. “I don’t see any birds, do you? I remember being told to suck my lip back in before a bird would come along and poop on it. And I used to get blamed for things my brothers did because I couldn’t stop giggling when Mom asked who did it.

  5. Be careful, if you keep that up your face will freeze that way!
    Making faces like that won’t get you what you want!

  6. Too cute! I think they’re face-timing Grandma , “we need you!”
    My grandson called me once saying, “you need to come do something about your son!” He gave me a look like that when I told him daddies are in charge of their own kids. lol

  7. “Photo sent to Grandma when mom and dad say “no” to something and you are looking for her sympathy”

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