Surprised by Joyful Moments

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 10 Comments

Fight to find the joy in everyday. (Aleisha)

Something popped up on Facebook a while back that started me thinking. I know. Lots of things pop up on Facebook. Some fun things. Some serious things. Some crazy things. But what I’m talking about was a suggestion to name three everyday type of things you love without thinking about it. So I did. Sunshine. Walks with my dogs. Spring flowers.

When I did think about it, those three were only a beginning. I’m not talking about the big blessings like a loving family and those wonderful grandchildren who bring us so much joy. I’m not talking about those blessings that make life easier such as a good place to live and plentiful food in our refrigerators. I’m not talking about our greatest blessing, God’s saving grace. For sure the Lord is the giver of many moments of joy.

But what I’m thinking about are those times in our everyday life when we’re surprised by joy. Seeing a newborn’s lips turn up in a smile can be a sweet gift. A spontaneous hug from a grandchild – that’s a moment of joy. A puppy waddling toward you. That is a flash of joy. Singing one of the old hymns at church and being surprised by the joyful wording of one of the verses. Seeing a butterfly or several butterflies on a flower. Passing a little child on the street or in a store and that child giving you the gift of a sudden smile. A couple seconds of joy. A mockingbird serenading from the top of a tree. Joyful. Catching a lightning bug and then letting it fly away. Joyful. Pushing a child in a swing to let them go “high as the moon.” Joyful. A cup of tea on a cool morning. Joyful. A card in the mail from a friend. Joyful. A dog sleeping behind my writing chair. Peaceful joy. Stars in the night sky. Sparkles of joy. A sunrise or sunset bursting with color. Joyful. Walking on my farm with my grandkids. Joy.

I once saw a magazine article that said research showed a moment of awe can improve a person’s mood. I don’t know why they needed to research that. All a person needs to do is go outside and consider the stars or watch a new moon slide up over the eastern horizon or hear a song that sends chills up and down your spine. But according to the authors of that study, something as simple and common as a cluster of daffodils dancing in a spring breeze can give us a moment of joy if we take time to notice and respond to the beauty of the moment. Sometimes we can seek joy. Other times it just pops out of nowhere to bless us.

If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive. (Eleonora Duse)

What moments of joy lift your spirits?


Drumroll please! Winners of my Valentine newsletter giveaway contest: 

First place winner was Laurie. She won the fancy chocolates and her choice of one of my books. I’ve sent her an email but haven’t heard back from her as yet.

One of the second place winners was Edward from Virginia.  I have already heard from him. He picked Words Spoken True for his prize.

The other second place winner is Jean Hall. She wins her choice of one of my books, but she hasn’t answered my email as yet.

If I don’t hear from the winners in five days, I’ll draw new winners.

Next Sunday, I hope to start a giveaway going here just for you my blog readers. Maybe we can do a caption game. We’ll see, but the prizes will be books. Always books.

Thanks for reading.

Comments 10

  1. I too enjoy all the things in nature that you have mentioned especially in the spring when you are seeing the first flowers or new green grass and leaves. I love seeing the different cloud formations everyday, never the same except maybe cloudy days.

    1. Post

      Clouds can be a joy, Connie. As you say always different. We can appreciate those fluffy white clouds in the spring because there’s usually plenty of sunshine along with them. The grass is greening up here and soon the flowers will be blooming. I picked a few March flowers this week, but they still look as though they are having trouble throwing off the cold. But more buds are on the way.

  2. Love this! My Mammaw showed me the beauty of nature when I was young. It always brought me joy to see the wildflowers blooming on my walk to her house. I also loved to see the joy in her eyes when she saw me at the door with a bunch freshly picked just for her.

    1. Post

      I have no trouble imagining the joy your brought your grandmother when she went to visit. I’ve felt that same joy with my grandchildren, Debbie. It’s a blessing to have a grandmother or parent who helps you appreciate the beauty of our natural world. I’m looking forward to spring wildflowers.

    1. Post

      You are so right, Loretta. Days when we make the time to experience the joys of everyday blessings.

      I’m so glad that you think my posts can bring joy. That in turn makes me happy. So, the words of friends and loved ones can definitely awaken moments of joy.

    1. Post

      I love that about reading something that just connects with you, Lisa. I hadn’t thought of that but it is a good feeling. That can be in the Bible, in a fictional book or some tidbit of history I discover while researching. And hugs and laughter with the grands is always joyful.

  3. This week I found joy in finding my daffodils popping through the ground and collecting sap to make maple syrup.
    Congratulations winners. Blessings

    1. Post

      I think my jonquils are probably beginning to bloom over in the field where a house used to be, Lucy. There were buds early in the week when I went by there to see. Always good to see those first blooms.

      And making maple syrup? That sounds like quite a project.

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