Want to Listen to an Audio Book?

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 27 Comments

Did you know that before radios and television people did a lot more porch sitting and storytelling? On top of that, people actually read aloud to one another as an entertainment. I can imagine sisters or friends sitting together to do needlework or some other task while one had the pleasure of reading aloud to them to make the task more enjoyable. I believe if that was so, they might have looked forward to a reading time together. And how about seeing a couple, young or old, sharing a story by reading it aloud to one another? Perhaps on a front porch swing. Perhaps in front of a fireplace on a chilly winter night.

People still sometimes read to one another. Of course, I read to my kids every day before they learned to read on their own. I even read them a chapter a day from a few books. Once I read one of my own young adult novels from front to back in one night to my granddaughter. I can’t remember how many hours they took. 🙂 She did grow up to be a reader on her own.

The last couple of years I have taken a summer break after finishing a novel to delve into the world of audio book narration. Most of my published books get an audio contract through my publishers, but a few of them didn’t. So, I set out to remedy that by doing an audio version myself. For the first one, Scent of Lilacs, I contracted with another reader. But then  when I was planning an audio version of Orchard of Hope, I decided to give narration a try myself. Some years ago, I did some volunteer reading of books on tape for the state library for visually impaired readers. That made me feel confident I could do the outloud reading, but setting up a home studio to record the narration myself instead of doing it in a soundproof booth at a studio was a challenge.

But nothing ventured, nothing gained, as the old saying goes. And I’ve always loved a challenge. Maybe I got that from my mother who once crocheted an afghan and wove a basket just to prove she could. For her the one was enough. But I was setting out in this venture of narration to perhaps do the ten books of mine that lacked an audio version. I did online research on how to narrate one’s own book. I bought a how-to book and watched videos. I downloaded an app to do the recording, bought a microphone and some soundproofing extras and started reading aloud.

Now, a couple of years in with four books under my belt, I just lack about five more. At the rate I’m going, I might get them done before I get too old to read aloud that long. I do have to write new books. The narrating is simply a side venture that is mostly fun for me. The editing isn’t that fun, but I am getting better at reading without stumbling and/or breathing too hard. Those aren’t really a problem when you’re reading to a person one on one. Those listeners aren’t surprised when you trip on a word now and again. Plus they expect you to breathe, but a recording can make a normal breath sound like you just ran a mile. A hiccup or cough means time to start over.

All the Hollyhill books are now in audio and available on line. I narrated the last two, Orchard of Hope and Summer of Joy. The first two Rosey Corner books were picked up for audio versions through the publishers, but Love Comes Home missed out. So that is the third book I narrated. I’ve also done the first Hidden Springs mystery, Murder at the Courthouse. That was an experience since many of the characters are men. I’ll tell you more about that book in another post, maybe next week.

But what about the cover for my audio version? I couldn’t use the same cover as used for the print or digital book. So, I designed my own cover. I thought about the soldiers coming home from WW II and how they would be so happy to see their families and start up their peacetime lives. What says coming home any better than a front porch swing just sitting there waiting for someone to sit down and enjoy home time with their loved ones?

This is my daughter’s front porch swing that she bought with one of her grandmother’s last gifts to her. So it makes me think of Mom when I see it and since the Rosey Corner books were inspired by the stories Mom told me about her growing up years and since the swing on the Merritts’ front porch played a part in most of the stories, I thought the swing was perfect.

If you like listening to audio books or even if you have never listened to one, but would like to give it a try, I have some free downloads of the audio version of Love Comes Home. All you need is a smart phone or a computer and you can start listening to the book after easily downloading it. Even if you’ve already read the story, you might enjoy hearing me read it to you.  If you think so, just let me know and I’ll send you a link to download the audio version. Not sure exactly how many I have left, so first come first serve.

Have you ever listened to an audio book? One read by the author or a different narrator?

What do think about the cover of the audio version of  Love Comes Home?



Comments 27

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  1. Oh, Ann, I hope I’m not too late. I adore audio books and would love to hear you read to me. Please, could I have a copy?
    P.S. hope you all are warmer than we are in OK. It’s mighty cold this week.

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      It’s been cold here too, Debbie, but maybe not as frigid as out your way. We are expecting some deepfreeze temps this weekend but then it’s supposed to warm up and rain. That’s Kentucky for you.

      I do have more codes and I’m happy you want to give my book read by me a try. I’ll send you a message to gmail mailbox here in a few minutes. Hope you’ll enjoy the story and that the narration will be okay.

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  2. I have never listened to an audio book. This would be the perfect one to begin my journey if you have any codes left.

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      Well, Nyla Kay, it will be interesting as to how you like it. But don’t let me ruin you for other audio books that might be or surely are better done by professional narrators. I do hope you’ll enjoy the story and listening to my best effort of narrating it. I’ll send a message with the download info to your aol mailbox.

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  3. I’m with Patricia…I need to have a book, or sometimes my Kindle, in my hands. I’ve tried audio books in the car, but I find my mind wandering, or I’m afraid I’ll be too intent on listening instead of paying attention to the road. I haven’t tried it while sewing yet, because it’s always been my habit to listen to music while I sew. Maybe I’m just an old fogey, set in my ways? 😉
    I do love that cover photo of the porch swing, though! It fits perfectly with the story.
    I hope you’re staying warm. I can imagine how cold you’ve gotten this week on your morning walks with your fur buddies. I’ve nearly froze just going to my car. And Ollie only stays out long enough for a very fast trip for essential business. We’re more than ready for spring!

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      Old fogeys sometimes know what they like best, Lavon. Although you might enjoy listening to a story while you sew were you to give it a try. I know an author that puts in her earbuds and listens to an audio book when she takes short trips to the kitchen or wherever from her office. I can’t do that and I’ve only a few times listened to a book while I’m walking the dogs. I like hearing the world of nature around me then, but I did have this story I was listening to that I just had to find out what happened next. 🙂 So I just carried my phone in my pocket and didn’t bother with earbuds and the narrator just read the story to me and the birds as I walked. 🙂

      I’m glad you thought the porch swing made a perfect cover. I was glad my daughter had such a pretty porch and swing. She says it sort of gives her a turn seeing her swing on my cover. I can just imagine Jay and Kate sitting on it and enjoying being together after the war.

      It is cold on our walks, but the boys have plenty of fur and have a good coat. So, it’s not been too bad. The worst times are in the rain. I try to talk Frankie out of walking on those days but he is a stubborn guy and doesn’t mind rain, cold, snow. The heat in the summer is the hardest for him but he’s game even then. I think then he just can’t get it in his head that it’s going to be so much hotter outside than inside the airconditioned house. A dog like Ollie is much easier to convince that some days aren’t good walking days.

  4. I love the porch swing for the cover of the audio book–Love Comes Home. I’d love to listen to it as an audio book!

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  5. Oh, Ann, I would love to hear Love Comes Home on audio book! The Roses Corner Series is my very favorite! And, I listen to audio books while I crochet! Thank you!

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      Great, Judi. I’ll get a code sent to your gmail address. The first two Rosey Corner books were narrated by professionals. I listened to Angel Sister and that reader did a fabulous job in making the story come to life. I haven’t listened to Small Town Girl, but a reader who did said that narrator was even better. I know I won’t be as good as either of them, but I do hope you’ll enjoy my reading of the story. Maybe if you can get the others, you’ll enjoy all the Rosey Corner stories in audio. Sometimes you can get audio books through the library.

    1. Post

      Well, hello, Ronda Lou. I don’t even know if that is your middle name, but it works. LOL. I’ll send the download link to your gmail email box. And I do hope you won’t get tired of hearing me talk in your ear. So fun to hear from you. We all miss you at Goshen, but me the most.

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  6. I realize that audio books fill a need or a desire for some people, but I love the feeling of holding a book in my hands and turning the pages as I read. Maybe I’m an old fogey that way, but if that’s the case, so be it – I’m a happy old fogey! 😉

    1. Post

      Happy old fogeys are the best, Patricia. I’m sure I fit in that category too, and I do love holding that book and turning pages while I read too. But I do also read e-books on my Kindle and even on my phone. I have to admit it’s easier to carry a book around that way, and I like listening to somebody reading to me when I’m busy working with my hands doing chores or while my husband and I are on trips, which hasn’t been that much lately. Any way I can squeeze in a few more stories is good gor me. But you keep reading happily the way you like best. I’ll be having a giveaway for a print book on here soon.

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