What Is Your Birthday Wish?

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 5 Comments

“Happiness consists more in small conveniences or pleasures that occur every day, than in great pieces of good fortune that happen but seldom to a man in the course of his life.” ~Benjamin Franklin

A little over a week ago I sent out a newsletter. In it, I had a giveaway as I always do in my newsletters, and because I love getting to know my readers better, I invited those who entered for the giveaway chance to share something they might wish they could have or do on their birthday. I asked that they think out of the box so that it wasn’t anything that could be wrapped up in a pretty package with a big bow. Did I ever get some beautiful birthday wishes!

Almost all of them had to do with family or friends which proves that possessions are nice but it’s the people in our life that matter most. Some people wished for what couldn’t be – another day with a loved one who had gone on up to heaven. Most all of us would like a little more time with those we’ve lost. I could ask my father and my mother so many more questions. Things I didn’t think to ask while I could have. Others wished they could see family or friends who had moved away. They wanted to see those grandbabies they hadn’t gotten to see except through the magic of internet for far too long. COVID figured into some of those delayed family visits. Others wished they could gather all their children under the same roof at one time and rejoice in the family being together. We do wish for those special times when family bonds are strengthened by talking face to face.

The next highest up on the wish scale was traveling. Some wanted to go back to places they’d been previously and remembered with such joy. Others wanted to go to new places they’d never been. Some wanted to take a peaceful retreat to a cabin in the mountains or walk along the beach.

More than a few kept their dreams on the practical side. They just wanted to have a good meal with their family and friends. Of course, more than one grandmother did wish they could have a birthday dinner they didn’t have to cook or clean up after. They said as long as they were wishing, they might as well wish for it all. 🙂

A few were happy with cake or pie or some special treat. I wasn’t the only one to think it would be great to have a day to do nothing but read and enjoy a cup of tea. That was one of the birthday wishes I named in my newsletter. That and a hike down my favorite creek. Of course, all the family together would be wonderful too and who wouldn’t enjoy a few trips to hike up some mountain trails or watch the sun rise or set over the ocean?

Some told me about birthday wishes that had already come true. Having a son or grandchild born on their birthday or close to it was an extra special gift. Others talked about sweet nights out with a husband, parents or friends and wonderful memories of perfect birthday surprises. That’s what Debora shared with me and because her favorite birthday surprise that was a wish come true had me smiling, I’m sharing it with you too. Here’s what Debora wrote.

A few years ago my son was in the army. He arrived back in the states after a tour in Iraq on October 31st. He was stationed in upstate New York and we live in California so I didn’t know how long it was going to be before I got to see him. My birthday is December 21st so I was thrilled when he let us know he would be home for Christmas. I was hoping he would make it for my birthday too. I was very disappointed when he said he couldn’t come until the 22nd. On the 20th my husband headed to work as usual. He had an hour drive each way. Then at about 2 pm he called to say they had a power outage at work and because it wouldn’t be on for a few hours everyone was told to head home. A little over an hour later he came in and, like everyday, headed straight to the restroom. A couple of minutes later the doorbell rang so I went to answer it. It was our son! My husband had taken time off so he could pick him up at the airport. The two of them planned it together so he could be here for my birthday! It was a wonderful surprise and my favorite birthday present!

Can’t you just imagine Debora’s smile when she saw who was at the door? So that’s why I used that graphic from my book These Healing Hills where Ben is so happy to make it home from World War II. I could have also pulled a scene out of my book, Love Comes Home, where Kate welcomes Jay home from the war and they dance in the street as a few snowflakes fall down around them. Someone home from the Service is always a time for joy.

Here’s a link to my newsletter if you didn’t get a chance to read it.

So what would you wish for your birthday that couldn’t be wrapped up in a box?



Comments 5

  1. I am blessed to have everything I need or want. My only wish for my birthday would be to see my sisters (they live in another state) and to have all of my children and grandchildren here for dinner.

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  2. Hi Ann,

    My birthday wish that can’t be wrapped up would be for my neighbor Rob to be home and healthy. He’s been sick with COVID19 for over three weeks and is fighting for his life on a ventilator. He and his wife have four children at home between the ages of six and fifteen. His wife has remained strong and our church family is lifting prayers for miraculous healing. I’m waking up in the middle of the night and lifting prayers, and through the day I pray every time of think of this sweet family. On my birthday, which is in January, I wish and hope that Rob will be home, recovered and well, surrounded by those who love him. Please lift a prayer Rob and his family.

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      A prayer lifted, Shelia. We’ve lost two long time friends to Covid in the last couple of months. The last man was in his seventies but he was still a dad raising an adopted child and three grandchildren. It is so sad to see so many being lost to Covid. May your neighbor be one of those who hangs on and whose body recovers.

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