And the Mystery Photo Game Continues

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 24 Comments

“No object is mysterious. The mystery is your eye.” ~Elizabeth Bowen

I promised the answer to Sunday’s mystery photo Wednesday, but then the grandkids came to go blackberry picking. The same as many grandmothers, everything else gets shelved when the grandkids come around. I thought I’d find the time to post it before last night, but I don’t know what happened to the day. Do you ever have that problem? Have a plan of all you’re going to do and discover you’re not near as fast at doing all those thing as you thought?

And I didn’t even get sidetracked reading a good book. At least, not exactly. I did get a little sidetracked working on the narration of one of my own books, Love Comes Home. I’m about half finished reading it for audio. It’s sort of funny reading a book I wrote ten or so years ago. I remember the story, but I had forgotten a lot of the words I used to tell that story. The best part is how those characters are coming to life again for me in my imagination. I did love those Merritt sisters from Rosey Corner. I wish the book had gotten a professional reader like the other Rosey Corner books, Angel Sister and Small Town Girl, but since it didn’t, I’m giving the reading my best shot. There are some dramatic scenes coming up in the book. I hope I can find a way to read without getting weepy. You might think an author shouldn’t cry over her own book, but if I can’t care about my characters, how can I expect the reader to care?

But back to the mystery game. And my excuses for being late to make the big reveal. We fought the briars and weeds and wild roses that grew in with the blackberries and ended up with two gallons of berries. Not so bad. I also said they could pick our tame blackberries, but turned out they didn’t need that permission. They had already found them when they went out to check how things were growing in the garden and had munched down on them straight off the vine. By the time we got back from the field to try to pick whatever was left, my son was using his flashlight to find the berries. Time to close down the berry picking when you have to use a flashlight. LOL.

So, what about all your guesses on the last mystery photo. Donkey was a popular guess. Donkey face. It does look like an eye in the picture. Paula guessed a toadstool and Ola thought a plant stem. Great guesses. Wrong, but great guesses, and I loved Betty’s guess of dryer lint. I may keep that in mind for a future mystery photo. Who, besides Betty, of course, would ever dream I’d take a picture of dryer lint? Or Swifter dirt. Suzanne guessed tree bark. I have been known to take tree pictures and have considered trying to make a mystery photo of that. Maybe I even did once, but not this time. At least not for that mystery photo. Lee and Maylin thought a dog’s leg or knee. They were getting closer.  Lucy guessed a camel. Love that, Lucy. Una got away from the animal guesses with a piece of a blanket. Althea thought a spider web. April let her little six year old guess and she said a werewolf. I can tell you for certain that I have never taken a picture of a werewolf, but her guess made me smile.

All right, who got it right? Amy was very close with goat’s knee. Brianna and Karen were right if not exact with an animal’s leg. And Jacinda got it exactly right when she said a cow’s leg. Or right enough. He’s a cute little calf.  Love how you are all so imaginative at figuring out these pictures whether you’re right or wrong. Of course, I’m glad you didn’t all figure it out. 🙂

Now you can check out the next mystery picture up top? Are you all going to figure it out? I’m ready for your best idea of what it might be. After this, two more mystery pictures before the game is through. Remember, that a guess gets you an entry into my drawing to win a choice of one of my books and a grab bag book too. You do have to be eighteen or older to enter.

So what do you think that crazy mystery photo up top is? 

Comments 24

  1. Post

    Thanks so much for all the guesses. Love it. Sorry that I’ve been slow responding. Busy busy. Summertime always is and I never get half I want to do done. Then the grandkids were here today and well, the way I told you before, when you get a chance to visit with grandkids then that’s the best.

    I’m glad some of you were happy about being right about the calf leg or at least almost right. It was a cute calf picture.

    I loved some of your guesses. Seems rocks and marble and cobblestones was the winner in the guess department. None right. So, on to the next picture.

    It was fun that some of you guessed plant material.

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