Waking Up to Snow

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 26 Comments

“A snow day literally and figuratively falls from the sky—unbidden—and seems like a thing of wonder.”</strong> ~Susan Orlean

I didn’t get my post done last night and so I took you for a walk with me on the new fallen snow this morning. Not much snow. Maybe 2 inches, but however much it was, it coated all the tree limbs in beauty and covered up the mud in the pasture fields.

“There’s just something beautiful about walking in snow that nobody else has walked on. It makes you believe you’re special.” ~Carol Rifka Brunt

The dogs and I did make the first tracks in the snow down toward the barn since the cows were over in a different field. The air was very cold–so cold my fingers didn’t like it when I stripped off my gloves to take a picture, but the muddy ground under the snow was still a little squishy. With the snow making a blanket over the ground, the freezing temperatures hadn’t reached the mud. But the mud wasn’t showing. Nothing was showing but the pristine white of the snow.

“To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold.” ~Aristotle

“Snowflakes are kisses from heaven.”  ~Unknown

“I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, ‘go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.” ~Lewis Carroll

I liked the way the snow had coated one side of the trees as I walked back toward the gate. And then the sun peeped up over the horizon.

“It is the life of the crystal, the architect of the flake, the fire of the frost, the soul of the sunbeam. This crisp winter air is full of it.”~John Burroughs

The sun lit up the tops of the trees and made them glisten.

“The snow is sparkling like a million little suns.” ~Lama Willa

Some wonders you have to get out early to see. But the snow is still beautiful now with the blue sky as a background. Looking out my window at the cardinals flying in and out to the birdfeeder with the snow making their feathers even brighter red is a treat. And then clumps of snow fall off the tree limbs like individual heavy snow storms.

The dogs and I are glad to be inside in the warm house now. They both had snowballs between their toes and left little puddles of snowy water all over the floor as they thawed out. After their early morning adventure, they’re ready for a nap and I’m ready to step back into the story I’m working on. It’s not winter there, but spring. Spring is good to think about when the snow is heavy on the trees.

So I’ll close with a few more snow quotes and a picture of our pond with the sun touching the trees on its far side.

“Snow isn’t just pretty. It also cleanses our world and our senses, not just of the soot and grime of a mining town, but also of a kind of weary familiarity, a taken-for-granted quality to which our eyes are all too susceptible.” ~John Burnside

“When snow falls, nature listens.” ~Antoinette Van Kleef

“The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different.” ~J.B. Priestley”

Do you have snow where you live? Do you like it or wish you were somewhere warmer? 

“Kindness is like snow—it beautifies everything it covers.” ~Kahlil Gibran


Comments 26

  1. We barely had enough snow to cover a few blades of grass on that evening! We were supposed to have gotten several inches at the time school would be letting out; so, they cancelled school for that day, which is a rarity here! They didn’t cancel until 6 am and the parents were furious; especially, since it didn’t do anything! Personally, I was glad it didn’t do anymore because that meant that I didn’t have to drive to and from work in snow and ice! Don’t get me wrong, I think snow is beautiful to look at! But, I just don’t like to drive in it and especially not ice! Both of these are being forecast for the middle of this week, I think (for here in Evansville, In.).

    1. Post

      Snow is not bad, Linda. Can be fun, but I definitely agree with you on the ice. Ice is not nice when it’s falling from the sky. We’ve had a few ice storms here in Kentucky and while the ice glittering on the trees in the sunshine can be beautiful, it does make life difficult. Especially if you have to get out in it or lose your electricity. We were without electricity one year for a week. Fortunately I had a woodstove at the time. Now I’d just be out of luck when it came to making anything hot to eat or drink. Hope the storms miss you. Snow is in the forecast here, but I might like that better than rain. The farm is so muddy right now.

  2. I love the snow and where I presently live in Arizona, I can see it from a distance on the mountain tops! So beautiful! I loved all your snow scene pics, Ann! My favorite snow memory was in Lubbock, TX where it snowed 17 inches in March! It was a beautiful winter wonderland! My college roommate and I found some lunch trays and used them for sledding for almost 2 hours!! What fun and we almost missed lunch in our dormitory!! Also, I would like to share that I came across this morning a quote from O. Hallesby: “As white snow flakes fall quietly and thickly on a winter day, answers to prayer will settle down upon you at every step you take, even to your dying day. The story of your life will be the story of prayer and answers to prayer.” I appreciate you, Ann, and all your inspirational writing!! Enjoy a wonderful day!

    1. Post

      Thank you for sharing about your snow memories, Lauren. I can picture you and your friend sledding on those trays. Very innovative of you. I like March snows because they are often the kind that pile up but then don’t last long. Plus, it’s usually warm enough that you don’t freeze while you’re out there enjoying the beauty.

      Love the quote too. I copied it to save to use sometime in the church bulletin, perhaps.

  3. I uses to have a stone house in the woods and there were fields around us too and they all led to the, big crick, that ran through our little mill town. I would walk our dog out into the fields and it was so quite it hurt my ears. There is nothing like a walk in field & woods that fulfills us like snow does. I live in the city now and miss those days, but I still love the snow. When I was a girl my father always had a fire burning in the fireplace and mom had a big pot of soup cooking on the stove; a warmth that is never forgotten.

    1. Post

      A stone house in the woods. Love the image that brings to mind, Carol. Maybe I should have a stone house in the woods in my new book. And a big crick.

      Such sweet memories of your childhood. Sounds lovely and warm in heart.

  4. Yes, It fell in giant flakes as I took my six year old Granddaughter home yesterday, then it appeared like a white blanket up and down my street. What I always notice is the silence as it falls. If you awaken during the night when it’s snowing, notice how quiet the world has grown; I love that quietness!

    1. Post

      That is a good sound or non-sound as the case may be, Carolyn. Sometimes if I’m walking as the snow is falling and no wind is blowing I can hear it outside. Those big flakes are lovely as they plop down to begin covering up the world.

  5. We have snow here in northern Indiana, but not very much right now. Your pictures are absolutely gorgeous! Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Post

      Glad you enjoyed the pictures, Kathy. I have a few more that I may share on my Facebook page. I tried to get one of the cardinals in the tree where I have my birdfeeder. Their red feathers always look good against a snow background, but I could never get them to pose just right. I don’t think they were a bit interested in having their picture taken. LOL

  6. Snowing again now. It is pretty but I need warm weather so my fibromyalgia and arthritis don’t hurt so much. Spring will be here soon. Blessings

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  7. We had about 3 inches of snow this morning. It took the sun a few hours to come out to start the melt. It’s pretty, but I am really looking forward to spring time and blossoms.

    1. Post

      You and Lavon are agreeing on that, Connie. I’m never in quite such a hurry to rush the winter months by since I need to get my book written before my spring deadline. But the weeks rush by no matter what I wish or sometimes they drag by in February when the weather is nasty. 🙂

  8. My mom always says the snow nourishes the soil. Spoken like a true farmers wife. We are in the middle of snow here in Minnesota.

    1. Post

      I’m guessing you get a lot of snow in Minnesota, Margaret. And yes, the farmers in my life always said the snow was the farmer’s friend. Some even liked to sow hay seed on the snow so that it could melt down into the ground with the snow.

  9. We got maybe a half inch of snow.It has mostly melted with the sun today.I like 1 good snow a Winter, but I like Summer days the best!

    1. Post

      You didn’t have enough snow to count, Lisa. Maybe more will come your way next time. With all the mud here on the farm, I’m readier for snow than rain right now. Everything was frozen for sure this morning. I sometimes try to think which season I like best, but I vary first to spring, then fall, then summer, and sometimes even a day or two in winter. 🙂

  10. We have snow and usually lots of it. It makes everything look new and beautiful especially if you can spend the time enjoying it. Not fun if you have to be somewhere at a designated time unless you plan accordingly. I love the change of seasons watching the squirrels and rabbits foraging for food and maybe hiding something special under a branch for later. The birds are active creatures also, what a joy to have snow in the winter to make everything new.

    1. Post

      I like the way you think about snow, Elaine. I’ve always said I wouldn’t want to live where there weren’t season changes, although warm usually sounds good. I also agree that snow is much prettier when you don’t have somewhere you have to be other than in your own backyard. When Mom was sick and my sister and I were having to stay with her all the time, I had to drive on some not so nice snow covered roads to get to her house. But my guardian angel must have been riding with me and I always made it safely.

  11. Here in eastern North Carolina my prayers were answered! We had 2-3 inches of one of my hearts delights! I adore snow and if family wasn’t here I would move where there is real full bloom seasons. Thank you for sharing your land with us today!

    1. Post

      It’s fun that you’re excited about the snow, Karen. You sound like my daughter-in-law who is always ready for it to snow. Maybe you should take a northern vacation where you can get snowed in for a week or so. 🙂 I think you had more snow than we had here this time. But some of it is hanging around. It’s sparkling out there on the hayfield in the frigid air.

  12. Just a little over 2 inches here too. And before daybreak the moon lit up the trees and lake this morning. It looked like a marshmallow explosion. It’s beautiful, but it’s too cold for me. I’m ready to see the crocus and tulip buds poking up to herald in warmer weather. 😊

    1. Post

      The moonshine on the snow was pretty, Lavon. The moon was lovely again this morning just before sunrise. And if it was too cold for you yesterday, it’s way too cold for you this morning. Frigid out there but supposed to warm up with cold rain in the forecast this weekend. I’d rather have snow. The snow is good for those tulip beds.

  13. We rarely get snow in Houston, TX, but we had a lot of it when I lived in Richmond, VA, and in Michigan. So, I’ve seen it. I plowed my mother’s long uphill driveway twice in Pennsylvania on one weekend. That about killed me. So, I’ve been there and done that. Snow is beautiful to see in other people’s Facebook posts, blogs, etc.

    1. Post

      You’ve put in your snow days, Suzanne, so now you can enjoy that Texas weather. I have a niece who lives somewhere in Texas. She used to live in Virginia like you where she was always getting piles of snow. She gets excited when it snows in Texas. I like snow if I don’t have to go somewhere and it doesn’t stick around long. A nice little snow that lasts a day or two is fine. 🙂

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