Facing the Page

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 8 Comments

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

At some point, you have to sit down and face the page alone. At some point, the final decisions need to be yours. At some point, you have to give yourself deadlines and stick to them. ~John McNally

I’ve begun my next book. My deadline looms out there and even though it’s a few months away, those months will slide by quickly. I need to get into the ‘make your fingers touch the keyboard and crank out some pages every day’ mode. Then I’ll have to hope they make sense.

I think maybe the hardest thing about writing a book is the beginning. At least I think that until I get about a hundred pages in and then I think the hardest thing about writing a book is trusting my story through the middle. So far the endings of the stories I’ve written haven’t put me into a panic but there’s always the first time for everything.

I like my new characters. The story is set in the 1920’s but is more a family story than about any particular historical event. Still, I want to be true to the time of the story and get the atmosphere right.

The hard thing about writing a book with deadlines down the road is all the other things going on at the same time. Just because I’m writing a book doesn’t mean the laundry doesn’t need doing or dinner doesn’t need to be cooked or the dogs don’t need walking or family can’t come visit – at least as much as possible with this pandemic going on. I want to keep up with my friends on social media and write my blog posts. I could name a hundred things that can get in the way. Or at least be distractions.

Even writing stuff can get in the way of getting a new book out of my head onto paper or the computer. I’ll be getting the pages for Along a Storied Trail soon to do final edit. I need to add this new book to my website and let everybody know it’s already out there for pre-sale so you can have the book in your mailbox as soon as it’s released in June. A great place to check out the book and get a huge pre-order discount is Baker Book House.

I feel as though I need to think some more about my characters. What do they look like and how do they think and what problems are they going to have to overcome. Right now it’s mostly those first two. The problems I’ve imagined for them will pop up along the story trail. I have two sisters. One a red head. One so blonde her hair is almost white. I do like to write about sisters.

God didn’t do it all in one day. What makes me think I can?– ~Author UnknownI

That quote makes me smile and pokes me at the same time. I’ve always wanted to be able to do it all, and it’s sometimes hard to admit that I can’t. What I need to remember is that I have the time the Lord has given me and ask Him to help me use it wisely and well. And not to spin in place worrying about doing this or that. Just do it! Five pages a day. I can do that.

Lots of writers spill out many more words a day than that. But you know, I’m not ‘lots of writers.’ I’m a unique individual just as you are and we all have our own abilities and talents. Our path to success is figuring out what works best for us. Not what works best for others. And if what I write today isn’t right, then I can it over tomorrow and keep trucking.

I hope you all have great weeks and stay warm while you’re reading (or writing) some great stories.

Do you ever think you can do it all or wish you could? Then again, maybe you can. 🙂 

P.S. A couple of the people who got downloads for my audio reading of Orchard of Hope are having trouble downloading it. So if you did get one of the free downloads, did it work for you? The book is available through Amazon Audible. Did you have to download Audible if you didn’t already have it on your reading device? I downloaded one of the files just to test it out and didn’t have any problem, but I already had Audible on my phone. I do have a few more download links if you are interested in hearing me read my book to you.


Comments 8

  1. Thanks for giving us an insight as to what goes into writing . I enjoy reading your books and appreciate all the hours you put into your writing. If your download is still available; I would like to have one. I’m currently at home feeling under the weather and one of your books would help . Thanks.

    1. Post

      Sure, Susan. I do still have a few more. I’ll send them to your e-mail address you used to comment here. A couple of people have had trouble getting them to work, but everybody else has downloaded them easily.

      So sorry you aren’t feeling well and hope you feel much better soon. I very much appreciate you reading my books.

  2. Hi Ann,
    I did download “Orchard of Hope” and “Scent of Lilacs”.They both downloaded just fine.I am listening to then when I walk and only let myself listen to them then. It gives me an incentive to walk more!
    I am like a lot of others, sometimes starting a project of any kind is the hardest part.I know you will roll our another great book for us to read .
    Have a good week!

    1. Post

      I’m so glad you didn’t have problems downloading the books, Lisa, and I do hope you’ll enjoy visiting Hollyhill again. I know you’ve already read the stories. I’ll be interested to hear how you think I did with the reading. I know you’ll be kind. And keep up that walking.

  3. Good Morning Ann! Thanks so much for the recent links for the free Audible books. Even though my subscription to Audible has been cancelled and ( I have over 100 books in my library to listen to) the download and addition to my Audible collection was without issues. I love listening to good Christian literature while out on my daily walks in the country. I have also preordered your new book and look forward to receiving it this coming June. Anytime I can purchase a book for under $10 without shipping charges it’s a big win!

    1. Post

      I so appreciate you ordering my new book, Dana. It’s so great to know some of you are anxious to read my new mountain story and I do hope you’ll enjoy it when you get your copy in June. Baker Book House has some great sales going right now with their books. I’m glad you were able to do the Audible downloads without problems. I’m like you with a cancelled Audible account, but I can still add books to it by buying something if I want or being fortunate to have a free download.

  4. Good morning, Ann.
    I just pre-ordered a copy of Along A Storied Trail. I’m looking forward to reading it. And Baker Book House had a much better price than Amazon.
    I haven’t had much time to read lately, but since my Christmas rush is over, I’m hoping to squeeze in a few chapters each day.
    I’m like you….getting started on a new project is sometimes the hardest part. I dearly love sewing and coming up with new designs. But that cutting out the fabric part is not my favorite thing to do. So I usually get several projects ready all at once, then I can sew to my heart’s content. I have a plan to work on different things each night after work. Time will tell if my plan works.
    I hope you and the dogs are staying warm. While I’m not crazy about “wishing my life away” I can’t help but yearn for the warm days of spring.
    Take care….and happy writing! Your fans are glad you’re such a dedicated writer. 😊

    1. Post

      How nice to know you pre-ordered my book, Lavon. Baker Book House is a great place to get print books. The pre-orders get a bigger discount, but all of Baker Publishing Group books which include a lot of popular writers are 30 % off. The free shipping if you spend a certain amount is great too. I ordered some books from them at Christmas.

      Sounds as if you have a good plan for staying on top of your sewing projects. I’m struggling to get going on this book, but I sometimes do take a week or so to get my creative juices flowing the right way. Part of the planning like you cutting out the fabric parts perhaps.

      Worry not. Whether we wish our life away or not, spring comes and the days pass quickly. Here we are in 2021.

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