New Caption Game – Marbles, Anyone

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 37 Comments

Our brains are built to benefit from play no matter what our age. ~Theresa A. Kestly

It’s my birthday month so it’s time to have some fun and to give away some books. Of course, you can check out Last Sunday’s post, Mining Parenting Memories, and leave a comment on that post to be entered in a drawing for a devotional book about fathers and sons, Adventures in Fatherhood, by Carlton Hughes and Holland Webb.  It’s a neat book that would make a great gift for yourself or for a father or grandfather in your life. But leave that comment soon. Giveaway ends this weekend.

But now we’re going to play a “What’s the Caption?” game. I went out and found some play quotes to prove this is going to be good for you. Playing can make us more creative, more relaxed, more fun. We can join in with all sorts of play. When we’re kids we play all sorts of imaginative games. Me, I even played around with writing a book when I was about ten and imagined myself a sort of Hardy Boy. Well, Hardy Girl. I loved reading those Hardy Boy mysteries when I was a kid and so picked up pen and paper and wrote myself into a mystery.

I have never put down the pen since. The pen may have turned into a typewriter and then a keyboard, but I’m still pulling words out of my imagination to make up stories. That surely has to be akin to play even when it is work. And sometimes writing a 100,000 word book can be work. Work I want to do but still work. Writing you these “letters” here on my online journal isn’t work at all, but fun. Play for sure.

Then when I decide to have a game, it really turns into play, although I will admit I often have to work to come up with those mystery photos when we play the mystery photo game. But we’re going to save that game for another time. This time we’re doing the Caption Game. And it can be fun. All you have to do is share your best caption for whatever picture I post on the next four posts. That will give you the chance to enter four times because each new post will be the opportunity to leave a caption and get another entry.

The caption doesn’t have to be particularly witty. It can be, but any caption will be good for an entry. It does have to be family friendly, but I know all of you are family friendly. I’ll pick four winners who will get their choice of one of my books. Remember, those of you who have a whole shelf of my books, and I thank you very much if you do, then an autographed book makes a great gift. Christmas will be here before you know it. I know we’ll be seeing Christmas trees before long, ready or not. Somebody said it was 100 days until Christmas. I’m not counting ahead. I’ll just lazy along and let it show up in its own good time.

Deadline to enter will be Monday, September 28, 2020 at midnight EST. You must be at least eighteen to enter, but you can get help from your kids coming up with the caption if you want. I’ll draw the winners by random number and notify them by email. You don’t need to do anything except to have fun leaving your caption for the above picture.

I can tell you what my caption should be. “My sister is going to kill me for posting this.” 🙂

So let’s play. What caption can you think up for the picture up top? 

Surely all God’s people…like to play. ~John Muir

Comments 37

  1. Post

    More fun captions.

    Sandi, I think your brothers were doing you wrong, but I’m sure you found ways to divide some things up in your favor too. Actually my sister was dividing up the marbles. But I think she was being fair. I think. 🙂

    Gail, I love yours. Sounds like a few moms I’ve known. lol

    Jolene, keeping things in proper order is not so bad, but it could be a little OCD, for sure.

    Lauren, a very creative caption. Next time I can’t sleep, I’ll try counting those marbles.

  2. Post

    I love all your captions, guys. Thanks for using your imagination to play my caption game.

    Paula, I’m sure my sister would agree with yours and would need a hand up. And I don’t think my grandkids know how to play marbles. Oh, the simple pleasures of life lost to our modern electronic age.

    Marji, she does seem to be counting them out. I’ll let you in on why on Sunday.

    Melanie, I sometimes wonder if I’ve lost mine.

    Carrie, it’s good to keep all our marbles organized for sure. 🙂

    Lee, the way to prove you haven’t lost your marbles is to show up with a jar full of them, right?

    Suzanne, it’s easy to lose count, but Sis is pretty good at figuring things out.

    Lisa, if we keep those marbles in a safe place, maybe we won’t lose them.

    Emily, your caption made me smile. I’ve tried those guessing games of how many this or that in a jar. I always lose.

    Melissa. your caption is fun with the marbles marching one by one.

    Mary, we definitely don’t want grandma to fall and stepping on marbles might upend some of us. But I think Lego blocks or jacks are the worst.

    Hope, when the basket breaks, you end up with marbles all over the floor, for sure.

    Janice, you have a keen eye to spot those arrowheads. I had forgotten they were in the picture and had to look to see. So, made me look. LOL

    Connie, now, that makes sense and probably why she was on the floor. She didn’t want those marbles to get away from her.

    Ola, she does seem to be happy to have all her marbles safe and sound.

  3. “25,30,35,40…” If I can guess how many marbles are in the jar, maybe I’ll win the candy bar!” 😊 💜 Psalm 109💜

  4. I wonder who I can play with besides my marbles. I’m looking for my big “shooter” marble. It always helps me capture my competitors marbles.

    I made a list yarn circle for my dad to play marbles with his great grandson. The y played right in the middle of the floor. My mother now 90 brought out her favorite “shooter” from her childhood. It had a few chips just like us all.

    Have you ever tried fried/ baked marbles!?! You get them very hot & then as they cool down add some water. They crack & are beautiful crystals inside the clear ones. Just like use “cracked” from hardship but beautiful Inside & durable for many many years. I currently have 3 bags of marbles in my bedroom to share with others the joy of a simple game.

    You always elicit great memories from me. Betty

    Be thankful in all things.

    1. Post

      That’s was a great way to play marbles indoors, Betty. I’m guessing your dad and his great grandson had a fun time playing marbles. And then your mom joining in with her favorite marbles. Indeed, after 90 years, a person is entitled to a few chips. I guess I am too because life can chip us a little.

      No, I’ve never baked or fried marbles. I have a big jar of marbles that I played with when I was a kid and these my sister is counting out go back to my granddad. Not sure I’d want to bake the old ones, but maybe some new ones sometime.

      I like strolling down my memory lanes and sometimes those are the same lanes as some of you have too.

      1. Ann, bake or fry the new marble all clear colors & some cat’s eyes. They make beautiful necklaces & key rings.

        Another fun thing the flat glass pebbles from Dollar store. Print out questions for favorite memories or inspiration quotes. Use two sided tape & place them on the bottom of the pebbles. Great to carry as a worry stone to remind you to pray or praise! I’ll send you a few samples. Might be a few others goodies. Surprise!

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