1st Sunday Devotional – The Blessing of Work

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 10 Comments

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. ~Colossians 3:23 (NIV)

I love this picture. It proves that at one time my desk looked neat and organized. My desk now is a paper magnet. Papers and envelopes and books and notebooks. And too much of all of that. Cleaning off my desk is constantly on my to do list. If you peek out the windows of this picture you can see that it was winter and the ground is covered with snow. If I pull the camera away to take a different shot, you see my good dog Oscar on his doggie bed right behind my desk chair.  He spent a lot of time in a support position while I wrote.  Marley and Frankie do something the same now but not quite so faithfully as dear Oscar.

I usually do a hiking story for my 1st Sunday devotional, but since this is Labor Day weekend, I decided to think work. Do you like to work? Is your work or if you are retired, was your work something that you enjoy?

I’ve done different types of work. I grew up on a farm and my dad only had us three girls. No boys to help him with the crops. So my sisters and I went to the fields to help and did chores around the house like feeding chickens and the pigs. We carried in wood to keep our house warm and helped Mom with the cooking and cleaning. But we were happy. Maybe not so much on days we had to work in the field, but we learned to work. What a great lesson that is.

Then I married and we still farmed. I helped with farm chores while also taking care of the house and kids. I had two children by  the time I was nineteen. But I loved country life and that just meant a few extras in the chore department.  But that wasn’t what I wanted to say was my work. I could claim the job title of mother and farm wife. Later when my oldest children went off to college and the youngest was old enough to be at home without a sitter, I began doing temporary secretarial jobs. Again that wasn’t what I wanted to say was my work. I wanted to be able to claim the working title of writer. I had published several books before I was comfortable telling people I was a writer.

I’m sure some think that writing is all fun and not really work. Writing is fun and fulfilling, or at least having written is fun. But sometimes the actual process of coming up with ideas for stories and then turning those ideas into books takes a lot of hours with fingers on the keyboard and plenty of times when the words are difficult to get out of my brain and down on paper or in my case, computer screen. I used to write in long hand but it’s all word processing for me these days.

Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration. The rest of us just get up and go to work. ~Stephen King

In the last fifteen or so years, I’ve written at least one book a year. Sometimes two. But being a writer these days isn’t just spilling the words of the story out onto pages, but once the book is published, a writer needs to let people know about it. I’m not the greatest at publicity. As I once had trouble saying out loud that I was a writer, now I worry about wearing people out talking about my books. But I do like connecting with other story lovers. Still, it’s part of the work of writing.

Find something you love to do, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life. ~Harvey Mackay

I like this quote and I believe it. Sort of. However, there are always time when even if you love what you’re doing, it still can feel like work. When the words come hard and a deadline approaches and I wonder if the story is even working, those days I just have to dig for inspiration and words and work. But I do think the Lord gave us the desire to work. To do something useful and needed such as growing food, working in a store, supplying utilities, manufacturing things we use, healing with medical care or teaching a child to name a few. I am blessed to be able to work at something I always dreamed of doing.  But all those other things I did were work too. A mother equipping her children for their future, a wife supporting a husband in his endeavors, a child caring for a parent, these and many others are ways we can work and be glad for the privilege even when the work is hard.

Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. ~Proverbs 16:3 (NIV)

So what is the work you have enjoyed most in your lifetime? 





Comments 10

  1. I loved this devotional, Ann, and I loved all the work examples you gave! My 2 favorite jobs in which I have served were as an elementary resource/inclusion teacher and a library page, which is my current position. As a teacher, I loved seeing the progress my students made and seeing them enjoying the learning process. As a library page, I enjoy caring for our collection of books and helping our customers and answering their questions. I am thankful for my work and the opportunity it gives me to serve and to help!

    1. Post

      I do appreciate teachers and librarians, Lauren. So I’m happy to know about your jobs. It had to be rewarding to see your students learn and improve as they worked with you. And now you’re still helping people to find the books they need or want.

  2. I’ve enjoyed all my variety of jobs. Starting out as a teenager I had a part time job as a sales clerk in a drug store. After high school graduation had to find a full time job, that was being a secretary in a car dealership filling out sales papers. I got married and moved away from home to where I live now, had to find another job. I worked as a bookkeepers helper, then went to an office in a manufacturing plant to do payroll, then back to bookkeepers helper. My husband started his own business with a convenient store and tire shop combo. I went to work in the convenient store. We eventually sold the convenient store but kept the tire shop, so then I helped with the office work until we retired 2 years ago. Every one of those jobs taught me something and I made many friends. Now I like this job of being retired pretty much, lol!

    1. Post

      That retired job after a life of good work is one most people really enjoy. Sounds as if you were multi talented in the job department, Connie. Glad you have happy memories and friends from your variety of jobs.

  3. The most satisfying job I ever had was teaching my children to be independent, compassionate and kind people, and most importantly, to love God.

    I had a job that I enjoyed for twenty-six years, but my dream was to write. Now that my children are grown and I’ve retired, I write.

    1. Post

      That’s wonderful, Marilyn. And I’m happy my own children all are doing well with their families. Sounds as if you did a wonderful job with yours and taught them the important things in life. Happy writing now.

  4. When I was young I wanted to be a costume designer for Broadway shows. But life happened….marriage, kids, farmwork, and the closest I got was Halloween costumes for the kids. I no longer have a desire to work on Broadway….but I still love to sew. A few years ago friends encouraged me to open an online shop. No costumes these days, but I sell lots of doll clothes and Moses baskets for dolls., along with other things. I’m at my happiest in my sewing room. It’s not quite paying my bills, but who knows, maybe someday. In the meantime I work a few days a week with a memory care facility, and summers as a tour guide in a local history museum. I love history too, and it’s fast becoming a passion. I don’t consider any of my jobs as work….just making money doing what I love. 😊
    Suzanne….you are a hero in my eyes! It takes a special person to have a real passion for teaching.

    1. Post

      Lavon, sometimes life does alter our dreams. But a costume designer for Broadway does sound exciting, although I’m guessing it would be really hard work. I’m guessing some of the local theater groups would love to have your talents now. I’ve seen some of your sewing creations on social media and you are very talented. I like your attitude of your jobs not being work – just a way of earning some money doing what you love. I can’t say that all my jobs across the years have been jobs I loved. I had a job working from home for several years lining up substitutes for teachers in our school system. A bear of a job, but I took it so that I could have more time for my writing dreams.

      I do love visiting history museums. I need to drive up your way someday to visit the one where you work.

  5. I’ve loved being a teacher. Between Sunday school, vacation Bible school, public school, private Christian school, and homeschooling, I’ve taught every grade from kindergarten to twelfth grade. Even though I’m retired, I still work part time at an after-school tutoring center and love working one on one with the students. I’ve always considered my teaching a ministry in addition to a profession.

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      I do think, like you, Suzanne, that teaching can be a ministry. Teachers have such a great opportunity to help children and to influence them in right ways. I appreciate teachers who consider their job a calling and do all they can to enrich the lives of those young people they are around. I know the job can be hard and often unappreciated, but though many don’t step up and say it, I know the great majority of people do appreciate teachers and due to Covid and online schools, have realized how difficult teaching can be. So, thank you from all of us.

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