One Last Mystery Photo to Guess

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 35 Comments

“The dog lives for the day, the hour, even the moment.” ~Robert Flacon Scott

Okay so Sunday’s mystery photo wasn’t a great mystery. A lot of you knew what it was. I guess the pecan mystery picture was my tricky highlight (so far) and this one my low light. But that’s okay. I’m fine with some right guesses. It definitely is a dog’s nose as Judi, Nancy, Connie, Hope, Lauren, Elizabeth, Eileen and Caryl guessed. Adriann was ready to guess a dog’s nose too except she thought I would be more mysterious than I was. A few others guessed that it was a nose but thought maybe it was a cow,  a cat or some kind of animal. Other guesses were a bit more imaginative. The prize for most imaginative has to go to Gail who saw a star in the night sky. Very poetic. I loved it. As someone said on one of these mystery photos, sometimes we see what we imagine.

One of you pointed out that the mystery pictures are usually a little fuzzy. That’s true. Maybe that gives me a slight edge in the mystery part of the picture, but I do try to get a picture I can snip a bit out of and enlarge without it being too fuzzy. I’m just using my phone to grab the picture usually, so it’s not an expert picture. But I didn’t take this  picture of a dog’s nose. I borrowed this one from my oldest granddaughter, because although, I’m sure you all thought I was taking a close-up of Marley’s nose, it isn’t Marley at all. The hint of white around the nose had you knowing it couldn’t be Frankie and you were right about that too. It’s Milo, a dog my granddaughter rescued from a bad situation. He’s a bundle of young energy with a right cute nose, even if it wasn’t quite as mysterious as I’d hoped it might be.

As you might guess from the photo, she and her husband already had an Aussiedoodle. Scout is the one in the back giving Milo a look. But they are great friends. Maybe Scout just wants to be sure Milo knows he was there first.

“Opening up your life to a dog who needs a home is one of the most fulfilling things you can do.” ~Emma Kenney

And now for the last mystery photo for this Mystery Photo Game. I’m waiting for your new guesses and worried I’ve posted another one that many of you will know. We will see.

If you leave a guess or any comment on the post, you’ll get an entry into my book giveaway. If you’ve guessed on the other photos, you’ll get another entry to up your chances of winning.  Two winners will get their choice of one of my books and a grab bag book by another Christian fiction author. Deadline for entries is midnight EST on July 18, 2020 and you must be at least 18 years old to enter.

Thank you all for playing the game and making it so much fun this time. Oh, and as to how to say pecan, puh-KAHN or a like pronunciation was the majority choice with some Southerners did chime in with the PEE-can. And I did almost pull out the mixing bowl to make some of those cookies, but went blackberry picking with the granddaughters instead.

So what’s your best guess on the picture up top? And have you ever opened up your heart and home to a dog? 

“Before you get a dog, you can’t quite imagine what living with one might be like; afterward, you can’t imagine living any other way.” ~Caroline Knapp

I do have dogs in my new release, An Appalachian Summer. If you would like to read what Piper has to say about being in the mountains, you can check out her interview on Novel PASTimes.

Comments 35

  1. It looks like a black sweater with a button or maybe a pin.
    Always yes on dogs here. Right now we have a 14 year old Pekeapoo named Sam.

    1. Post

      Sam’s getting some dog years added up on him, NylaKay. But I’m sure you’re ready for him to add on a few more. That’s the good thing about smaller dogs. They do live longer that the big dogs.

      I like your guess. Sounds as though it could be a right one. But we shall see. On Sunday.

  2. I think your new photo may be a slice of bread formed into that strange shape. I used to do that to a slice of bread when I was a kid. I don’t know why. I have had several dogs and they, to this day, hold a special place in my heart. My last dog (Maize Mae) was a rescued Golden Retriever. I would love another……but…… I am the owner of 2 stray cats. They rule now!

    1. Post

      I do make bread all the time, Eileen. Perhaps I took a piece of it and sculpted it into some interesting shape, or maybe the dough before it was baked. Interesting idea.

      Maize Mae is such a neat name for your dog. May have to borrow that someday for a dog in a story. Dogs rule around here, but my sister has a house where the cats rule. Fun.

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      You and Lisa are thinking along the same lines here, Paula. It’s neat the things we can see. That’s not to say your wrong. Or right. We have to keep the mystery going, after all.

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      I do have plenty of dog treats, Caryl. And I might have locked the dogs outside and dropped one to take a picture. For sure, if they were beside me in the house, no way would a treat stay on the carpet long enough for me to snap a picture. Marley especially loves treats. But nice guess. I like it.

  3. I had a few different thoughts on this one. I first thought it might be a hole in a leaf, but I wasn’t seeing any back ground through the hole. Then I thought it looked like when you drop some clorox on some fabric and it bleaches it out. Then it looked like a browned marshmallow. It will be interesting to find out what it really is, ha. We’ve had several dogs in our family, and I’ve enjoyed them all.

    1. Post

      I like how you have come up with a few different ideas, Connie. I like that bleached out spot one. But I’m not sure that would be playing fair with your readers. Still it’s an interesting idea. And you aren’t the first to guess a toasted marshmallow. So that could be it. Maybe. Maybe not. We shall see. And I think every family should have a few dogs to add to the fun.

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  4. Yes, I’ve shared my heart and home with many dogs…..sometimes more than one at a time.
    (Your granddogs are really cute )

    Now for the mystery picture guess….another stumper.
    It looks like a drop of water, reflecting sunlight, on a blackberry, or, maybe on a leaf.

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      Those two dogs are very cute and look so ready to be busy doing something fun, Marji. We can add up a lot of dogs to love through the years. I should make a list or a collage of pictures of my dogs.

      You always see some neat things when looking at these mystery photos, but your guess is something that might be. I do like taking pictures of drops of water on outside plants. And I’m really glad some drops of water fell around here today.

  5. I think this is a piece of candy or a breath mint ……maybe . Love dogs ! We currently have two that we adopted from our local Humane Society several years ago. Our most special dog was Lucky ; he came into our life suddenly and unexpectedly and left us the same way . He had an inoperable tumor ; there was nothing the vet could do. He was jolly, jaunty and always the life of the party. He continues to be missed by all who knew and loved him.

    1. Post

      Great guess, Nancy. Maybe right. Maybe not, but a great guess either way.

      Your Lucky sounds like a great pet. Something like my Oscar was. He was my perfect dog except for that bone cancer that took him too soon. Oscar wasn’t the life of the party. He was very sedate and mature. I honestly believe he had an “inside voice.” If he barked while inside the house he did it very quietly. Like excuse me, but there’s something you should notice now. LOL

  6. Yay! It was nice to finally get one correct! 🙂 I think this new photo is something lying on a kitchen counter…maybe a croissant or some other bread product. I had a few special dogs growing up. We can’t have dogs where we live, but have 3 spoiled indoor cats. Never thought we would have that many, but the last one was born here and abandoned by his mother and after dropper feeding him, he just had to stay as a member of our family. 🙂 I sometimes miss having a dog though, because they are great too! 🙂

    1. Post

      Well, I can’t be totally mysterious all the time, Hope. And I figured when I put up the dog’s nose that it would be one some of you would know right away. But that can be fun too. Especially after a total blank out like with the pecan picture. 🙂 One thing about this one. Not everybody is right, but not everybody is wrong either. You could be the one with a right answer. Or not. But whichever, you did get it right last time.

      Cats can be great friends too. I haven’t had a cat for years since my husband isn’t one for indoor cats and we didn’t really have a good place for outdoor cats when we first moved to this house. Of course that’s been years ago now, but the cats never showed up. Just dogs. I’d have to educate Frankie now to have a cat. He’d be chasing them up a tree all the time. I do get to sometimes enjoy my sisters’ cat buddies.

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        That’s a great guess, Emily. It does look like a carpet. It’s not a carpet, but it looks like one. I’m getting ready to draw for winners and do the picture reveal. So stay tuned.

  7. This is another hard one – of course I’m batting 0 on my guesses. My initial response is a tooth or a portion of it! But I’m sure that’s not right! Then I thought of a chunk of coconut???

    1. Post

      Then I guess it ‘s good we’re not keeping score, Betsy, and playing this game like one of those kids’ games where there aren’t any losers. Only winners. 🙂 I like your guesses, but those are two far apart things. Both white though. Hmm, could you have finally gotten a hit? Or are you staying at zero?

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  8. A toasted marshmallow. Yes, I think I’m finally right. Hahahahaha
    No dogs for me. I like them if they are someone else’s. I like my kitty and chicks.

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      I told Judi I liked it when somebody admitted they were stumped. Well, I like it just as much when somebody is sure they know the right answer to the mystery photo, Lucy. A toasted marshmallow. It is the right season for them. So maybe your confidence is well placed. Then again, maybe not.

      Kittycats and chicks need loving homes too.

  9. Wow! I’m totally stumped on this one. It’s more “mysterious” than the puh-Kahn. Lol

    We’ve always had dogs and I can’t imagine life without them. Currently, we have 4, all rescues. At my age (73) puppies are out of the question. Anymore that I take in will be rescued “seniors”. They are the hardest to get adopted. I can at least make their last days good ones!

    Thank you for the fun this has been, Ann. And, I love that you love dogs!

    1. Post

      I love it when somebody just admits they are stumped, Judi. I’ve been that way plenty of times. Stumped. Sometimes I feel like that when I’m working on a story. Then I don’t give up. I just find a way around that stump.

      I’m like you that I can’t imagine life without a dog friend. I’ve never had more than three at a time though and only two at a time house dogs. I did have a time when the neighbor’s dogs loved to live in my yard too. So I had a pile of dogs then, but it was fun. I know what you mean about not needing a puppy. I thought when I got Frankie from the shelter that he was two or three. That’s what they said, but he was obviously still a pup and not a year old since he grew a bunch more after I got him. It’s sweet that you take in the older dogs to give them a happy rest of their life.

      I’m glad you’ve had fun with the Mystery photos and with dogs.

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  10. I always guess before I read the other comments. I guessed a dogs mouth-close in anatomy-but as soon as I read the first “dog nose” I knew my guess was wrong! I’m not so good at guessing games.
    The new one, first immediate thought was the inside of 1/2 of a toasted marshmallow. Oh well, at least I try! 😊 Congratulations to all the dog nose winners! Growing up and after getting married, all of our dogs were rescue dogs from humane societies, unwanted litters, wanderers, etc. except 2 and both were dobermans that my husband wanted. Temperament was not good with either and we were forced to find another home for them. The second one went to a small town vet who was a perfect watchdog for him. 😊

    1. Post

      I always think the game is the most fun for you when you guess and then read the other guesses, Karen. Sometimes, several still guess the same thing, right or wrong such as the pecan bacon guesses. I’m not good at this kind of guessing either. I never know what these kinds of pictures are. And dog’s mouth was very close to dog’s nose.

      All my dogs have been rescue or dogs that needed a home except one and that was a sweet cockerspaniel that my husband gave to me one year for my birthday. I wrote a story about him that was published in a compilation of dog stories. The Dog Next Door. I’ll have to share that story here sometime.

  11. My guess is a moth wing.
    I have two dogs.I am listening to them bark in the back yard now.They must hear coyote.

    1. Post

      Nice guess, Lisa. Not saying it’s right. Or wrong. We’ll have to wait on that. I know about those dogs barking in the backyard. Frankie loves staying outside at night to bark at coyotes. Or something. I’m thinking coyotes must giggle over in the field when they let out one volley of yips and howls and start the whole neighborhood of dogs barking and then the coyotes are silent. Except for those giggles.

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