A Girl, a Dachshund, a Caption Game

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 36 Comments

Being the owner of dachshunds, to me a book on dog discipline becomes a volume of inspired humor. Every sentence is a riot. Some day, if I ever get a chance, I shall write a book, or warning, on the character and temperament of the dachshund and why he can’t be trained and shouldn’t be. I would rather train a striped zebra to balance an Indian club than induce a dachshund to heed my slightest command. When I address Fred I never have to raise either my voice or my hopes. He even disobeys me when I instruct him in something he wants to do. — E. B. White

Two more pictures to go for my Caption Giveaway Game. First here we are with the girl, the dog and your imagination.  Think up something good while I talk about dogs, sunshine and the outdoors. With all the closings, cancellations and more happening right now, it’s good to know we can still go outdoors and enjoy some sunshine. Well, if it’s not raining like it has been here in my part of the world. All the rain and cloudy skies has made the wildflowers a little slow to bloom, but spring is nearly here. That means there will be plenty of opportunity to enjoy the outdoors even if organized events are canceled. We can still keep our social distances and be outside. Especially if we have a dog or two to walk.  My guys, Frankie and Marley, don’t think there is any reason to skip a walk. Rain. No problem. Snow. That just means extra fun. Cold winds. Well, they do have fur coats. Mud. Just makes the ground softer. Hot days. Well, that’s more of a problem for a furry black dog like Frankie.

I took the guys for a walk down to the creek today. I wasn’t planning to, but they had been digging for moles. Muddy, muddy feet. So why not go check out the flowers and let them wash their own feet in the creek? Only a few flowers but plenty of water. Feet got clean. Dogs got tired. Marley, the older dog, has hardly moved since we got back. Frankie, the younger one, has been out barking at the coyotes. At least that’s what I say he’s barking at. Sometimes it is because I hear those coyotes. Sometimes I think he barks at his echo off the barn down in the hollow. Dogs can be fun.

Especially dachshunds. The one is the picture is named Sumo. He’s passed over the Rainbow Bridge now, but he had a fine life with my daughter and son-in-law for many years. He had arthritis in his legs and couldn’t run. He could do plenty of scooting, however and managed to do some unexpected things such as finding a way to escape the kitchen where he was supposedly trapped while my daughter was at work. Baby gates didn’t stop him. Extra barriers in front of the baby gates didn’t stop him. He managed to get wherever he wanted to go. He was a typical dachshund that liked to be down under a cover or among some pillows. My daughter carried him most places and my son-in-law had a dog carriage for him and used to take him for runs. So now that you know more about Sumo, maybe that will help you come up with the best captions ever.

I loved the ones you suggested for my photo of Mom and her sisters. They made me smile.  The remember whens were great along with can you believe it and did you see what she did or what he said. All of them fit perfectly. But the ones where you came up with things they might be remembering were extra fun. Do you remember when uncle ate the whole pie, cousin Earl’s teeth fell out, we went skinny dipping, locked cousin Sue in the outhouse, got a skirt caught in a slip at church and more. I don’t doubt that some of that might have happened. Lynda suggested one that made my heart soften “Huddle of heavenly sisters,” and Ola hit the nail on the head with her “Sisters having fun.” They did have fun.  But they were also there for one another anytime they were needed. So thank you for all the wonderful captions you suggested. You make this game fun.

Thanks for reading and now it’s your turn to play again. Deadline for entries is midnight EST March 24, 2020. You have to be at least 18 to enter. Prizes are one of my books and a grab bag book.  Two winners. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on the post here. Oh, and have fun.

What caption do you suggest for the girl pulling the dachshund in the wagon?





Comments 36

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  1. Sooo..what if we hooked this handle up to the back
    if my bike and I gave Fred a nice soft blanket lay down
    On . We can take a nice ride🤔..

    1. Post

      Don’t give the kid ideas, Kathy! LOL. I’m sure we’ve had to try to hook that wagon up to the bike a time or two, but we wouldn’t leave “Fred” in there, soft blanket or not.

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