A New Year on the Way

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 22 Comments

“Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” That quote is on a refrigerator magnet my daughter brought home years ago. We’ve had a lot of new years and new days since then, but that doesn’t make the saying any less true.

Then we might remember  that yesterday’s gone, tomorrow’s not here, and all we have is the present. Treat it like the gift that it is and rejoice in the precious present as we embrace each day’s new beginnings.

In my first Hidden Springs mystery, Murder at the Courthouse, I have my character, Malinda (Aunt Lindy) thinking about this as she considers these Bible verses. This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:21-23 NKJ)  It is good to consider how each day new blessings come our way.  Through good times, through hard times, we can trust  the Lord ‘s faithfulness.

Those are good thoughts to remember at any time in the year, but when the calendar changes from one year to another we seem to become more aware of those new beginnings. The New Year motivates and challenges us to consider changes we need to make. I don’t always make New Year’s resolutions. That might be because I fear not standing up to the challenge of making the changes, but also, I don’t think we should only be ready to change once a year. I want to be ready to do some resolving to change any time I recognize that I need to do that changing. That’s pretty often.

At the same time, facing a new year can make me notice how I need to make a few changes, especially in my working life. I need to get more focused on writing my new story. I need to be more disciplined in pulling words out of my head to tell that story and to dedicate regular times to get that done. I need to stop being distracted by the many tasks of daily life and write my story. I love putting words together, but sometimes posting on social media and even writing these posts here on my on-line journal can be so much easier than that hard writing to make a story spring to life.

A writer has to learn discipline or nothing gets written. That writer sees other writers posting about how they wrote thousands of words a day or three books a year and it’s easy to think maybe she’s falling behind.  Way behind, since that writer – me – knows she’s never going to be able to spill out words like that, but that writer also knows without a regular schedule with a goal of so many words a day, no book will ever get written.

So in spite of all the distractions of life, including my furry buddies joining me to say Happy New Year to you, my New Year’s goal is to dive deeper into my new book.  I have the characters. I have an idea of what might happen even though I’m hoping some more things will surface in my creative pool as I keep writing. Now to put my fingers on my keyboard and find the words to share my story.

God willing, this book will get written. I’ve done it before. Stumbled around finding my way into a story and somehow got it written. I’ve done it many times, in fact, with The Refuge, being my thirty-fifth published book. An Appalachian Summer coming out in 2020 with be thirty-six. I intend to somehow get the thirty-seventh one written in 2020. I will need to take a break each day to go walking with my buddies, Marley (in front) and Frankie for a walk. That can be good for the creative juices since walks are good times to ponder what happens next.

Giveaway Winner

I picked my last weekly book winner, Diana Derringer. But don’t worry if you didn’t win this time. I’ll do more giveaways soon. Right after I get some words written on my new book. 🙂

Does a new year coming your way make you consider things in your life you would like to change or do differently? 

Comments 22

    1. Post

      Thank you so much, Diana. I’m excited for you to read them too. I do appreciate each and every person who picks up one of my books to let the story come to life in their imaginations.

      Wishing you joy and many blessings in 2020.

  1. When I grow up, I want to be just like you. You definitely stuff more into your 24-hr. day than I’ve ever been able. I love everything you write, and I know that has to consume a lot of your time, plus your walks, and the time you spend with your awesome family, and all the other things you do. Church activities, gardening, preserving those vegetables and fruits. The list goes on.

    May you and yours have a healthy, happy 2020!

    1. Post

      You’re so kind to say that, Wilma. I sometimes feel as though I don’t get nearly enough done. I may have to shelve everything for a while and concentrate on the book I need to get written. But it’s winter with no gardening etc. I don’t do nearly as much preserving or canning as I used to since my kids grew up. There’s just so much two people can eat. 🙂 But I do have fun berry picking with the kids in the spring and that blackberry jam is the best.

      Happy New Year to you and yours too.

    1. Post

      Thank you, Connie. I do hope you’ll enjoy An Appalachian Summer when it comes out. And I also hope I get this new mountain story written. Got to get going on it with a good start in 2020.

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  2. I just am amazed at how fast time goes by each day. I would definitely like to change this. It seems as though there is never enough time to accomplish what I would like or need to. I love to read my Bible the very first thing in the morning. It is my time alone with God. After a prayer, I love to read a chapter or two by an author who’s first name is Ann. To do this I must get up very early and which I do. I just can’t change doing this, because if I don’t do this first thing I am just unfulfilled in so many ways. Then life starts stirring around me, and, of course, I wouldn’t have it any other way. You are right in saying, “life is a precious present”. I am going to love my life just as it is.

    1. Post

      I do appreciate you reading some of my stories, Eileen. Sounds as if you have the perfect way to begin your days with prayer and the Bible. I like getting up early but the first thing I have to do is take the dogs out for a walk, but that’s a good time to consider the gift of a new day. You are so right about how fast the days spin by. Here we are in 2020. When I was young it was hard to even imagine 2020. When I was a kid, I did think about how old I’d be in 2000 and here I am still here. Still ready to welcome a new year.

  3. Happy New Year Ann ! Loved your thoughts on a new year and God’s blessings . Great picture of you and your adorable dogs . I enjoy your site; always so inspiring and interesting…..looking forward to more walks in the woods and photos of your lovely family.

    1. Post

      Thank you, Nancy, and Happy New Year to you too. I so appreciate you stopping by here to read my words. Who knows what 2020 will hold for all us, but I pray it will be blessings too many to count for you and yours and my family too.

    1. Post
  4. I did make some changes nine months ago when we sold our home and moved into a condo. It was the best thing for us with our reclining years on us and my hubby is a stroke victim. We have a large property here so there is plenty of places to walk and the people living here are awesome. God has been good to show us that we needed this change in our lives. Looking forward to seeing what he has planned for us in 2020. Happy New Year Ann. My second name is Ann. Blessings to you and your family.

    1. Post

      What a great attitude, Marjorie. Sounds as if you knew what was best for you and didn’t feel regret over having to move. Now the Lord is blessing you with new things and I do hope He brings you many good things in the year to come.

      Ann is a name that goes well with many first names. My daughter-in-law has an Ann middle name and so does one of her daughters. Both without that “e,” I think.

  5. Happy New Years Eve eve, Ann! I’m really looking forward to the new book, and then maybe another one too! I wish many happy writing days for you in 2020. Your good days make for good days for your readers, too.

    1. Post

      Thank you, Lavon. I need those encouraging vibes coming from readers and friends like you. I need to hit the ground running in January or perhaps I should say hit the keyboard with speedy fingers. 🙂

  6. Happy Almost 2020 and God Bless,Ann! I’m thankful for you as we head into the new year,sweet friend! 😊✨Psalm 19:20✨

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  7. Beautiful thoughts, lovely ideas for pondering a new decade. What a blessing it is to be a part of God’s glorious creation. Your dogs are amazing—so pretty!
    Happy New Year! 🎉🎉🎉

    1. Post

      They are handsome guys, Karen. And really cute together. They often lie very close to one another and when Frankie takes his occasional walkabouts while we are walking, Marley stays closer to me, but he’s always looking to see where Frankie has gotten too. He’s happy when Frankie gets back on the trail with us.

      Thank you so much for your kind words.

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