Happy Anniversary to Us

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 26 Comments

“A good marriage is where both people feel like they’re getting the better end of the deal.” ~Anne Lamott, Joe Jones

My husband and I celebrated yet another year together this week. We married when we were both very young in the little country church where we are still members these many years later and added another son a few years after that.

The years have been full and busy. We had two sweet children before three years together had passed. We didn’t have much money. I almost said no money, but the amazing thing was that we did somehow have the money we needed when we needed it. We didn’t have new cars but we always had a car. We didn’t have a fancy house, but had a roof over our heads. Thanks in those first years together to living on the farm where I grew up while Darrell helped my father on the farm.

I didn’t go out and find a job. Didn’t even consider that as a young mother. I did keep my eyes on my goal to become a published author. I worked toward that in between taking care of my children and helping on the farm. My mother shared her garden produce with me and so I was able to can or freeze vegetables and fruits for our table. We had hens and cows.

We didn’t have many of the bills that are part of life now. We did have an electric bill, but our heat was a wood stove.  Water came from the sky and poured into a cistern for our use. We had a telephone bill but for a party line and not for a phone to carry around in our pocket that seems to be a necessity these days. Television signals flowed through the air to an antenna. No bill  for those three channels that flickered onto our old television set. We ate almost all our meals around our table at home and enjoyed going “home” to his mother’s or mine for Sunday dinners.

And we were blessed with healthy children. We were blessed to be part of a country church. We were blessed that as the years rolled by we never doubted our commitment to our marriage.

The kids grew up, got scholarships to college, graduated, married and began their own families. Again we were blessed that each of them found the right person to marry and are now adding the years onto their own anniversary celebrations. Grandchildren came along to add to our family blessings.

Once the kids were off on their own, we found time now and again to take a few trips. As you know if you’ve read my blog in the past, I love to go hiking. My husband would rather do his sightseeing from a car. But he has taken off on many trails to make sure no bears get me on mountain trails.  And I’ve gone to many gospel music events with him though  I’m not the music fan he is.

So yesterday we went to the Red Gorge to celebrate our anniversary and for me to do some onsite research as I search out the setting for the story I’m working on. We searched out the Chimney Rock trail first. It was only a little more than a half mile round trip and advertised as an easy one. Nothing like that hike we took once in the Shenandoah Valley where we had to scramble up rocky cliffs and leap between rocks when we got on top. You can see in the picture that I’m holding to the rocks while Darrell is standing with no fear. LOL. But we made that one and we made this one where I took a selfie with that phone/camera in my pocket.

Now we are headed into a new year of marriage. with more adventures on the way. More hikes to take. More gospel songs to listen to or for Darrell to sing. More blessings to count.

Thank you for reading my words and being one of my blessings.  I appreciate you.

“To keep your marriage brimming, with love in the wedding cup, whenever you’re wrong, admit it; whenever you’re right, shut up.” ~Ogden Nash

If you’re married, how do you celebrate your anniversary?

Comments 26

  1. Ann, loved your blog! Your writing bought back many memories, life was harder making ends meet, but we always tied it together, somehow. I also was able to stay at home with my children, for me back then, it was doable, because as you say, we had enough! I don’t think it’s possible today for most, so I was blessed.
    I remember the early anniversaries, I had a friend that worked for a travel agent, I had her get travel posters and would tape over windows, etc and serve those types of food. Grandparents kept the three children for the night.
    Ups and downs and coming up on 46 years I wouldn’t trade for the world. He is my ❤

    1. Post

      That’s an innovative way to enjoy an anniversary trip, Vicki. What fun! I was blessed to have a mom who was always ready to keep the kids for us to have a night out for our anniversary when we could afford it. But I would have never thought to bring the vacation to our house the way you did. Congratulations on your upcoming 46 year together and hope you have many more together.

  2. You guys look great! I have to tell you it was wonderful meeting you especially since I love your books! I will be moving back to Ohio so won’t be able to go to book signings like I have here! Looking forward to more books ANN and your the best!

    1. Post

      I know they will miss you here in KY, but I hope the move is a good one for you, Fran. It was fun meeting you too. I do hope you will keep showing up here and will read any new stories I might drag out of my head.

      1. Oh don’t worry about me not reading your books, as long as I have ears and eyes I will always read your books! It was a real highlight of my life to personally get to meet you! I will always continue to follow you! Stop in at Amherst, Ohio if you ever come North, you would always be welcome! God bless you!

        1. Post

          Thank you, Fran. I appreciate that and love that you are going to keep my books on your reading lists. Hope Ohio doesn’t snow you in this year. Of course, we can get snowed in here in KY too. And often have.

  3. Happy Anniversary!
    Last June we went out to eat. Our son had us over to his house the weekend before and our daughter surprised us by bringing her four kids. The other two couldn’t make it, work and car trouble on the way down. It’s really hard to get them all together.

    1. Post

      But so much fun when we can make it work, right, Paula? My kids are so spread out that we’re lucky to get them all together a couple of times a year. And now with my granddaughter married, we may have to make new ways to have family gatherings with everybody present. But it’s great to see a family grow. Happy halfway (nearly) anniversary again.

  4. Happy Anniversary Ann! tomorrow is Earl and mine 67 anniversary.He went to be with the Lord four years ago.l miss him so much.We had62 happy years together! I have an old picture of your Granddad and Dad working on our house when I was a kid.send me your address and I’ll mail it to you.

    1. Post

      Neat, Evelyn. I’ll see if I can message you my address. Granddad was past doing any work by the time I remember him so that would be a good picture for me to see. And hugs tomorrow as you remember your husband. May your good memories keep you company all day.

  5. Happy Anniversary! Wishing you many happy and blessed years ahead! You bless us and enrich our lives daily through your writing and books. I’m hopeful that our well wishes and prayers enrich yours as well.

    1. Post

      That’s so nice of you to say, Donna. I so appreciate all of you who read my words here and in my books too. Your comments and friendship do enrich my life and are such an encouragement as I keep trying to come up with stories.

  6. May God bless you with many more wonderful years together.
    We will celebrate 47 years in 2020.
    Our tradition is a song that I first sang to him on our wedding night. I’ve sung it to him every year since then 🎶. “L, is for the way you look at me…”🎶🎶

    1. Post
  7. Happy Anniversary! Loved seeing the ‘then and now’ pictures. I have it in my mind I don’t look that much different until I look back and see how I’ve changed. We celebrated 35 years this year and usually just go out to eat. My husband just recently retired and with that came a big change for both of us!

    1. Post

      Retirement can be a big change for both the retiree and his or her spouse. Darrell has been retired a long time, but I never think about writing. Just think about the next story I might want to write. 🙂 I hope you and your husband celebrate many more years together when you can take more “now” pictures.

    1. Post
    1. Post

      Thank you, Lucy. I so appreciate your good thoughts and that you often take the time to comment here. You’re the best.

  8. Happy Anniversary, Ann! We celebrated our 44th anniversary last month. Each anniversary is a special one and I hope that we all continue to celebrate them.

    1. Post

      Happy anniversary and a month, Melanie. You’re adding up some years too and I also hope you keep adding on those years.

  9. Happy Anniversary. We will be married 36 years in December. We usually go out to eat and go Christmas shopping. I like your trip idea though! Maybe we will do a quick trip,who knows!

    1. Post

      Happy almost anniversary, Lisa. I’m not sure I could talk Darrell into thinking going Christmas shopping was any kind of celebration. LOL. We talk about taking a big trip the way many of our friends have done on their anniversaries, but so far we having gotten that organized. The short trip was fun.

  10. Congratulations! Happy anniversary! My husband and I will have been married 45 years at the end of March in 2020. We usually take a special trip at each 5-year mark to commemorate our marriage. Since we just bought a new-to-us used car, we may forego the trip this year and schedule it for another year. However, each anniversary we go out for a nice meal at a special restaurant. Several times we’ve enjoyed participating in a marriage enrichment type of weekend.

    1. Post

      Sounds as though you know how to make anniversaries special, Suzanne. Back when we didn’t have money for eating out, I always cooked a special anniversary meal which usually included a pecan pie. That may be why I’ve been thinking how good a pecan pie would be and almost made one for our Thanksgiving dinner at church last week. 🙂 But now we do usually go out to eat somewhere and sometimes take in a movie. But on a few anniversaries, there was nothing we really wanted to see on the movies. We watched one real clunker one year but we had to do our movie night anniversary date. LOL.

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