A Visit to the Forest Giants

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 9 Comments


Just before we took off for church this morning my son called and invited us to go with them to Bernheim Forest. I quickly changed to more casual church clothes and said we’d meet them after church. By then the sun had chased away the clouds and promised a perfect fall day. The best kind ever for a walk in the woods.  If you get the chance, a great place to take a walk in the woods is Bernheim Forest in Clermont, Kentucky. I’d been there a few times, but it had been years before.  Once my sister, my mother and I just took off to go see the fall trees. Good memories of that trip for sure. In later years, occasionally Darrell and I would drive by or near there and say we should go visit again someday. But sometimes somedays seem to slide away. So it was good that today my son said let’s go and we said we’re ready.

Right now is an especially fun time to visit because of the Forest Giants.  These are works of art constructed by Danish artist, Thomas Dambo. Bernheim, to help celebrate their 90th anniversary, hired Dambo to fashion three giant sculptures at various places in the arboretum using recycled wood from the region. The result was Mama Loumari with her children, Little Nis and Little Elina and that third baby Giant currently living in Mama’s belly. (Mama’s up top and Little Elina is here with ribbons in her hair.)

You might wonder how these 16,000 acres came to be such a beautiful woodland arboretum open to the public to enjoy. The Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest is a living legacy of philanthropist and visionary, Isaac W. Bernheim who immigrated to the United States from Germany in March, 1867 at the age of eighteen with only $4 in his pocket.  His first years in New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey were a struggle until he moved to Kentucky and went into the distilling business.

In time he became very successful and wanted to repay the people in his new country, Bernheim bought and endowed the land that would become Bernheim Forest. He wanted to provide a place where people could appreciate and enjoy the beauty of our natural world. His vision included the combination of an arboretum and natural forested areas infused with the arts. So there are many sculptures scattered throughout the property. That made these forest giants a perfect fit and a big draw to the arboretum, especially on a beautiful day like today.

But while it’s beautiful now, it didn’t exactly look this way when Bernheim purchased the land in 1929. Then it hardly had any trees left on the land which had been mined for iron ore. But Bernheim and many nature lovers since have done their part to make the Arboretum a gift to all who want to take a stroll through the woods and be surprised here and there to see a giant. Especially if you’re a tree hugger like these girls.  And like their grandmother.

Hope you have a chance to go out and enjoy the fall colors. I’m getting ready to jump into a new story and I keep jumping around from this location to that location. Still not positive where in the Appalachian Mountains my story people are going to live. But wherever it is, some of them are going to be happy to see the beautiful trees around them. So much to think about at the beginning of a story. Character names.  Real places or fictional settings. What year for the story. Is it winter or summer when the first character steps out into that first scene on the first page. And then once that is all decided, you have to think about what happens next.

Have you seen the Forest Giants at Bernheim? Whether you’ve had that privilege ore not, do you like walking among the trees and hearing leaves crunching underfoot? 

As always, thanks for reading.



Comments 9

  1. I’ve not been but if I get the opportunity I know I would enjoy. Love hiking especially in the woods. I used todo a lot of it in my younger years. 😊
    The area looks very interesting.
    How is Missy?

    1. Post

      Maybe Lavon will see your comment and let us know any updates. Last message said the transplant had been put on hold due to a health issue. We’ll pray that gets taken care of.

      The Bernheim Forest is a beautiful area, so I hope you get to visit it sometimes, Karen. I hope I get to go back and do some more walking among the trees.

  2. We were amazed at the Giants and how they were constructed. Truly works of art. I love walking around the woods and forests. Its so peaceful and fresh. I also enjoy trying to identify the trees and even the birds when I hear them calling. Looks like you and your family had a wonderful time at the Bernheim Forest too!

    1. Post

      There were a lot of people enjoying the Bernheim Forest Sunday when we were there. They had a festival going on, but we went to see the Forest Giants and enjoyed walking the trail to take them in. I too enjoy looking at the trees and I’m always glad when I see a marker to tell me what they are. A great place to spend the day for sure, Diana.

      1. Hi all,
        Missy’s transplant is still on hold. It’s a waiting game (not fun at all), in seeing if they can get her enzymes regulated enough. As of right now if they went through with the kidney transplant, her liver wouldn’t survive. I’m praying for a miracle. I so appreciate all your prayers! It means a lot to know others are lifting her up.
        Thank you Ann for allowing me to use your page on behalf of Missy.
        I love these pictures. I’ve been seeing ads for the forest of giants, and hope to take the grandkids to visit. It looks like a great experience.

        1. Hi Lavon,
          I, too, appreciate Ann using her page for prayer request. Not that you asked, but when one reads a story such as Missy’s, Christians know prayers are needed. 🙏🏻

        2. Post

          Continued prayers for Missy and the whole family, Lavon. I think it’s great when connections are made between readers here.

  3. Thanks for sharing such beautiful pictures of the Forest Giants,Ann! I’m so tickled Purple you and your family had such a great time together! 😊😍Psalm 33😍

    1. Post

      Thank you, Emily. It was a beautiful day to be out in the fresh air and with family. The Forest Giants were amazing art works.

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