A Grandparents Day Picture for Your Caption

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 32 Comments

Did you know it was Grandparents’ Day today? Grandparents Day is young yet in the way of holidays and the truth is, grandparents know their grandchildren are all the gifts they need. Still, it’s fun to celebrate the love of grandparents.

Are you blessed with grandchildren or children you love enough to consider them grandkids? I knew a couple once who “adopted” a couple of kids at their church and became their grandparents. The kids didn’t have nearby grandparents and the couple had yet to have grandchildren of their own. It was a sweet relationship with good on both sides.

I am very blessed to have nine grandchildren. My first grandchild just turned twenty-five. My youngest is now ten. But I’ve enjoyed being with those kids and watching them grow and hope to be around to experience more of their life journeys.

“Surely, two of the most satisfying experiences in life must be those of being a grandchild or a grandparent. — Donald A. Norberg

I wasn’t as fortunate as my grandchildren who have all their grandparents and one set of grandchildren still has a great granddad. All of the older ones knew my mom and seeing them always made her smile.

“If you’re lucky enough to still have grandparents, visit them, cherish them and celebrate them while you can.” — Regina Brett

l knew my maternal grandmother but barely remember my mom’s father who died when I was five. I don’t remember my dad’s mother at all. She died before I was two. I did know my dad’s father but he was already in his eighties when I remember him and not able to play with a little kid like me. My dad’s sister was like a grandmother to us and was always ready to play games with my sisters and me.

Grandchildren don’t need a lot of toys. The best thing a grandchild can have is a grandparent who gets down on the floor and plays with them.” — Unknown

I’m thankful I was a young enough grandmother that I could have fun getting down on the floor and playing with my grandkids when they were little. Now that they are older, I’m glad we can take walks together or play games.

“Grandparents make the world a little softer, a little kinder, and a little warmer.” — Unknown

In case you didn’t even know there was a Grandparents Day, here is a little history about it. A housewife in Fayette County, West Virginia, Marian McQuade promoted the idea of a Grandparents Day as a way to highlight the need to pay attention of lonely elderly people in nursing homes. She also hoped to persuade grandchildren to listen and learn from the years of wisdom of their grandparents. President Jimmy Carter proclaimed a National Grandparents Day in 1978 to be celebrated every year on the first Sunday after Labor Day.

 “Grandparents, like heroes, are as necessary to a child’s growth as vitamins.” Joyce Allston

On to the Caption Game

So with the focus on grandparents and grandkids, I found this new picture for you to come up with a caption to fit. You all are doing great with all the captions so far. I really enjoyed the ones you suggested for my grandgirls and the box turtle. I don’t think I can come up with a better one than those you all suggested, but I’ll give one a try. “Please peek out of your shell, turtle, so that we can see what color your eyes are and know whether to call you he or she.”

Now it’s your turn once again to leave your best idea of a caption for the picture of me and the grandgirls. If you leave a comment here, you’ll get an entry in a drawing for a prize of the winner’s choice of one of my autographed books and a grab bag book by a different author. You must be at least eighteen to enter and the deadline for entries is midnight EST on September 14, 2019. Each suggested caption on a new picture gets you another entry in the drawing.

As always, thanks for reading.

So what caption do you suggest for this grammy and girls?  

Comments 32

  1. “YAY!!! We get to stay at Grandma’s today! What happens at Grandma’s stays at Grandma’s!” 😉
    Growing up we were a long way from either of our Grandmother’s, but once a year when we did get to go how we liked being there and hated to leave!

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      “Super Gramma.” LOL. In the past there have been a few times when I needed some super powers to keep up with my energetic grandkids, Roma.

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