Mysteries Abound

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 53 Comments

“Sometimes the closer you are to the truth, the harder it is to see.” ― Jacqueline Simon Gunn, Circle of Trust

Lots of guesses on my first mystery photo that I posted on Sunday. Love that you didn’t all get it right. Was a bit worried when the second person and then the fifth knew what it was. I’m groaning that I’m not going to trick very many of you, but then some of you got it wrong and I started smiling again. That’s not nice, is it? But even so, I’m still smiling.

Okay, so you want to see the rest of the picture, don’t you?  Here’s  mystery photo 1 again for your information and here’s the rest of the picture. Sandi, Roma, Marji, Joy, Lavon, and Laurel got it right. It is a dandelion fluff. It’s not exactly the way Joy said. That it was a dandelion fluff after someone had made a wish on it. Instead it was a dandelion fluff I spotted early one morning while walking Frankie. The early morning dew had changed the look of the fluff. I just thought it looked kind of unique that morning. It was only later I saw the potential mystery photo.

Several of you guessed porcupine quills, but Linda wanted to know how I got so close. I would wonder that too had it really been porcupine quills. I’m not sure I’ve ever met a porcupine in the wild. Trying to think, but not sure I’ve even seen one in a zoo. Only pictures. No porcupines on my Kentucky farm for sure. A few of you thought it might be cat’s whiskers. Now those I might get close enough to take a picture. Dried flowers and feathers were other popular guesses. I thought some of you might guess feathers. Marilyn took those feathers a step farther and suggested the type of feathers used for quills to write. Can you imagine writing a whole book on paper with one of those quills? Give me a pencil. Or even better a keyboard. 🙂 Of course, Marilyn second guessed her quill answer by saying some sort of weird fish fins.

I love Lois’s imaginative guess of cattails bursting out in the lowland. I want to go see them. And of course, one of you had to imagine Frankie in the picture by saying it might be his wet hair. Connie, he certainly has plenty of that wet hair when it’s raining. And I like a guesser who is sure of what she sees in a mystery photo. That was Loretta with her “a sunflower, of course.”

I always smile when one of you just throws in the towel and says “I don’t know” or “I haven’t a clue.” This time that was Darlene, Una and Robin. If I was on the other side of the picture doing the guessing, I’d be right there with you three. But I do appreciate those of you who did come up with some fun and imaginative guesses. So now, on to mystery picture 2. It’s up top. Do you know what it is? I’m bracing for you all to know this one. 🙂

Remember that even if you guessed on the dandelion mystery picture, you can still guess on this new mystery picture and get another entry into my drawing for your choice of one of my books along with a grab bag book. You do have to be at least 18 years old to enter and deadline for entries is Sunday May 5, 2019 at noon EST.

As always, thanks for reading. You make blogging fun.

So what is mystery photo 2???


Comments 53

  1. I’m guessing old typewriter keys too, although the keys look too close together. Maybe the angle from the way the photo was taken make them look that way. I can’t think of anything else it might be.

  2. Hmmmm….this is a stumper for me🤔
    It looks a little like the wheels on a toy train engine.
    A lot of people have guessed old fashioned typewriter keys….I can see that, too.

  3. Post

    Thanks again for all the great guesses. Either a lot of you are going to be wright or a lot of you are going to be wrong. Time will tell.

    Just keep your eyes open. Mysteries are all around.

  4. Very clever with the dandelion photo, Ann! I never would have guessed that! 😜 For the second mystery photo, I am guessing a close-up shot of dumbbell weights, a ticker-tape machine, or typewriter keys. 😊 ✨Psalm 103✨

  5. I think the mystery picture are keys on an old typewriter. I have been so busy that I haven’t been on here for a while! I hope you and Patricia and family are doing well!!!

    1. Post

      Great to see you back, Linda Dianne. The family is all doing well. Patricia is busy getting ready for her son’s wedding this summer.

  6. This reminds me of the old adding
    Machine I used during my first job,
    Working in the credit department of
    a Montgomery Ward store. I did posting of customer accounts with
    the machine with rows and rows of
    keys. Daily posting wasn’t bad, but
    we had to balance these books once
    a month. Just imagine books that
    were six to eight inches thick with
    The machine with a side handle to pull with every entry. I had all accounts from A thru l, about five
    Loved that job tho. We were a family
    Then. Most of the people are gone
    now. Think I was nineteen went
    I was hired and several people had been there fifteen or twenty years.
    They treated me and the other younger people like their kids. Seems that can not happen these days. Times have surely changed.

    1. Post

      Gail, I loved reading your memories of back when with the old adding machine with the handle to pull. I can imagine those thick account books too. Really exercised the brain to get all that balanced. My sister and I sometimes talk about back when with typing copies when you had to use carbon paper and manual typewriters. Copy machines made things so much easier and then of course, word processors changed the game completely. Now everything is digital.

      Sounds like you had a great introduction to the working world. And times, they do change.

  7. You are so good with these mystery photos! I’m going to venture a guess and say “A piece of farm equipment”
    Now that’s really going out on a limb! 😊 Thanks for giving us an opportunity to win one of your wonderful literary works!

  8. The only thing that comes to mind with that picture is the letter keys on an old typewriter, but I don’t think that is correct. 😉

    You mentioned porcupines from the last picture. I saw one in the wild once. I was in a building watching it out the window. It was a lot bigger than I thought they would be. It lumbered across an open area and then started to climb a tree. I was totally shocked! I had no idea they could climb trees. Love learning new things.

    1. Post

      Interesting, Roma. I don’t know hardly anything about porcupines, so I didn’t know they could climb trees either. Looks as though all those quills would get in the way. 🙂 I did know that dogs don’t come out well in confrontations with them.

      Thanks for your guess on the new picture. Confidence is key. 🙂

  9. Ohhh wow! This is the first time I guessed right! But I have to admit I guessed a dandelion because they were all over my yard. The night before the post, as I locked up, I noticed a yard full of fluff in the moonlight…bright shiny fluff. My first response was…good grief, Ollie’s destroyed a stuffed toy! But thankfully it was all natural fluff, from those tenacious kiddy bouquets.
    Now…this new one has me stumped for sure! My first thought was a typewriter’s inner works. Or maybe an extreme zoom inside a music box? At any rate, it’s fun to guess and see what everyone else thinks. I find myself looking at ordinary things more closely when we play these games. Thanks for giving us a fresh perspective!

    1. Post

      I’ve seen those destroyed stuffed toys, Lavon. Even a little toy can leave a lot of stuffing spread around, and dogs do use their “kill” instinct on those things once they get that first hole. Dandelion fluffs are more nature friendly. 🙂

      Glad you’re enjoying the fresh perspectives in the things you see. When I’m doing one of these games I start wondering it I could make a mystery picture about everything I see. LOL. Oh, and good guessing on the dandelion.

      1. Congratulations, Lavon!!! As a child I used to love to make a wish and blow on that fluff! 😊 Our two youngest enjoyed the same, but by the time our youngest came along in 1977 and then our grandchildren, they weren’t and aren’t so fortunate. In the area where we live there is so much weed killer spread around there’s no more fluff to blow! 😟 I haven’t seen a dandelion in years!!!

        1. Ohhh, Karen…how sad not to see a dandelion! I know they’re considered weeds, but to me they’re little spots of sunshine. I have a corner in my yard that must be a favorite spot for them. I’ve seen them as late as early December and as early as February. They’re like little rays of hope for warm days ahead. My grandkids love collecting bouquets or blowing the seeds to see who can get them to go the farthest. Which is probably why I have so many of them! 😉

          1. Post

            I’ve always called them spots of sunshine too, Lavon. Plenty of them around here. And that’s fine. 🙂 I don’t have neighbors who worry about eradicating them.

          2. It is a sad situation! As a child we would make a wish and blow the seeds. If all seeds were blown off supposedly our wish would come true. 😊 I miss those cheerful yellow blossoms!

      1. I also thought dumbbell weights!, But stuck with a piece of farm equipment. Think I’ll start guessing more than one thing. 😊

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