Sisters are the Best

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 27 Comments

Sisters make the best friends.

I’ve been featuring things about the Shakers here on my blog the last couple of weeks since my book, The Blessed, is on e-book sale right now for 99 cents or less according to where you shop out on the net. But since some of you don’t e-book read, I’m having a book giveaway here on my blog. I’ll pick three winners who can choose one of my Shaker books. To enter leave a comment here on my blog posts. Each time y you comment on a new blog post, you get a new entry. Deadline for entries is midnight EST October 27, 2018. You have to be at least 18 years old to enter.

Many of you have said you enjoy reading about the Shakers but wouldn’t want to live as a Shaker. Neither would I. But when I think about the Shakers and when I’m researching about them, one of the things I can imagine is how close some of them must have gotten as they lived and worked together. They were sisters in the Shaker way, but I’m sure some were sisters of the heart too.

I’ve been blessed with sisters. My own two sisters are great friends. My mother had three sisters whom she loved dearly. My grandchildren are blessed with sisters. I am blessed with sisters-in-law. So here are some pictures of sisters in my family.

So do you have sisters or other special women in your life who are like sisters to you?

Comments 27

  1. I wasn’t given a blood sister but I have three sisters-in-laws who are sisters of my heart. I also have a special friend who is my Sister in Christ and a common tragedy a few years ago has deepened our very special bond. Just another example of God working for the good!

    1. Post

      Finding sisters of the heart can be a blessing, Connie. I also have wonderful sisters-in-law. I’m sorry about the tragedy that deepened your friendship, but glad the two of you were able to be there for one another in that hard time. I do believe that if people are lonely and need to find friends, the church is a good place to go. Of course, it’s a good place to go for many other reasons as well. 🙂

  2. I am most fortunate to have been blessed with two sisters; however each one of us had only one daughter and the rest were sons. We always regretted that our daughters were not blessed with sisters but of course, happy that they were blessed with their brothers

    1. Post

      My daughter has brothers and not sisters too, Karen. But she found sister friends in school and she does love those brothers and their kids. However, like you, I am blessed with two sisters.

  3. I grew up with two sisters and one brother. My oldest sister felt bad that that my brother wasn’t a sister so when he was little she would put a head scarf and a skirt on him and call him Cindy. This didn’t last very long! We look back and still laugh about it.

    1. Post

      That’s funny, Donna. Your sister was trying to make a sister team, sounds like. My husband has three brothers and one sister. The sister is the oldest and she wanted a baby sister each time. But as far as I know she never dressed them up in skirts. LOL.

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  4. I have one living sister and one that was still born. I am 4 years older than Meag, but we are very close and we always have been. ( Even when we fought like cats and dogs as little girls.) We live about an hour apart and I really wished we lived closer.

  5. I have one sister and we are very close. She is my best friend. She lives 20 miles from me ; in between visits we catch up on all of the news by phone. I am so blessed to have such a special sister !!

    1. Post

      It’s good that you have a best friend sister, Nancy. As we get older sometimes we let time slip away from us without taking time for visits, but sounds as though you and your sister are making sure to keep your friendship going.

  6. I am the “surprise” baby in my family. My sisters are 12 years and 17 years older than me. Mama thought she had the flu bug, but, no, it was me. My sisters are true blessings to me. We may not always agree. We love each other unconditionally and always find something to laugh about. I love Carol and Glenda.

    1. Post

      That’s a fun story, Melissa. I’m sure your mother and your sisters were blessed by you as a good surprise. Better than the flu, for sure. I do think sisters can find so many reasons for laughter and joy.

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      Cousins can be as close as sisters or brothers, Darlene. They too have shared your growing up years and that makes the friendship and family bonds tight.

  7. I have two sisters but we don’t get together very often. I appreciate that I had them while growing ip. My daughter is like a sister now that she is grown! My friends at church are very close.

    1. Post

      Paula, I also have a daughter who is a great friend. She lives in another state so we have to do some sharing over the phone but that’s easier these days than it used to be. Christian sisters can make great friends. If a person is feeling lonely or in need of friends, a church is a place where we should be able to find those sister and brother friends.

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  8. My sister Karen is my best friend! I am so blessed that we see each other often, as we don’t live that far apart. I just finished one of your newer books “River to Redemption” and absolutely loved the message and the true story behind one of your main characters, everyone should read it!

    1. Post

      It is a blessing to have sister who can also be your best friend, Dana. My sisters live close to me so we also get to see each other often.

      Thank you for reading my book, River to Redemption. I’m so glad you liked the story. And I’m all in on everyone reading it. 🙂

    1. Post

      Then you are blessed, Shelia. It is good to have friends you can love and count on to help when you need help and to rejoice with you in good times.

  9. I grew up with 2 brothers and 3 stepbrothers. But when I was nearly 13, I finally got a sister. With the age difference we didn’t have a lot in common, and truthfully she was more of a nuisance for a long time. But now we’re very close and talk several times a week. We’re both avid readers and love flea markets, craft fairs and historical sites. We don’t get together as much as we’d like, because I’m in Kentucky and she’s in Oklahoma.
    I also have a heart sister who has been my best friend since we were 12. I don’t know what we’d do without each other.
    Everyone needs sisters. How blessed you are to have so many, Ann !

    1. Post

      Everyone does need sisters, Lavon, or those friends who are sisters of the heart as you and your friend are. It is interesting how those sisters that can be pests or at least irritate us when we’re young turn out to the be the best friends later on. Since I was the youngest in my family, I guess I was the nuisance to my older sister. 🙂

      I am blessed with my two sisters and my four sisters-in-law.

  10. I have 3 wonderful sisters.I am especially close to my sister Sandy that is 15 months older than me.
    We are not really that much alike.I like reading , she doesn’t (crazy right?). I like to crochet, she doesn’t. She likes horses , I don’t. Etc., but we are very very close.I would hate to know a life without all my sisters.

    1. Post

      Lisa, yes, that is crazy not to like reading. LOL. But it’s good that you and Sandy can have that closeness of sisters without liking the same things. You still share so much. I don’t think anybody can know you like a sister.

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