What Say You about Summer?

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 4 Comments

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time. (John Lubbock)

Summer officially started last Thursday as we enjoyed the longest day between sunup and sundown. I love the long days of summer and the chance do what the quote above suggests. Just take some time to do nothing but enjoy the summer day by listening and watching. All those chores waiting for you and for me, can always wait a little longer. Summer is the perfect time to give yourself a break and just be for a while.

I enjoyed all the things about summer that you have shared with me with the June giveaway entries. Many of you shared simple pleasures like Leona here as she wrote: Summer is great because I can go outside without shoes.

I remember going barefoot most of the summer when I was a kid. Shedding those shoes and socks seemed to signal summertime fun.

Of course, a lot of us like summer because, well, it’s not winter. 🙂 That’s what Michele wrote: I don’t really have a favorite summer ever story but as I live in Maine, the best part about summer for me is NO SNOW!!! 😉 No, but seriously, I live near the ocean so watching the boats, feeling the cool sea breeze, watching everything bloom and grow. It’s a beautiful time of year here.

Michele is making me want to go visit Maine. That has to be a great place in the summer. Debra is glad to have the summer sunshine too. Here’s what she wrote. My favorite thing about summer is that the weather is perfect for fishing.  I live in Michigan where winter rules, so when summer finally comes, you can find me at the nearest lake enjoying the sunshine.

I’ve never been into fishing, but the lakes and the ocean sound wonderful. I might have more memories like Judy in that summer was a great time for reading in between farm chores. Judy remembers a great summer in a new town. She writes: Summer—as a 7th grader I found a library in the new town that we moved to that I could walk to. What a delight it was! Along my path to the library there was a corner grocery store and I would buy a Payday candy bar and eat one peanut at a time until they were all gone and just the “yummier” part remained to be enjoyed all at once. I made that candy bar last my entire round trip to the library. I love libraries and books and now I am my church’s librarian.   

It’s been a while since I’ve had a Payday candy bar. Maybe I’ll get one and eat it one peanut at a time. I doubt I’d have that much patience. I’d be biting into it faster than that.

Susan shares some of those everyday blessings of summer and her cat agrees. She writes: What I love best about summer is that I can have my windows open. All winter the windows have been sealed and locked. My cat sits on the window seat and bumps his head against the glass. When summer comes and the windows are open, he sticks his nose against the screen and sniffs all the smells that float on the breeze.

That’s one happy kitty in the summertime, Susan. And I’m guessing many of us have some of the same summer memories as Michelle with trips to a State Fair. The county fair is going on in our town this week. The sounds and sights and those concession stands just almost shout summer. Here’s what Michelle writes: A great summer memory is of going to the Ohio State Fair in Columbus in August. Midway games, animals, rides, food, and shopping. I liked eating pork loin sandwiches in the air conditioned pavilion. The shopping was in the mercantile building and outside they had more shopping such as Mary Kay makeup and coin collecting.

I saved Amy’s for last because I really like her summer memory. Front porch sitting and hearing the old folks talk about how things used to be may be something our grandkids will miss out on with all the electronic gadgets to keep them entertained. But Amy’s memories sound like somewhere we all might like to remember being. She writes: Favorite summer memory … sitting on the porch swing with my great-grandparents, listening to the crickets chirp and everyone talk.

Thank you all for sharing your summer memories and favorites. I feel like I was out there on the porch swing with you listening to you share your stories. You’re the best.

But now the June giveaway is in the books and the three winners chosen by a random number generator. Every e-mail gets a number and then I match the numbers picked randomly with the e-mail.

And the Winners Are…

First place winner is Becky of Florida. She chose the apron since she says she does a lot of cooking and my book, These Healing Hills. Pam of Kansas is my second place winner. I’ve sent Pam an e-mail but haven’t heard back from her as yet. She will get the dog cup and cat scented cup coaster and her choice of one of my books. San Dee from Kentucky is the third place winner and she picked my Louisville book, Words Spoken True as her prize.

Again, thank you all for joining in with the giveaway fun. In a few days, I’ll be sending out another newsletter with another giveaway to celebrate the release of River to Redemption. Got to celebrate a new book with a giveaway. I’ll be doing something special here too, so stay tuned. We may just have another mystery photo game to give away a few books. I’ve been trying out some pictures to see if they are mysterious enough to trick any of you. That remains to be seen. Right?

As always, thanks for reading.

Comments 4

  1. Hi Ann,
    I’m enjoying reading all the posts from everyone. Summer is truly my favorite season too. I just don’t like cold weather, and around here it’s our only season that guarantees warm temperatures. This past spring seemed to be especially chilly!
    I love the slow pace of my summers. Since I’m a nanny for a teacher’s family during the school year, my summer break is nice and long. However, for the past few years, I’ve been working part time with my public library and local schools in providing lunch and story time programs to kids in our neighborhoods. I’m loving it…having fun while fueling the minds of little ones. My goal is to make book lovers of everyone. 🙂

    1. Post

      I’m all for you making booklovers of everyone you meet, Lavon. Books are such a treasure and reading makes a difference for kids. I’m glad you enjoyed the summer stories.

      Happy the rest of the summer.

    1. Post

      Thanks, Melissa. I appreciate you taking time to tell me that. Your words were a blessing of encouragement.

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