Spring Means Babies in the Animal World

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 11 Comments

Well, I do find the beauty in animals. I find beauty everywhere. I find beauty in my garden. ~Doris Day

Spring is a time for baby animals. So it’s a great time to check out the zoos and animal parks to see the babies born each year. Here on the farm, it’s a great time to take a walk and stumble over a few babies in the hay field grasses. Deer have their fawns in the spring when the little ones have the best chance of survival with the lush spring grass and enough time to grow bigger and stronger before the hard months of winter roll around again. When the fawns are first born, they can’t keep up with mama while she finds food during the day. So mama hides her baby out in tall grass where they stay curled up and barely move until she returns. Cows often do this too. Nature has made the babies not have any scent to attract predators. That includes dogs. So Frankie can’t sniff out these little fellows the way he sniffs out moles.

However, at times when I’m walking in the spring, I will see a little fawn curled up in his little grass nest. I found one on Saturday morning. The one in the picture up top. He had to be only a few days old since he was so very small. I walked right up to him with Frankie on a leash, but I saw the fawn first and turned Frankie in a different direction before he saw the fawn. After I took Frankie back to the house, I went back to take a picture. The little guy hadn’t moved a muscle. Well, he might have twitched an ear or blinked an eyelid, but not while I was taking his picture. He simply continued to do his best to be invisible. I stumbled across the other little fawn a year or so ago. Again in a hay field. Again being as still and quiet as can be. This one, as you can tell, is bigger, having already grown a little. Sometimes when the fawns get this big, they will move. But this one did not and I got my picture.

Spring is baby animal time. All kinds of animals get their start in the spring from puppies to calves to chicks. All so cute and “aww’ worthy. These spring babies are a sign that the world the Lord made keeps spinning and nature keeps blessing us with beauty and joy.

So like Doris Day in the quote above, I find beauty everywhere. I hope you do too. Last night the lightning bugs were coming up out of the tall hay field grass next to the house and blinking on and off as the moon and stars lit up the sky above. On my walk today I saw flowers and butterflies and birds. Indeed, beauty and blessings all around in the spring.

What baby animals have you seen that make you go “aww?”

Comments 11

  1. My daughter has been sending me pictures of a small litter of kittens she found in her outdoor shed. She knows me well…alas, I already have two! That’s enough for one who is allergic to cats, and dogs too!

    But you should see the one, perfect swirls and dots on its belly. Sweetest little face…no, Laura you may not get a kitten.

    1. Post

      Sounds as though those kittens are really sweet. Maybe it’s a good thing you’re only getting pictures and not seeing them where you can pick them up and rub them. I am so glad I’m not allergic to dogs. Unfortunately one of my grandsons is. Makes visits difficult.

  2. I love baby bunnies, puppies, and all things sweet and cute. However, since moving from VA to SC, I am seeing baby alligators. That is a new thing and I am not sure I like them. haha!

    1. Post

      Hmm, baby alligators might be like baby snakes. Not exactly sweet and cuddly, Melissa. I’ll stick with the cuddly puppies. 🙂

    1. Post

      Indeed He did, Paula. It’s such a blessing being able to enjoy God’s creation, isn’t it? I haven’t been around any baby kittens for a while, but when I was a kid we loved finding them in the hay loft. We’d try to catch them and they would spit and hiss. But eventually they would usually like us rubbing them. Puppies are generally friendly from the start and ready to wag their tails for you.

  3. Puppies are the best! We used to raise beagles, and a litter of 12 was born one year in April, the day before my son’s 2nd birthday. Fun times!

  4. Living on the lake, I’ve seen oodles of goslings. They’re cute and fuzzy right now, but Ollie learned very fast to give those families a wide berth. Adult geese don’t care for curious pups at all!
    While bird watching from the babies playroom window last week, we enjoyed watching a baby dove for several minutes. I never did see the nest, but it eventually took off flying.
    And the fields near me are jumping with bunnies. But I haven’t seen a rabbit nest in my yard for a couple of years. I think the mommy rabbits know to give Ollie his space.
    I’m glad Frankie didn’t notice the fawn, although he probably would have just wanted to play with it. 😉

    1. Post

      Baby goslings and ducks are very cute as they follow their parents out on the water. Geese had three goslings over on my neighbor’s pond. I don’t know about that Frankie just wanting to play. He has a hunting dog instinct. I know he would grab a rabbit in a minute if he got a chance. But I didn’t want to test him on the baby deer. The field around here are well populated with rabbits that will soon be wanting to eat our garden. 🙂

    1. Post

      Puppies are the cutest, Melanie. And lab puppies are so sweet. I’m sure you’ll enjoy watching them get bigger. I love labs. My last three dogs before Frankie were labs and I’m pretty sure Frankie has some lab mixed in with his whatever breed he is.

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