Dogs, Cats, Horses, Hens Got to Have Names

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 4 Comments

They say the test of literary power is whether a man can write an inscription. I say, ‘Can he name a kitten?’ ~Samuel Butler

I’m not exactly sure how naming a kitten can prove you are a literary power, but if it does, many of you have some literary power. And if naming a kitten is good, surely naming dogs and horses, puppies and hens has to really put you on the top echelon of the literary powers. So good news, you must be there because you all are the best at coming up with the right names for the usual pets and the not as usual ones like a hen.

Of course, many of you did say you have or have had a pet chicken in your life. That has to be why you came up with so many good names to this Henny Penny. That was the most popularly suggested name with some variations. Some thought Penny. Others suggested Henny. And a few suggested Henrietta. Linda went for the sound effects with Clucker and Charlene who has a practical outlook said Dumplin. But we also had Gertrude/Gerty; Prissy, Gladys, Miss Molly, Hettie, Laverne, Vera or more.

So do you know the story of Chicken Little? It’s not a very happy children’s story for Henny Penny’s friends, but she comes out okay. Here’s how it starts. One day Henny-penny was picking up corn in the brickyard when—whack!—an acorn hit her upon the head. “Goodness gracious me!” said Henny-penny, “the sky’s a-going to fall; I must go and tell the King.” Things go downhill from there, especially after they meet Foxy Woxy.

Banty Rooster – Wikimedia

That’s me up top with a chicken that must have been something of a pet. She let me catch her to take a picture anyway. I did once have a banty rooster for a pet. I think I must have named him Banty since I can’t remember any other name. I don’t know how the tiny rooster ended up in our yard or why it became my pet, but it was. This picture sort of looks the way I remember him.

He was fiesty. Not with me. I could catch him and stroke his feathers. However, my sister hated that rooster. It would try to spur her every time she went out in the backyard. I don’t know what happened to him. My mom saved him once from a hawk but running outside waving a tea towel. Perhaps on the second try the hawk got him. My sister was not happy with Mom’s dramatic rescue of Banty. She was not fond of Banty. Actually, that’s an understatement. She pretty much hated Banty and wished him dead. But I thought he was the best thing ever. That was during my “I desperately need a pet” stage and before I got my first dog.  So I have had a pet rooster and have stroked many hens. But dogs are still my pet of choice.

Winners of the Name the Pet Game

The Name the Pet game did end last night at midnight. I appreciate all of you who played. I had fun reading all those names for pets you suggested. I hope you had fun too. So on to my three winners.  That’s Connie R., Sarah A, and Doris L. I’ve already sent e-mails to the three winners. Doris from WA has already answered me. She wants my Shaker book, Christmas at Harmony Hill  and the grabbag book, The Duchess by Susan May Warren.  Sarah wants my newest book, These Healing Hills, and grab bag book, Once Upon a Prince by Rachel Hauck. I haven’t heard from Connie yet, but hope to soon. (I sent you an e-mail already, Connie R.)

Again thank you for playing the game. I’ll think of something else fun to do for a new giveaway soon. Maybe I’ll come across some more mystery pictures. 🙂

Oh, and before I forget Happy Mother’s Day! Hope you had a great day and got some Mom hugs.

Comments 4

    1. Post

      Hi, Paula. Glad you enjoyed naming those dogs, the cat, horses and a hen. And yes, I will do more mystery pictures soon. Probably next month. I’ll have to celebrate that new book, River to Redemption, on the way in July.

  1. Happy Mother’s Day to you, also! 🌹
    Hope that Mother’s Day was special for you.
    Congratulations to the three winners!!! 😊

    1. Post

      It was a fun weekend with family goings on. That may be what I post about on Wednesday. Thank you for the sweet Mother’s Day wishes, Karen. I always appreciate your comments.

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