A Peek at a New Character

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 30 Comments

I’m always depressed when a book ends, because those are my friends for however long the book takes to write. Since I spend so many hours with these fictional people, I sometimes see them more than my real friends. And then they’re gone, and we’ll never be together like that again. (Seanan McGuire)

The above quote has plenty of truth in it for most writers. You do grow very close to those characters inhabiting your stories. That was especially true for me with my Hollyhill books and Rosey Corner books since I stayed with those characters for three books. So I lived with those characters for a long time and definitely felt that they were walking and breathing, laughing and crying with me as I went down their story trails.

Since I was thinking characters and how they come to life for me while I’m writing, I thought you might be interested in reading about Adria Starr, one of my main characters in River to RedemptionIn the story, she starts out as a seven-year-old and then we skip forward to when she’s nineteen. So here’s a little of the character work I did before I started writing the story.

Adria Starr

Adria has never taken life for granted. Not since her family died in the cholera epidemic of 1833. Her little brother went first, then her father and her mother. She was sick too, but with Louis and Matilda nursing her at the hotel, she recovered. Sometimes she wonders if she ever really recovered completely. She is always worried about losing those dear to her as she lost her parents so suddenly. In the span of a few days. She lay down to die too, but Louis carried her to the hotel and turned her over to Matilda and then went back to bury her parents and little brother. He wrapped the baby up with her mother. Adria never saw them again. There were no funerals then. No preachers left in town alive to speak words over the graves and too many to bury to have funerals even if there were. Louis told Adria he spoke the 23rd Psalm over the graves. Over every grave he dug and filled back in over the dead.

What does Adria look like?

Adria Starr has dark curly hair and brown eyes that sparkle with light. She was a thin almost scrawny child but when she reached her teen years she began to fill out and developed into a beautiful though still very slim young woman. Lithe might be a good word to describe her. She has an independent streak since in many ways she’s always felt on her own after her parents died. 

Adria longs for a place she can belong, wanting more than Ruth can give. Ruth tells her she does belong with her, with the community but Adria always seems to be searching for something else. Something more. Something she’s lost and can never find. She veers between wanting more connection to wanting no connection at all. To being free to go. To cut all ties to the community. But then she can’t imagine not having those ties to the community. To Ruth. To Louis. Matilda has died by 1845 but her voice still whispers down to Adria at times.  She thinks she might be completely bereft if she left this place. It’s home. At the same time she longs for love and a family as she remembers her family. She has romanticized that a bit, but there’s no one to tell her she’s wrong.

That’s just a little of what I wrote about Adria to get to know her better before I began writing the story where she was going to have a starring role. Things can change for my characters after I do this pre-writing. Sometimes how they look change. Sometimes even their names change, but Adria’s name didn’t. Other things did change as I wrote the story.

So did this make you want to get to know Adria in River to Redemption?

Want Some Bookmarks or a Bookplate?

River to Redemption will be released in July, but it’s already available for pre-sale on the internet. And I just got some postcards and bookmarks with the beautiful cover on them. If you would like some for yourself or reading friends or your library, I’ll be glad to send them to you. I still have a few of some of my other books so if you would like one to match any of my books you may have, I might find them for you. Also, I’d be glad to send you a signed bookplate for your books. Let me know in the comments if you’d like bookmarks or bookplates, and I’ll send you an e-mail to work out the details of getting them to you.

Comments 30

  1. Ann, Your new book sounds wonderful ! I would love to have a bookmark and signed bookplate as I am going to purchase a copy for my ” at home library “. I have just recently discovered your books and have read 5 of them so far and have enjoyed each one. I also look forward to your “walks with Frankie ” and your comments on nature.

    1. Post

      Great, Nancy. How fun to hear that you’ve discovered my books and have already read five of them. So glad to have you along when I’m walking Frankie too. It was a soggy walk today in the cold rain. We both came back soaked and he didn’t get to have as much fun as usual because I kept him on leash. Yesterday he took off and wouldn’t come to me for about an hour. He does always make it home. At least so far. 🙂 He had been in the pond and mud so had to have a bath. He got that bath via a shower in the rain today. I’ll get in touch via e-mail about the bookmarks. Thanks so much for reading my books and for wanting to read this new one. I’m about to send out a newsletter telling more about it.

  2. Looking so forward to this new book! I know I’m going to love it just by the title. Your characters are always so human and real. I always hate it when a book ends that is why I am so big on series. Was kinda hoping your nurses on horseback would ride into another book. ☺ I am now reading the Bregdan Chronicles by Ginny Dye (10 books in the series ..on number 6). I have to have time to read and since I am guardian to my 3 yr old grandson andtake care of Mom who has dementia I read late into the night. Again I am so looking forward to your new book and your bookmarks are all beautiful.

    1. Post

      Sounds like you have busy, busy days, Barbara. I know how difficult caring for a mom with dementia can be. My mother got progressively worse over her last years. And wow, to keep up with a 3 year old grandson. But I’m sure both your mom and your grandson bring you joy and smiles.

      A lot of readers have asked about letting Fran keep riding up into the mountains to deliver babies, and I’m sure she did. Maybe someday I’ll get to trail after her again and write another story with those characters. I do plan to write another Frontier Nursing story but it will be set in an earlier time period. My publishers aren’t excited about me doing a sequel right now, but who knows? Things might change. I do appreciate you reading my books. And if you would like some of those bookmarks, just private message me from my contact page and I’ll send some out to you.

      Prayers for you as you continue your caretaking roles.

    1. Post

      Thank you, Ola. I’m always glad to hear from you. So glad you think my upcoming book is one you’ll like.

  3. I can’t wait to read your next book! I fell in love with your books when I moved to KY and found your shaker series at our library in Verailles. I’ve now turned my daughter onto your books (she just turned 13) and reading your work transports us back to KY. We’d love a bookmark or signed name plate. We’re excited!

    1. Post

      What fun that you and your daughter both read my books! Love that. I used to share many of my Christian fiction books, not just mine but other writers too, with my granddaughter. I like how you say my novels transport you back to KY. Sounds as if you’ve moved away from Versailles now. I’ll e-mail you to get your address.

  4. I’m looking forward to reading RIVER to REDEMPTION, and finding out more about Adria’s life.
    You always have beautiful, enticing covers….this one is no exception!
    I would love to have a book plate and some book marks.

    1. Post

      So glad you think Adria will be a good character to read more about, Marji. This is a beautiful cover, isn’t it? Revell always comes up with great covers for my books. I’ll get some bookmarks and a book plate in the mail to you. I have your address.

  5. I can’t wait to “meet” Adira in July when River to Redemption is released,Ann! 🙂 Some bookmarks would be great, please. 🙂 Thanks so much! 🙂 ~Psalm 118~

    1. Post

      Great, Emily. I’m glad you want to “meet” Adria. She has some interesting characters to help her along in this story that is actually based on a true event. I’ll get some bookmarks in the mail. I have your address, I think. If I can’t find it, I’ll be in touch via e-mail.

  6. I am so looking forward to reading your books. I already enjoy your writing through our FB friendship.
    It was fun to get a look into the development of Adria.
    After losing my husband and best friend of 32+ years, my book budget is much tighter. I will be starting one of your Holeyhill or Rosie Corner books soon.

    1. Post

      I understand that a book budget can sometimes not be large enough to buy all the books you want, MaryAnn. So you might try finding some of them at your local library. Libraries will often find books for you through inter-library loans if you request a book they don’t have on their shelves. I do think you would enjoy one of my Hollyhill or Rosey Corner books. And keep watching here. I have book giveaways often and you might win a book that way.

      So sorry about the loss of your husband. I’m sure you have many great memories of good times together. Blessings, Ann

  7. Yes, I would love to have a bookmark. I really enjoy your characters and I really liked Josie. My “real” name is Josephine, but never wanted to be called that or Josie. My parents nicknamed my Birdie as a baby and that as stuck.

    1. Post

      Jocie’s name was Jocelyn, so not exactly the same. And of course, she didn’t mind being called Jocie at all. 🙂 Characters have to like whatever name I give them. Well, that’s not exactly true. I have had characters that just would not be called what I first named them and I had to change their names. 🙂 I’ll have to write a post about that sometime. I think I told you that I had a character Lorena Birdsong in my Rosey Corner books where one of the other character nicknamed her Birdie. But he was the only one to call her that. Everybody else called her Lorena. I’ll be in touch about the bookmarks.

  8. I’d love a bookmark for this book. I can’t wait to read this one, especially since I have an 8-year-old niece named Adria! She loves to read, and if she’s not done with the Harry Potter books she’s very close! Thanks.

    1. Post

      That’s quite a reader to make it through those books at her age, Kathy. Way to go, Adria! I emailed you so about the bookmarks. Thanks for being interested in knowing more about my upcoming story, River to Redemption.

  9. Can’t wait to read your new book. It sounds great and I am interested in getting to know Adria. I’d like a couple of bookmarks for your new book. Thanks.

    1. Post

      I think you’ll like Adria and the other characters in River to Redemption, Shirley. I’ll be in touch via e-mail about the bookmarks. Thanks so much for stopping by and for reading my this and that posts.

  10. Adria sounds like a girl Id love to know. Im excited to read more about her in River to Redemption. The book title makes me wonder what will the “river” be like, and how will she solve the dilemma of wanting to be free of her roots but not able to imagine life without them. I cant wait!

    1. Post

      I like your curiosity about Adria, Diana, and about the title, River to Redemption. The publishers and I made several stabs at a title before we settled on this one. The word “river” does play a part in the story, but maybe not what you might expect. So glad you’re excited about finding out more about Adria.

  11. Yes, would love a bookmark. Looking forward to River of Redemption. Would also enjoy bookmarks from any of the Shaker books and bookplate maybe for Christmas at Harmony Hill.

    1. Post

      Great, Janice. I’ll check with you via e-mail about the bookmarks. I do have a few bookmarks for my Shaker books still on hand so I can send you some of those along with a bookplate for Christmas at Harmony Hill.

  12. Yes, please Ann! I fell in love with this book when you first told me about it in McDonalds that day!
    I am so looking forward to reading it.
    Everytime I am asked what my favorite book is, the books might change, but the author never does, it is always one of your books…or I just say anything by Ann Gabhart.

    1. Post

      That makes me smile, Lisa. Hope River to Redemption will be another of your favorites. 🙂 I appreciate you telling your friends about my books too in case that helps them decide to give one of my stories a read too. Hope your daughter and granddaughter are doing well. I’ll be down not too awfully far from you next month at the Southern Kentucky Book Fest in Bowling Green. That’s always a fun time. I love book fairs and getting to talk to readers.

  13. Bookmarks sound wonderful. And bookplates; however, because we have no more room for books, I check out many from the library. Every now and then I’ll buy one. I’ll check the books I have and let you know. I’m looking forward to reading more about the main character in River to Redemption.

    1. Post

      Wonderful, Karen. I love libraries and am happy when people find my books in their local library. I’ll be in touch about the bookmarks, and I’m glad you think Adria is somebody you’ll like getting to know in my new story.

    1. Post

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