Spring is Springing

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 19 Comments

“No winter lasts forever. No spring skips its turn.”

On Tuesday, Spring officially gets here per the calendar. After the record breaking warmth we had in February for a week or so, spring let winter take over again. I knew we’d have to pay for that early warmth. We always do. Mother Nature keeps a record, but I didn’t think she’d make us pay back two or three to one.

It’s been a very chilly March with snow and freezing temperature. But did that bother the March flowers? No. They were snowed in with barely even a bloom showing. But those March flowers/daffodils/jonquils (whichever you want to call them) are resilient. They survive and they bloom even when the weather tricks them into opening up their buds too soon.

The first flower is a different sort of March flower. A double or triple bloom. They don’t last as good when I pick them and bring them to the house as the single bloomers. But I like their unique blooms.

All these flowers bloom over in our pasture field around where a house used to sit. It was a big house with a family considered well to do in the neighborhood. I never saw the house. The farm was bought by my great uncle long before I was born He only wanted the land and not the house, so he sold the house to someone to tear down. That person used the lumber and whatever could be salvaged to build a house in another location. So when we bought the farm forty some years ago, all that was left where the house once proudly stood was a cistern where they caught rain water to drink, a cellar to keep their vegetables cool, the stone front steps and a few bricks and bits of broken pottery. Oh, and all those March flowers.

Wait, there is also a small graveyard that gives evidence to how easy then it was to lose a child. There are probably several graves there, all merely marked with a field stone except for the one year old little girl. Her heartbroken parents set a tombstone to remember her.

Sometimes when I’m picking a bouquet of those March flowers, I think about the people who once lived there and who are just an imagined memory now over a century later. But life goes on. Spring follows winter and we all keep moving through the seasons. Not only the seasons of the year, but also the seasons of life. It moves quickly. But may we all find joy in the gift of each new day we’re given.

“Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn.” ~Lewis Grizzard

What do you like best about Spring?

Comments 19

  1. Hi Ann,
    Yes, I have googled the words I remember. I’ve spent more than enough time searching. I even contacted one of my former first graders. She remembers the music teacher, not the song. I do like the description of green-yellow leaves!

    1. Post

      Well, sometimes that googling the words works, Rebecca. Maybe you should just make up some new words to go with those green-yellow leaves. Isn’t it funny how our brains will let us remember bits and pieces but not let us access the whole file?!

  2. Spring green. . . I call it green-yellow from a song my first grades sang many, many years ago. The last line: “The leaves are green-yellow because it is spring.”

    Oh, how I wish I knew all the words! I can see Mrs. Millhan playing the piano and leading the children in the song..

  3. Spring favorites:
    – The green-yellow of the new leaves on the trees.
    – The trees’ branches dancing joyfully in the breeze.
    – The pink, lavender, and purple flowers on the exquisite redbud trees.
    – The warm sunshine welcoming the new growth of plants.
    – The plants (unexpectedly frozen by a record-setting cold spell) sending up new shoots.
    – Nature’s contagious energy.
    – Spring, oh, its joyful splendor.

    1. Post

      Nature’s contagious energy. Love that, Rebecca. Just the other day I posted a video on my Facebook author page, http://www.facebook.com/anngabhart, where I talked about irrepressible Spring. It will get here even if we are still having to wear winter coats today. Loved the way you described the things you love about spring.

      Funny how we can remember some of the things from our early school days but sometimes it doesn’t all come back to us. You might Google that last line and see if the song pops up. I’m always amazed at the things you can find on the internet. Thanks for sharing what you love about spring.

  4. I love all the new flowers that come up and ones that I had forgotten that I had planted. Yesterday there were 4 deer that went across our land as we were watching tv we watched them looking they were all does and my husband said that they were looking for a place to bed to have their baby. Also we have a lot of stray cats that have come so we home make our cat food. They just love it and we clean out our refrig. Happy Spring Ann!

    1. Post

      Happy spring to you too, Peggy. It’s fun to enjoy the animals that pass our way. I’m sure your cat friends are very happy with your homemade food. Hope you find even more surprise flowers. A couple of times I’ve had flowers show up that I never planted, but somehow the seeds got in the ground. Must have been mixed with something I did plant.

    1. Post

      “Spring green.” That’s a lovely color for sure, Cheryll. Maybe I’ll remember to describe a green in one of my stories that way someday.

    1. Post

      Now if we can just get the snow to go away and stop being in the forecast. Flowers look better in green than white, Karen. LOL.

  5. I love spring, the green coming back. The flowers, daffodils, hyacinths, lilacs. Spring flowers are my favorite, with their cheerful faces and heavenly smells.

    1. Post

      You’ve named some favorite spring flowers, Kathy. I noticed my hyacinths have blooms coming on them today. The green in the sunshine does make us feel better after a long winter.

  6. Sweet column, it echos my thoughts. Those flowers still bloom as a verification that someone once lived there, loved there, they mattered. That earthly life is gone but the things of earth linger on. I would enjoy seeing that place and drawing that scenario in my mine of life past. And it must pass for all of us.

    I especially like the photo of the single jonquil pushing through the snow. Hardy.

    1. Post

      Thanks, Loretta. I always enjoy your comments. After reading this post, a friend on Facebook said memories live on my land. I thought that was a wonderful way to put it. Maybe I’ll have to do another post about those memories someday. And jonquil are hardy and something easy to share if you’re willing to do a little digging and transplanting.

      1. Love both those comments! I’m glad that there are those that can put my thoughts on paper so eloquently! 🙂

  7. Post

    Spring does lighten the heart, Paula and Shelia. The flowers, warm sunshine, Easter celebration. You have come up with some spring smiles for sure.

  8. I like the warmer weather, also. Spring brings Easter! A time to celebrate new life in Christ! Love all the flowers, too.

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