Love Is In the Air

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 4 Comments

I have found that if you love life, life will love you back. ~Arthur Rubinstein

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Facebook today has been filled with pictures of flowers and candy and cards as many have shared their romantic gifts. Such fun to see so many happy posts.

But some people don’t like Valentine’s Day because it makes them feel lonely. Perhaps they have lost their sweethearts to heaven. Or maybe they have never had that special sweetheart. But there are so many ways to love and be loved. For sure, we can all count on God’s love. That never changes. Then there are those in our extended families – sisters, brothers, parents, grandparents.

And sometimes we have that furry buddy to give us love. Those buddies might not bring us flowers or candy but they do give us unconditional love. Well, I’m not that sure about Frankie. I’m thinking he might have some conditions on his. Like he’d love me more if I would just take him on more walks or feed him more treats or let him bring that dead bird he just found into the house. That last is not going to happen. I have some conditions too. 🙂

I am blessed with a romantic husband. We’ve been married many, many years and I don’t know that I’ve ever not gotten some sort of card or flowers on Valentine’s Day. But this year the string was broken. A couple of weeks ago he got sick. Thought he had a virus. But after a couple of days he started having pain just like he’d had last summer before his gallbladder surgery. A trip to the ER ended up being a very long day and an ambulance ride to a bigger hospital with an emergency procedure the next day to take care of some stones in his bile duct. He had a rough week in the hospital with much infection and some other health troubles too. So it was a really bad week. He’s better but still a long way from well. So no flowers or card for me or for that matter, for him. Well, he did get flowers in the hospital.

So sometimes you have to buy your own sweets. Luckily for me, I made a stop at a local store here in my hometown, Tastefully Kentucky where they carry my books for my hometown readers, and there was my favorite candy bar, Blue Monday. So Valentine’s Day wasn’t totally without chocolate.

But candy and flower gifts or not, I’ve always enjoyed Valentine’s Day. When I was a room mother for my kids years ago, the Valentine party was always my favorite. That’s because all the kids got valentines. And the valentines were always cute. They get to make fun boxes to put their cards in. My granddaughter made a real winner with sparkly hearts and I know she had fun stuffing cards in it.

With that said, I hope you had a blessed Valentine’s Day whether you had flowers and candy to post on Facebook or not. The love is out there in the air, in our prayers, around our kitchen tables, in our stories, here on the net, and in our hearts.

As always, thanks for reading. And don’t forget to love yourself enough to get yourself a Valentine treat.


Comments 4

  1. Thank you for the lovely Valentine post . I am glad you found your candy bar when you needed it most, God is always on time with his blessings! Praying for your husband that he will enjoy good health again soon. You and Frankie have a great day , the love of a dog is so special . I like to hear about his escapades and your walks together. My two precious pals always make my day better!

    1. Post

      That Frankie is a rascal, Nancy. Maybe I should change his name to Trouble. I think I named a dog that in one of my books. I should do a post about all my fictional dogs. I’ve had a bunch of them.

      So glad you enjoyed my post and yes, I did enjoy that candy bar last night. Actually I bought two of them. I’m saving the other one. Hmm, at least until tomorrow. LOL.

  2. I enjoyed your Valentine’s Day post. I will pray your husband will soon be well. I always feel badly for those who don’t have anyone to spend Valentine’s Day with or give flowers or candy. I think the poem YOUR DIVINE VALENTINE is pretty appropriate for many of those and have often sent it to widows I know. BTW, I always do think flowers or chocolate are a part of Valentine’s Day and too am blessed with a husband of many years who never forgets. I’m glad you gave yourself a treat. I have never heard of Blue Monday candy- actually watched a You Tube taste test of it just now. Should we ever get to KY, I will have to try it!

    1. Post

      That’s fun, Jeanne, that there is a You Tube video out there about Blue Mondays. I’ll have to check that out. Maybe I should do a video and a post about Blue Mondays. I thought I already had, but I couldn’t find it. So maybe I just thought about it. Or it could be lost in those thousand plus posts I have written.

      It is a blessing to have a sweet husband who makes one feel loved. But we can always remember the blessing of the love of the Lord.

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