The Winter Drearies

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 48 Comments

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary. ~Edgar Allan Poe

Do you ever get the mid-winter drearies? I like living in a place that has seasons. I like going from spring to summer to fall and even to winter, except sometimes winter seems a few weeks too long. And winter has a way of hiding the face of the sun from us. It can turn a very cold shoulder on us and then the next week flash lightning at us on a warm night. Then go ballistic on those frosty temperatures again. We’ve had a snow this winter. A nice snow but it was so cold, the snow wasn’t very slippery. The car tires crunched on top of it and kept rolling. So I didn’t have cabin fever. I was out and about on the snow days and fortunately stayed on the road with no too close encounters with other people who didn’t stay in.

But for some reason, I’m tiptoeing around the edge of the winter drearies. So what to do? Google it, of course. All sorts of advice out there for people who are feeling the grayness of winter. Let’s name a few.

1. Cook something cheery. Maybe one of those favorite pies after National Pie Day yesterday. Better yet, go on a weekend jaunt and let someone else cook that happy pie for you. (I made vegetable soup yesterday. Does that count? Alas, no pie.)
2. Bundle up and go outside. (No problem. I’m going to be outside with my dog, Frankie, for sure. He is doing wonders for my step count.)
3. Laugh. Watch funny videos or a funny movie. (I watched Princess Bride for the first time and Ghostbusters for the third time last weekend. That should do it.)
4. Count your blessings every day. (I can do that and stay busy for a while.)
5. Read a good book. (Now that sounds like a plan. A cup of tea, a soft lap blanket, a crackling fire and a book. Perfect winter cheer.)

But that last one may give me a strong clue as to the reason I’ve got some of those drearies. I need to be writing a book. I am writing a book but very slowly. Doubts over my story cloud the day. Will I ever come up with enough words? Even more important, will they be the right words? Mostly I need to keep chugging along and coming up with words, with scenes, with a story. That can be sort of like walking through deep snow where you have to purposefully lift your foot out of the snow to take another step. Makes for a good workout. I can hope my writer muscles are getting a workout too.

He who marvels at the beauty of the world in summer will find equal cause for wonder and admiration in winter. ~John Burroughs

Maybe if I remember this about the wonder and things to admire in winter the same as summer, I’ll fight off those winter drearies.

Just in case you may be having a case of the winter drearies too, I’m ready to give away a book or two to help you chase them away. So check back on Sunday night or next Monday to see what I can dream up to help us have some book fun in the middle of winter.

By the way, I found out last week that something had gone cock-eyed on my blog here and those of you who have subscribed to get my posts, didn’t get the usual notifications. I sent out distress signals to my web hosts and that fast, it was fixed. At least, I’m pretty sure it was fixed. I do appreciate all of you who take a few minutes each week to read my posts and sometimes comment. So to get an early entry into my blog giveaway (I promise I’ll figure out all the details of prizes and deadlines to enter by Sunday), you can tell me what you do to fight the winter drearies. If it’s go to Hawaii, I’ll try not to be envious.

Comments 48

  1. On the snowy days that we got I played in the snow with my two year old daughter. On the cold days when I don’t have snow to play in I bake with my husband and daughter, or cuddle up and read a wonderful book!

    1. Post

      Playing with a two-year-old would get rid of those winter drearies for sure. Kids are the cutest when they’re starting to notice everything and learning words. I can imagine her giggling as she played in the snow. Cuddling and reading is good too. Maybe you can read that book about giving a mouse a cookie to your daughter. I used to love reading to my little ones.

    1. Post
  2. I work at an elementary school so the kids usually keep my spirits up even in the midst of a dreary winter. At home, I love to snuggle under the comfy blanket my son gave me and do lots of reading.

    1. Post

      Nothing like kids to keep you smiling, Pam. I’m guessing you have some fun stories to tell about things they’ve done or said. Happy reading when you have the opportunity after work.

  3. I am recovering from getting two clips on my mitral valve of my heart. So I just am taking one day at a time. I mostly read, crochet and read Facebook. lol I have done some housework but it is slow.

    1. Post

      That sounds as if you need to rest and recover, Joan. Sounds as though it’s a perfect time for reading. Wishing you a complete recovery.

  4. I try to walk on the days it is warm enough for me, as I have fibromyalgia and don’t tolerate the cold very well. I’ve been working puzzles, reading, sewing, and crocheting. I miss my family more on these long cold winter days.

    1. Post

      Sorry you have fibromyalgia, Lucy. That’s not easy to deal with, and I can see how the cold could make it worse. Sounds as if you’ve found some good ways to keep busy. Sorry that you are missing your family. I hope you have some great times together to think about to make your day a little brighter.

  5. I fall into the Netflix binge-watching trap. I also read, so the chance to win one of your books would be amazing. But I always try to read a little bit before bed no matter the season.

    1. Post

      I sometimes try to make that read a while every day, Amy, but sometimes it’s gets bedtime too quickly. Or I forget to look at the clock or I have to walk Frankie yet again. He’s always ready to go walking. I don’t have Netflix but I’ve heard it’s a great way to watch your favorite shows.

  6. Our winters on MS Gulf Coast are nearly ever long enough so no time to get the drearies. However, this year the duration of cold days has been unusual. Right now I am fighting the flu and have been for almost two weeks! Now that is dreary! It’s been over two years since I’ve even had a cold! Being sick is dreary for me! I’ve missed your posts and was hoping you were okay. Glad you are! How’s Josie? Blessings!

    1. Post

      Hi, Karen. I was still posting. You just weren’t getting them. So if you feel like it, you can check the archives for what you missed. I wrote about sisters and Sumo, the wonder dachshund and more. So sorry you have the flu. After two weeks it’s time to get better. I’m sure you agree. Flu is definitely dreary.

      I’m going to have to poke Jocie and make her do another report from Hollyhill soon.

    1. Post

      What a nice thing to say, Janice. Reading all your comments always makes me feel cheerier. I haven’t taken as many walk pictures lately because my phone has been acting up. I may have to invest in a new one. Got to take those pictures!!

  7. We’ve been fighting flu here. I got a new scrip for cough medicine yesterday and it’s helped a lot already! And the sun is shining right now so that makes me feel better, too.

    1. Post

      Oh, that nasty flu. So sorry, Kathy. Hope you all feel better soon. I know how that is when everybody comes down with the flu. It’s no fun. I heard today that Kentucky had an epidemic and that you probably couldn’t go anywhere without running into somebody with it or about to come down with it. Glad the sunshine made you feel a little better today.

  8. Sunshine always helps me beat the winter drearies. The room I have my computer in and read books in has south facing windows with the sunlight streaming in. I always feel so much better when I see it. I also do some of the same things you do like cook or bake something good, or just have a good cup of hot tea.

    1. Post

      Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy. Right, Connie Lee? And streaming in my windows in my office that also has a couple of south facing window. Today we had that sunshine and supposed to have some more tomorrow. Always a good intermission in between the winter weather.

  9. I sew! I have a little shop where I sell dolls, doll accessories and frilly little girl dresses. A recent visit from my great-niece in Oklahoma has kept me busy. And I always enjoy reading. My grandmother always said, “you can never be bored, as long as there’s a book to be read.”

    1. Post

      I agree with your grandmother. Got to have that book there to read. I think after I finish my work in progress (if I ever do!) I’ll take a reading vacation. Of course, just today I was thinking I needed to do a de-clutter week once I get this book written. Hmm, clean house or read?? Not a very hard decision there. LOL.

  10. Just go somewhere! Get out of the house and “kill some time”…maybe at the library, lunch out, see that’s the point. Getting away from home, even if you don’t have cabin fever, with nothing much to do but whatever you want.
    Or just love on that dog! Seriously, call your kids, your grandkids. Sometimes, I will go to my granddaughters school at lunchtime and sit with them while they eat. At 8 and 9 years old I realize that they won’t always want me to do that 🙂 I have picked up chicken nuggets for them but they prefer to take their lunch now so I can’t surprise them with lunch, just my company.

    1. Post

      You have some great ideas there, Loretta. I do need to go visit the library. Ours just got a major makeover and has just re-opened. They say it looks great. And it’s always fun to do something with the grandkids. I’m sure yours love you dropping in on them at lunch.

      For sure, that dog has been keeping me busy and walking and washing his feet after he digs for gold or maybe moles. No problem with the exercise one.

  11. I enjoy a dreary winter day by lighting candles and reading a book or watching a movie and drinking tea with friends. 🙂

    1. Post

      All those sound like great ways to ward off the gray winter drearies, Emily. I have lots of scented candles but for some reason never think to light one of them. Maybe I’ll do that to chase away those drearies.

  12. So glad the blog glitch got fixed!
    As for Winter drearies… remedy is to enjoy a cup of hot tea and read a good book.
    I also like to go to a local farmers market and walk around their greenhouse….always something interesting to see.

    1. Post

      That’s an interesting way to think spring, Marji. Go see spring coming in a greenhouse. A good book and a cup of tea is always good.

  13. Hi Ann , I’ve missed you ! I thought I’d hit the wrong button again! On those cloudy dreary days I find some sewing to do.I get creative with quilt pieces.
    Glad to have you back.

    1. Post

      Great to have you back, Evelyn. You’ll have to poke around in the posts you missed. You might like the one I wrote about sisters (Sister Make the Best Friends) with a long ago picture of my sisters and me.

      Oh, and quilting is a time honored way to pass the winter. My aunt used to make a new quilt every winter.

  14. I’m like you, I usually cook up some soup. I did try out my Instapot & made black eye peas for New Years Day, hubs said they were the best he’d ever had! I had won a Honey Baked Ham & put some pieces of that in with the peas & the pressure just infused the ham flavor into the peas. So yummy! So far as exercise goes, Charlie, my cat, would prefer that I didn’t leave my chair at all. I am definitely ready for spring! Before you know it, we’ll be complaining about how hot it is. 🙂

    1. Post

      You are so right, Robin, about us complaining about the heat come summer. I’m not rushing that up even though Spring sounds nice since I have to did a lot more words for that book out of my head before Spring comes. I’ve never made black-eyed peas for New Year’s although my aunt used to every year. Supposed to make you have a good year. Cats are much more let’s just sit and read than my dog, Frankie.

    1. Post

      Bread baking in the oven always smells good – winter or summer, MH. And cookie and whatever other yummy thing you might stick in the oven. I have plenty of books I’d love to settle down in a comfy chair and read too.

  15. Our church is replacing the carpet in the fellowship hall so ladies Bible Study And Thursday Girls crafting has not met for two weeks. And it’s been cold. We stayed in and watched our favorite Netflix shows. And some of the old Batman Movies … so many different actors! I love the Princess Bride. Hey maybe we should all watch Groundhog Day!
    I’ve managed to read quite a few books already this year. And gotten back to excercise, finally! Spring is only 40 days away!

    1. Post

      I’m sure you’ve been missing your fellowship with your church friends. But as cold as it was, it wasn’t a bad time to stay in. We don’t have Netflix, but I hear a lot about how fun it is to watch what you want when you want. Groundhog Day might be a fun movie for next week.

      Sounds as if you’re doing okay with the winter drearies, Paula. Exercising, reading, watching fun movies, and counting the days until Spring.

  16. For the winter drearies, I end up baking cookies. What is it about baking cookies that help erase the winter drearies. Maybe if is the mixing of the dough or maybe it is just the wonderful homey smell of cookies fresh from the oven. Yum.

    1. Post

      Yumm, I’m smelling those cookies fresh from the oven, Sherry. A great way to warm up the kitchen and make some smiles show up on your family’s faces.

  17. Hey Ann – I guess I don’t really get the winter dreary since I live in 🌞 FLOREEDAAA ~ that’s long for Florida!!! 😉. We have a few cool days these last few weeks. But they don’t last long & usually don’t go any lower than mid 30’s but cold is usually stays in the 40’s!!! I’m always glad when the temps climb back up to the mid 60’s & 70’s!!!! Then I can enjoy a good book sitting in the glider on my back porch!!!!! I’m glad you are able to get out w/Frankie & enjoy the beauty of winter! Thanks for staying in touch & stay warm!!!!!

    1. Post

      I knew I’d be hearing from some of you in the sunny south, Betsy, although I had heard that there was some shivering going on down there. I guess it’s good knowing that won’t last too long and things will warm back up. And that glider and a good book awaits.

      I do get to get out with Frank to enjoy the beauty of winter. I also get to enjoy the frigid wind chills, the cold rain and the next few days the sunshine. Looking forward to enjoying that sunshine. 🙂

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