A Mystery Surprise

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 35 Comments

The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us. (Ashley Montagu)

I’ve done these mystery photo games several times now. I’m always surprised by your guesses. Sometimes I’m surprised that you all come up with right guesses. Other times I’m surprised that nobody or at least very few see what the picture actually is.

I don’t know why I am surprised by that. I rarely can figure out these kinds of pictures when I see them in other places. Of course then the photographer generally has a specialized lens that takes tremendous up close photos. I’m not that high tech with my pictures. That’s why the close-ups are a bit fuzzy at times. I read about an attachment I can buy to put on my phone and take better close-ups, but I haven’t gotten around to searching it out. Instead I just keep taking pictures, cropping them, and then putting them out here to see what you think.

And it’s always fun to see what you think. This time the most popular guess was a pine cone from Becky, Joy, Kathy, Marji and Sandi. A few of you just admitted to being stumped, but Laura, Melanie, Margaret and Karen, you still get an entry in the giveaway. Some of the guesses had me smiling this time. Lucy said cow patty, but while I’ve considered it, I’ve never taken a picture of that to try to trick you all. Lois said a tractor or truck track in the mud, and I have to admit that I did once take a picture of that. But it looked exactly like mud when I cropped out a bit of the picture. The mud picture got deleted. Shirley had a fun guess of shrimp on a plate, and Rebecca agreed it might be shrimp after she thought maybe I’d zoomed to outer space for Wednesday’s mystery picture. That had me smiling for sure. I smiled even bigger with Elaine’s guess of Santa Claus. Of course Santa might wear one of these in the summertime.

I really liked April’s guess of a shell. I could see that. It isn’t right, but it does look like some shells I’ve seen. Connie guessed a butterfly or moth. She knows I like to post butterfly pictures on my Facebook page now and them. Ellen was seeing a mushroom or a rose on a knitted cap. Evelyn saw a flowering cabbage plant. Another great guess that was wrong, but I could sort of see it. Virginia said a button or decoration on an clothes or shoes. Lisa B said a woolen scarf, another good but wrong guess, as was Paula’s guess of a raffia flower. I like Linda’s guess of a coiled up spring too. Linda is helping her mother right now who broke her humerus, the bone in her arm between the elbow and shoulder. Her mom is 90 which doesn’t make things easy when trying to mend a broken bone, but Linda says her mother is determined to get better. So whisper a prayer for Linda and her mom.

Back to the mystery picture, nobody got it right. The closest to being on the right track were Karen with her Amish rug guess, Peggy with her wound up rope and Lisa R with cloth or rug.

So here’s the big reveal of the rest of the picture. It is the top of the second Shaker hat in the row on the left. I am surprised this picture was such a mystery. Pleased, I have to admit, although I’m wondering if I not be quite so mysterious. I don’t want you to get discouraged and quit playing. Trouble is, I’m never sure which ones you’re going to get right away and which ones you won’t. I have posted pictures I thought would be difficult only to have it turn out to be an easy puzzle.

So puzzle number three is up top. I tested this one on my husband and daughter and they didn’t get it. But I won’t be surprised if you all get it right away. Either way, a right guess or a stumped guess, gets you an entry in my drawing for winner’s choice of one of my autographed books. I’ll pick three winners on October 11, 2017 by random number drawing. The contest is open to those 18 years old or older where not prohibited by law. No purchase is required and you don’t even have to sign up for anything. Just play the game and have fun. At least, I hope you have fun. It’s a brain exercise for me to figure out what is mysterious and what is plain to see. They tell us exercise is good, even for the brain.

As always, thanks for reading, and I’m looking forward to your guesses.

Comments 35

  1. Just a far fetched guess. . . broom straw or is it called broom corn. Is it part of a broom or part of a star decoration. . . I’m not sure. It looks like a braided rug is behind or under it.

  2. Well, I am going to try again and see if I can get this one right. Looks like a pine tree branch. I think it is at least something outside because there appears to be dew drops to the side of the picture.

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    I am so happy to see how you are all using your imaginations. Sometimes I have to use mine to see what you’re seeing.

    Thistle or weed seed or dandelion seed or dried flowers seems pretty popular as guesses. Thanks, Margaret, Lisa, April, Sharon, for those guesses. Got you entries in the giveaway.

    Marji & Christine – you both are in the plant world too. Marji, I love that you figured out a way to have it that nice orange color. Marigolds. I do have some blooming in the garden. But did I pull them apart and take a picture? Hmm, only time will tell. Cactus is a good guess too, Christine.

    Lois, what a lovely vision, that sunrise or sunset with the beautiful colors. Not saying it’s right or wrong, but a lovely picture either way.

    Paula and Evelyn and Karen too on her second guess – those butterfly and moth guesses could be right. I do love taking pictures of them.

    Becky, your guess has me smiling. It could be a sticktight in Oscar’s fur. It could be. It could not be.

    Pat M, what a great guess. The twirling brush is good, but the sprinkle with rusty water is great. Love it.

    Thanks to all of you for guessing and now I’d better get to work. I’ve got a story to write.

    1. Or a moth??? 😊 Yes she does. What amazes me is she has time to keep us guessing. She must only sit when she’s writing. 😊

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  4. I don’t see it even when I know what it is! The hat, that is. 😝 Again I don’t have a clue on the new one. When it first came on the screen a web of some kind flashed in my mind but I really don’t think that’s what is is the more I look at it. I remember seeing something like this early in the morning at my grandparents who lived in the country. It’s fun to try. 😊

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      Well, Karen, you have to zoom in on the picture to get the good view, I guess. But I promise it’s the top of that Shaker hat. The Shaker hat picture is neat by itself. I snapped it at the gift shop of the South Union Shaker village on the day of the eclipse. A fun day.

      Actually, you can see what this new mystery picture is any time of the day. Well, at least sometimes you can see it. Is that a clue?

  5. Well Ann, you did have us stumped with the hat picture..but now it’s easy to see…hindsight is 20/20☺…I am going to guess this new one is a thistle or some type of plant that has seeded out.

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