What Would You Name a Calico Cat?

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 32 Comments

“I don’t want her to have a cat because she’ll end up talking baby talk to the cat. That’s the way it is, and how can a P.I. do that? (Sue Grafton talking about her character in her alphabet mystery series) I can understand Sue Grafton’s point of view. Every character is different and some need a pet and some …

An Out of the Ordinary Cat

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, Heart of Hollyhill

April 29, 1964 Jocie Brooke here reporting from Hollyhill, Kentucky. As always, things have been pretty boring (Dad says I should say calm, not boring) here on Main Street, Hollyhill. Dad says boring is better than stores getting robbed or wrecks happening. That might make the Banner headlines more exciting, but at the same time, somebody might be getting hurt. …