Have You Ever Heard a Calliope?

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 14 Comments

So what is a calliope and how in the world do you pronounce that? A calliope is a steam organ or steam piano that was named after the Greek Muse Calliope who presided over poetry, song, and the arts and sciences. I had to practice how to say it and after looking up the pronunciation a dozen or so times …

When 45 Records Ruled and the Beatles were New

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

 Fifty years ago Beatlemania hit America. When I look back on it now, you might wonder why that song “I Want to Hold Your Hand” took the country by storm. The Beatles were already hitting the music scene in England, but here in America, the record companies were reluctant to put out their songs. Maybe because those songs were so …