Have You Ever Heard a Calliope?

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 14 Comments

So what is a calliope and how in the world do you pronounce that? A calliope is a steam organ or steam piano that was named after the Greek Muse Calliope who presided over poetry, song, and the arts and sciences. I had to practice how to say it and after looking up the pronunciation a dozen or so times …

The Joys of Hands-On Research

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 44 Comments

You’re in for a treat with this post. I’ve not met Amanda Cabot face to face, but we’ve become internet friends. So I invited her over to visit One Writer’s Journal. As you will find out, Amanda is a writer who gets it right in her stories because of how she researches everything. She shares some of those research techniques …