Titles, Titles, and More Titles

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

Inspiration can appear in many places when you’re brainstorming ideas for titles. The beautiful, fragrant lilac was my inspiration for the title of my first Hollyhill book. The Scent of Lilacs. Almost until it was ready to go into print production, I had the title The Smell of Lilacs. Then I was standing behind the old bus my husband’s quartet …

Necessary but Troublesome

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

~~These wildflowers aren’t troublesome. Necessary for the spirit and for the bees. These are Dutchman’s britches, my mom’s favorite wildflower. For my favorites, I think the trilliums are hard to beat and of course the Jack in the Pulpit is fun to find in the woods. If you look really closely at this picture you can see the little spider …

Creative Moments

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

Hi everybody. Hope you had a tremendous week with good blessings chasing you everywhere you went. You know sometimes we stay so busy that we don’t always pay attention to the blessings around us. At church we have a Thanksgiving and Praise List in our bulletin where we mention special blessings of the week and those everyday blessings too. Things …