Another Hidden Springs Mystery on the Way

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 14 Comments

For an author, there’s nothing quite like holding in your hand that book that you’ve spent many long hours writing. You started with a shimmer of an idea. You added characters. You built a setting. You entangled your characters into all sorts of situations. Maybe some fun ones. Or romantic ones, or even dangerous ones for a mystery like Murder Is No Accident.

In the past few weeks, I’ve shared with you some of my planning for this story. And then last week the man in the brown truck brought me my very first copy. I thought it was too early since the release date isn’t until March 14, but when I ripped open the package, there was my book. An early copy hot off the press all wrapped up in its pretty cover and with good words on the back in hopes of enticing readers to open up the book and take another trip to Hidden Springs.

A reader commented on one of my Facebook posts today that she’d just finished reading Murder Comes by Mail, and was eager to get her hands on the new book. One of the things she said was “Poor Michael. I love him so much.” I suppose Michael did have a rough time in Murder Comes by Mail. But I was really happy to know Frances liked his character.

Michael is a good guy in the stories. I just kept liking him more and more while he led me down those story paths into mystery. I like to read books about likeable characters. I quit on books that don’t have at least one character I can cheer on to a good and happy end in the story. How about you? Do you feel that way too?

I hope there are several characters in Murder Is No Accident that you will be happy to get to know. I think you’ll like Maggie, my new young character who makes her first appearance in this book, but she has a teen romance with a character you might remember from the first Hidden Springs mystery, Murder at the CourthouseI really like Aunt Lindy as a major player through all the stories. When I first thought about writing these mysteries I considered making her the main sleuth. That would have been more along the line of most cozy mysteries, but then the story took a different turn. My stories have a way of doing that. As long as it’s a good turn, that’s okay.

To celebrate Murder Is No Accident being available to purchase in about a month, I’m going to send out a newsletter next week with a new Celebration Giveaway. I think you’ll like the prizes, so if you are on my newsletter list, be sure to watch for Ann’s News in your inbox on Wednesday or Thursday. Besides my giveaway, the newsletter will have information of some other good deals coming up. If you don’t get my newsletter, you can sign up for it right here on my website.

As always, thanks for reading. I love hearing what you have to say and on my Facebook page too. It’s always good to hear from you friends.

So tell me. Have you ever quit on a book because you just didn’t like the characters? Or did you read on hoping he or she would become more loveable?








Comments 14

  1. Ann,
    I was like you for a long time and thought I HAD to finish a book. Now, if there’s something objectionable or it’s just not working, I quit reading it.
    BTW, I posted my review on Monday. I also sent you an email.
    Thanks for all the wonderful books you write, and your thought-provoking blogs, too!

    1. Post

      I went out and looked at your review, Robbie. Thank you so much. I especially appreciated you reading the book and giving the story a chance since you have reason to avoid some mysteries. I do appreciate you reading my books and then telling the reading world what you think of them. Reviews are so important for online sales. And I love those of you who drop by my blogs. I need to let Jocie write something new. It could be she got a surprise on Valentine Day. 🙂

  2. I definitely must like a character(s) to continue with a book! I can put up with a lame mystery before lame characters. Thankfully, I get to enjoy both in your books!!! Deputy Sheriff Michael Keane is quite a hit at my house. As we only live a few hours from the general setting of your story, my daughters have found themselves wishing he were quite real! Thanks for a great read we can all enjoy. Looking forward to this one, too!

    1. Post

      That’s funny, Becky, but they do know Michael can’t forget Alex. LOL. Their romance gets a little more play in Murder Is No Accident. I hope mystery readers won’t mind that. I was really relieved that you didn’t think I had lame characters or mystery plot. Whew!!

    1. Post

      I have stopped reading books and authors because of the language. But then I’ve stopped because of those unlikeable characters too, Karen, so that makes you a more patient reader than me. I do appreciate you having patience with my stories!

  3. I have to like the characters and figure out where the book is going if I can. If not I don’t read it. I am excited to get your next book. Your the best. Take care and keep up the great job.

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  4. Yes I have quit on a book when it just gets bogged down or I don’t like a character. I don’t remember the book right now. I think maybe I’ve become more discriminating on how I choose a book to read and also go for ones by a favorite author ( like you!) so I know what to expect!

    1. Post

      I used to think if I started a book, I had to finish it, but then I got this big pile or list of books I want to read and a limited amount of reading time, Paula. So I give a book a chance but if it’s not working for me, I try a new one. I appreciate you sticking with my books to the end. And I do think we do get better at picking books we’ll like as we get older and have read many books.

  5. I don’t usually quit reading a book as I believe there is hope and that’s my personality-perseverance! I do enjoy your books as your characters have that same quality-perseverance! Cannot wait for your new one! Have a blessed week!

    1. Post

      Perseverance is a very necessary thing for an author to have. First to get a book written to begin with and then to stick it out through the often rocky trail to publication. But I had never really thought about my characters having perseverance, Linda. But I suppose that’s a good thing for them too. Along with a little romance and laughter.

    1. Post

      Thank you, Pat. I do believe that the Lord gave me a gift of words. And for that, I am grateful. I’ve been blessed to come up with some stories that readers like you want to read. But you are a more patient reader than I am. If I can’t identify or like some character in a story, that story is not for me. I’d feel the same way writing a story. Got to have somebody you want to have a good outcome even if many troubles come his or her way.

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