Why I Hate February

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, Heart of Hollyhill 19 Comments

February 1, 1966
Jocie Brook here reporting from Hollyhill, Kentucky. I’ll have to keep Dad from seeing that headline. He would sit me down and give me a long talk about hating any day. He’d tell me that every day was a gift from the Lord and one to be glad to face. He would say he learned how precious each day and the promise of each tomorrow was while he was serving in that submarine during World War II. Then he would quote that verse from the Bible that says something about this is the day that the Lord hath made. Let me rejoice in it. Those might not be the exact words, but you get the idea.

Dad’s right. He’s nearly always right. I am glad I woke up this morning before the sun came up to get ready for school and then slogged out through what was left of the snow a couple of days ago to catch the bus because Dad had to go in to work early. Have I ever told you how much I hate riding the bus? I’d rather ride my bike, but Aunt Love said it was too cold. I hated to admit she was right but I nearly froze waiting for the bus. My dog, Zeb, wouldn’t even come out of the garage where he sleeps to wait with me the way he usually does.

So that’s one reason I don’t care a lot about February. A good one if you ask me. It’s cold. Very cold and cloudy more days than not. Sometimes it spits snow with that piercing wind like it’s just hoping to make you miserable. And the sun seems to take a holiday here in Kentucky. “I believe I’ll just slide around up here on top of the clouds and not bother breaking through.” I’ve never suggested this to Dad but I’m thinking even the Lord isn’t too crazy about February since he didn’t give it as many days as all the other months. Thank goodness.

But okay, I admit it. The real reason I’m not too crazy about February is that Valentine’s Day is stuck right in the middle of it. I surprised you, didn’t I? What’s not to like about Valentine’s Day, you ask. It’s all about love, you say. And flowers and candy. That’s the trouble. It is all about love, and that’s not a problem when you’re down there in elementary school sending everybody in your class a Valentine, even the boy who tripped you on purpose out on the playground or made fun of your hair. You still sat down and put his name on a Valentine card and then put your name on the back. You didn’t write love or anything unless you did “like” him.

I didn’t have a boyfriend then and I don’t have a boyfriend now. I didn’t want one then and I say I don’t want one now, but sometimes maybe I wouldn’t mind a boy walking between classes with me. The right boy. Don’t tell anybody I said that. I wouldn’t want them to think I’m feeling love starved. I’m not. I’ve got plenty of people loving me. My dad. He’ll even bring home a bag of those sugar hearts so we can laugh over the silly sayings on them. And Wes, he’ll give me something goofy. Probably a heart he cut out of purple paper and wrote a silly poem on. Yes, purple, not red. Wes says hearts are all purple up on Jupiter. So I’ll have plenty to smile about.

But still it might be fun to have a boyfriend bring you a box of candy or a red rose. Some boys are fun to talk to. Especially that new kid who moved here last year. Maybe I should give Kevin a candy bar, but that’s not how it’s done.

Oh well. Maybe we’ll get a foot of snow and they’ll call off school. Then the petals will fall off the roses all those popular girls were going to get before we go back to school and their boyfriends will get hungry and eat up all the candy themselves. How romantic, right?

The best thing is that February will be half over after Valentine’s Day and maybe I’ll like the last couple of weeks.

How about you? Do you like February?

Comments 19

  1. This is the first week in February here on the MS Gulf Coast and the azaleas are beautiful! Some are in full bloom and others very close. I just hope we don’t have more temps below freezing.

    1. Post

      Jocie here. Oh wow, Karen, I love azaleas. Only a few people have them around here. Leigh planted one in our yard last year but we don’t know whether it will come back after the winter. I might like February better if all the flowers were blooming. That would brighten up the month.

  2. I don’t mind Feb as it is a few days short also it means only 1 more month and we start our seeds. My husband has looked at every seed book at least 5 times since he got them and he gets so many 30 or more. It’s just crazy and he loves to garden so he spends his laid off time dreaming about the garden he is about to have. Also when Feb is over only 1 more month and he is back to work. I am not a fan of Feb as I feel sorry for the single people and also feel if you love someone that one day isn’t the day it should be every day that you tell them those special words also enjoy the time with them. Just like the bible not only Sundays should you pick up the bible but everyday should be a time for bible study and praying . So Jocie I can see why you don’t like Feb and are happy when it;s after Valentine’s Day. Happy Valentine Jocie.

    1. Post

      Jocie here. Aww, thanks, Peggy. You’re the first to wish me Happy Valentine’s Day. Of course, I know more will later when it’s closer to the 14th. And I shouldn’t worry about a boyfriend giving me a heart box full of candy. Lots of other things to think about or to be thankful for. My dad would really agree with you about the Bible reading. I’ve been trying to read through the Bible doing a chapter a night. Some chapters are easier to read than others. I get bogged down sometimes in the begat chapters or the rules about doing this or that.
      I like gardening with Miss Sally. It’s fun to grow different things. Last year she let me plant some gourd seeds. Those plants grew like crazy all over the fence by her garden. Maybe this year we’ll raise big pumpkins. I hope your husband has a good garden year.

  3. Yes, Jocie– my husband did — when we were dating! Now chocolate has too much sugar and fat— but I sneak it anyway!
    My son did when he was home, too.

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      Jocie here. I’m too skinny to worry about sugar, Paula. The more the better but Aunt Love says that someday I may have to slow down my sweet tooth. Now I ride my bicycle and eat candy any chance I get. Have you ever eaten a Blue Monday candy bar? Those are soooo good.

  4. I don’t like to wish away time, but I am always ready to see the end of February. I don’t care for the cold freezing weather or the short daylight hours, even though they are getting a little longer each day now. I look forward to spring time and it’s not very far away at the end of February.

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      Jocie here. You are so right, Connie. Sometimes our March flowers are already thinking about blooming by the end of February. Miss Sally says that’s a sure sign that spring is just around the corner. And Dad is always saying I shouldn’t wish my life away. Maybe I can just sleep through Valentine’s Day!! Since I don’t have a boyfriend.

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      Jocie here. Hope you have a nice birthday, Pat, and get to celebrate it with your granddaughter. Miss Sally’s birthday is in February too. On the 29th, Leap Year day. She says that makes her only around 20 or something instead of almost 80. I guess I have to like February for her. I love Miss Sally.

  5. Jocie , my dad’s birthday was in February ,and my first grandson was born in this month .Other than that and maybe this is the month we might get snow ,Oh and also the days are getting longer ! lol

    1. Post

      Jocie here. I like snowy days too, Faye. And not just because we get out of school. I like to walk out through the field on the farm next to our house even though I hate messing up the smooth surface with my footprints and Zeb’s pawprints. He doesn’t mind at all. He loves running in the snow. It’s fun looking for tracks like rabbits and other little animals. I like it when the snow clings to all the branches and turns the whole place into some kind a snowy fairyland world. So that part of February, the snowy part, is okay. But the part that’s just freezing cold isn’t much fun. My room is too far from the stove and it gets cold.

  6. I love February!!! Our beautiful daughter was born 52 years ago on Valentine’s Day. My birthday falls exactly two weeks later on the 28th, so Feb is a very special month for me. 😊❤❤❤😊

    1. Post

      Jocie here. I’m glad somebody loves February. Every month ought to have somebody love it. I guess birthdays might make that happen. My birthday isn’t for a long time. I’m sorry I talked bad about your birthday month, Karen. I hope you have a really nice birthday and get to celebrate with your beautiful daughter. You must be a really great mother to always think your daughter is beautiful. My mother didn’t like me much. Well, not at all, so she would have never said I was beautiful. Dad wouldn’t say that either. He’d be afraid I’d get a big head. Leigh would tell me I’m cute. Aunt Love would tell me to quit worrying about how I look on the outside and make sure my inside is good. Tabitha would laugh at me worrying about being cute and Wes, well, Wes might tease me about how being beautiful on Jupiter meant you had two noses and three eyes. But he would tell me I’m beautiful if he thought I needed him to tell me that. He’s like a granddaddy to me and that’s how grandparents are, isn’t it?

  7. Well Jocie, you ever thought maybe alot of people have birthdays in February? They do, my brother-in-law is one of them. In fact his birthday is on Valentines day! I always have a hard time finding a birthday valentine card, they are so hard to find and most of the time I can’t find one. And I was thinking this morning as I flipped the page on my calendar, wow! Spring is getting closer!! You made me smile today Jocie. Only 28 days to hate February, just be thankful you don’t live in Alaska!!!

    1. Post

      Jocie here. I’m sorry, Phyllis. I guess if my birthday was in February I’d like the month better. But I wasn’t wanting to get rid of February or anything. I hadn’t thought about anybody having trouble finding birthday cards that are also Valentine cards. I know this guy at church who has a Valentine birthday. He’s a nice old guy. He’s probably at least 55. Maybe I should make him a Valentine birthday card this year. Might make him smile. Thinking about spring makes me smile. That means not many more weeks of school and I’ll have all summer to read and write and ride my bike and visit Miss Sally out on her farm.

  8. Jocie, look on the bright side! February is closer to Spring. God brings all good things in His time! You gave me a good laugh today.

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      Jocie here. You sound like Leigh, Paula, telling me to look on the bright side. She always does. But I guess you’re both right. So what if I don’t have a boyfriend. Who has time to be making eyes at boys anyway? I have to make my grades and help at the paper and listen to Wes tell Jupiter stories and play with Stephen. Boyfriends can wait. But a box of candy would be nice. I love chocolate. Did a boy ever give you a box of candy, Paula?

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