Buzzing about a New Winner

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal Leave a Comment

bee and flower

Last week’s Mystery Picture

And so we see the rest of the picture. Most of you guessed it right off the bat. Well, you guessed the bee anyway. A few of you didn’t see the daisy but nearly all of you recognized that bee. Sometimes the mystery picture is hard and sometimes not. And the fun part is that different people see different things. It’s good to work our imaginations a little. Well, it’s especially good to keep mine working.  🙂


I liked seeing this bee on the daisy because that means they are some out there. Bees are vital to our food supply chain since they pollinate many of our plants’ blossoms. But bees are having a hard time in areas, including ours. Several beekeepers have completely run out of honey locally. My husband likes his honey. He thinks it helps his allergies. I’m not a honey eater. Didn’t like it even when I was a kid and my sweet tooth was at high alert. I guess it didn’t taste enough like chocolate. However, I would beg Tums from my aunt at times to feed my sugar addiction. I never went for that chocolate appearing Ex-Lax though. LOL.

But back to bees. We are not beekeepers here on the farm. My mother’s father was. I should have worked that into the Rosey Corner books. Mom said she sometimes watched her dad gather the honey and that he didn’t get stung. Or not that she could remember anyway.

I can only remember getting stung by a honey bee once when I was a kid. But they were everywhere on the hollyhocks that grew all around our yard. We sometimes caught them in quart jars just for fun. Didn’t take a lot to entertain us, I guess. We always let them go after they buzzed at us in the jars.

I do wish I saw more of them buzzing the wild flowers now.Our world is an amazingly complex system of intertwining  creatures. “Then the Lord saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31)

On to the Winner!!!

Danie is the Wednesday blog winner. I’ll get her choice of one of my books out to her as soon as I hear which one she wants. Sharon was my previous winner on last Sunday’s blog and she sent me a message that I just looked for and didn’t locate. I read it while I was away visiting my daughter this weekend, but unfortunately I don’t remember, for sure, which book she wanted. I think it was Love Comes Home. But sometimes my thinker gets a little mixed up. Does that ever happen to any of you? I’ll search again, Sharon, or contact you again.

Newsletter and Website Contest

I appreciate all of you playing my guessing games. You make blogging more fun. Now, if you haven’t already entered, you can hop over to my website to see details about my Celebrate The Innocent Contest. Deadline to enter is midnight EST July 3rd. Shaker prizes!

As always, thanks for reading!

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