What would You Name Flower 2 in the Name the Flower Contest?

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal 23 Comments

You all are always such fun whenever I have a contest here on One Writer’s Journal. You jump right in and give whatever I suggest a try. Some of you knew your wildflowers and guessed right on my flower picture. It was a poppy. A celandine poppy or wood poppy, to be exact. But for those of you who called it a buttercup, I was right there with you on that for years. That was what we always called them and it’s a name that fits well. 

Making Up Names

I’m glad some of you who didn’t know the name had fun with my suggestion to pretend you were the first person to discover the flower and thus were able to name it whatever you wanted. A couple of you came up with interesting names. Yellow or butter ruffles. Fluffypants. Not sure about that last one, but the petals do look fluffy.

Coming up with the absolute perfect name for a character in a book or story is one of the fun parts of writing for me. I get to name my main characters (the good ones and the bad ones) and dozens of minor characters in each book. I get to name where they live and the pets they have. I sometimes even name their vehicles. So why not name some wildflowers?

But the Real Name is…

A Guide to the Wildflowers and Ferns of Kentucky  by Mary E. Whatron & Roger W. Barbour says. “The celandine poppy has yellow juice as well as yellow flowers. There are 4 petals…buds are covered with 2 hairy sepals and the fruit is bristly hairy. …The species, which grows 10-18 inches high, is widely distributed in the state and is frequent in rich mesophytic woods, especially on slopes where leaf mold is deep.” 

From this new picture of the wood poppy this week, looks like it will grow in the middle of rocks too. But I do find my wildflowers on those kind of leaf covered slopes the book mentioned.

Okay, flower number two is up top. Remember, a new guess on this flower gets you another entry into my giveaway. But if you do guess, please leave a way to contact you or if you don’t want to leave your e-mail here or have trouble leaving a comment (I know some of you do but I can’t seem to fix that) then e-mail me your entry at annhgabhart at yahoo dot com.

Basic Giveaway Scoop

Here’s the basic scoop on the contest in case you didn’t see it on Sunday’s post. The winners will get their choice of one of my books and a grab bag book by a different Christian author. The contest is open to USA and Canada for print books and e-books for international entries. You must be 18 to enter. Deadline for entries is April 18, 2015 at 12 midnight EST. I’ll announce the winners here on April 19.  

And remember, if you don’t know the actual flower name, just think about what you might name it and tell me that.